Recently by Darius Kadivar | Comments | Date |
TOMBSTONE: Bidding Goodbye to (ers) | 4 | Dec 05, 2012 |
ROYAL PREGNANCY: Prince William, Duchess of Cambridge Announce Pregnancy | 3 | Dec 04, 2012 |
DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES: Golshifteh Farahani & Sienna Miller in Road Movie ‘Just Like a Woman » | - | Dec 03, 2012 |
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
See what I mean by junk mail?!
by Anonymouse on Mon Mar 31, 2008 07:57 AM PDTSee what I mean by junk mail?!
by HUMAN (not verified) on Sat Mar 29, 2008 12:53 PM PDT:) SAME FOR YOU ANOTHERHUMAN :)
Thank YOU Human
by anotherHuman (not verified) on Sat Mar 29, 2008 12:23 PM PDT:) You made me smile with all your words.
(Truthfully) deep down, I am a softie :) and I wish everyone well.
Have a wonderful weekend...
by HUMAN (not verified) on Sat Mar 29, 2008 11:43 AM PDTDear Anotherhuman,
I truthfully appreciate all your words.
The basic of this event any way is to learn from each other for the best way for every one.
sorry HUMAN
by anotherHuman (not verified) on Sat Mar 29, 2008 10:42 AM PDTYou're right, I don't know you AT ALL--takes several years to get to know someone in my experience.
I'm sorry, I knew I shouldn't have used some of the terminologies that I did use in my post. But, truthfully, just get annoyed at all the bickering between pro Pah's and pro Hes' :)
So, I was quick to judge, and I apologize--I absolutely think it is wrong to judge people.
Jamshid Jamshid Jamshid
by anotherHuman (not verified) on Sat Mar 29, 2008 08:43 AM PDTSTOP IT WILL YA?
Lets be nice, lets be fair, lets be calm. Lets think...
How can we as a WHOLE communicate, ok, little by little.
Little by little gang. Lets UNITE.
HUMAN, thanks for your reply.
by HUMAN (not verified) on Sat Mar 29, 2008 08:20 AM PDTMany thanks for your reply "anotherhuman".
First of all, you do not know me very well.
Any way I will respect what you would like to say, but you are not allow to acuse any person.
A person could be a human defending freedom, democratic, etc as you say but also respect and accept what King of the King of Iran did for all of us Iran the properity for our country to be in the same level as other countries.
So please I will appreciate to respect each other.
Best wishes for you anotherhuman.
by HUMAN (not verified) on Sat Mar 29, 2008 07:43 AM PDTI am glad to meet another human.
We all it means each of us can do a very positive action with good healty knowledge and base it on the human right for our lovely country Iran for the benefit of the general people.
Working as a quality team we can raise to the goodness and the prosperity, defending the liberty and our nature freedom.
Iran should be well know by other countries. And the way is to show the good things we have for share.
Keep the original culture of Persia and your will be proud of being Iranian.
by anotherHuman (not verified) on Sat Mar 29, 2008 07:11 AM PDTHuman, I just read your previous posts and before I replied to yours I didn't realize you were UNREALISTICALLY a Ridiculous fan of Pahlavi when I replied to your comment.
I thought you were really sincerely just a "HUMAN" as your name implied that wants a FREE, DEMOCRATIC, GOOD, etc. IRAN.
I thought finally someone UNBIASED who REALLY wants a change and maybe there are more HUMANs out there like that and we can all finally unite and seriously (but calmly) do something UNITED. (like how the Jews are ALWAYS so wonderfully united and as you can see they have come a loooooong way).
Iranians are so stubborn and set in their mind set that it holds them back from compromising and so we have now this weird government running our country.
We hardly ever take care of our own. Even hardly our own families let alone our own hamvatan--again, we should really take a lesson in this respect from the Jews.
The point is, stop being selfish and unrealistic and start compromising and lets take care of each other as a family AND as hamvatans so that we are strong enought to finally make a change and be able to call a country that is ours to be TRULY proud of.
by Anonymous1234 (not verified) on Sat Mar 29, 2008 05:01 AM PDTey chAkhAne sheytoon!
baba ageh mikhay chAkhAn pAkhAn bokoni, aghalan make it believable. shomaha ke khodAyAne doroogh goftan hastid.
C'mon, you can do better than this bull shit story about your uncle!!
Re: Ali
by jamshid on Sat Mar 29, 2008 03:39 AM PDTExcellent advice! I am refering to your advice to "take a trip to Iran and talk to some people. Real people from the middle and lower class; students, artists, activists, businessmen, workers..."
I have done just that! More times than I can count. In a pahlavi vs. IRI refrundum, and in the abscense of any other choice, the great majority of the people you mentioned, Azari, Kurd, Arab, Lor, Balooch and Fars would vote for pahalvis, hands down.
As I have said before, not because they are in love with "cheshmo abroo" of pahlavis, but purely for economical common sense and for the pahlavis being secular.
Now I suggest you, Mr. Ali, die hard IRI supporter, oops, sorry, you are a "reformist" (read: closet IRI supporter), why don't you watch this video and then compare today's Iran with 30 years ago:
Then give us some more sermon on pahalvis.
Re: Mammad #2
by jamshid on Sat Mar 29, 2008 03:28 AM PDTQuote from your post: "I totally agree with you that one should learn history in depth, learn from it, not distort it, and then try to to use the knowledge and experience in the future."
In other threads, you Mammad, keep repeating the same lies and baseless accusations against the previous regime while highlighting IRI's "fantastic" achievements. It seems you are in need of your own advice more than anyone else.
You not only distort history, but you even "fabricate" it. Here is one example where I caught you red handed:
You claim, "responsibility that the Shah had in creating a situation that brought the mullahs to power, and creating the present mess in Iran."
"present mess"? Didn't you in the above thread refered to the IRI as "fantastic"? So is it a mess or is it fantastic? Or does it depend on your convenience?
The shah's mistakes are not the only reasons why we are dealing with the present mess. Many others made significant mistakes: Jebheye Melli, the left, moderate ayatolahs like Shariatmadari, our intellectuals, the ordinary people, we all had our share of mistakes for this mess. We can even trace some of it to the pre-pahalvi era.
But you stubornly insist that it was ALL Shah's fault. This is called fanatism. This is called ignorance. And PUHLEEEZE, don't give me your "you are calling me names and I won't lower myself to your level" BS. If you are so sensitive then perhaps you shouldn't politically engage anyone in this site.
You also denied being jealous about Reza pahlavi. You mentioned that neither his achievments nor his education, etc, are things to be jealous for. I agree. However, you are jealous for something else. You are "greedily" jealous of Reza's family because they have money, because his father lived in a palace, because of their "zargh o bargh". That makes you angry. It bothers you. It makes you uncomfortable.
There is a name for this. It is called "oghdeh", and oghdeh usually has to do with one's upbringing. That is why it is difficult to overcome.
Re: Mammad
by jamshid on Sat Mar 29, 2008 02:12 AM PDTAs you usual your statements are a depiction of your hyprocrisy. You complained at Mr. Kadivar for posting pictures of a family that you think belongs to the past.
What about you? You have admitted many times that you are a devout Shia moslem. What do you think of Ashoora and Tassooaa? You know emaam hossein, don't you? He was part of YOUR royal family. And yet after 1400 years, Iranians are forced by people like you to remember that "laate arab" called Hossein, and hit their head with zanjir and ghameh in his memories.
At least Mr. Kadivar is just posting a few photos.
You are a hypocrite Mammad.
Additionally instead of giving him a sermon on "Bush", YOU should start listening to the cries of your own countrymen against whom all kind of atrocities are being committed by none other than your "fantastic" IRI (your own words), while the likes of you keep on legitimizing this barbaric regime. How dare you give a sermon to others?
Then you have the gulls to say "people are entitled to their opinion, but not to profanity." How kind of you! And what does your "fantastic" IRI does to people who express their opinion?
Spare us from your sermons.
Then you say this bit: " How did the Shah get his fortune? By working tirelessly? How did Reza Pahlavi get his fortune?"
As a matter of fact the Shah did work hard. He spent 10 to 12 hours, six days a week, working on a range of issues, so that a "bi gheryat" like you can go to school instead of going to war. So that our country can progress forward. He had his perks, vacations, living in a palace, private airplane and the work, for which I say "noosheh joonesh", he deserved it.
Your upbringing must have been filled with "oghdeh" against the pahalvis. You surely can realize that not all people are oghdei like you.
by anotherhuman (not verified) on Fri Mar 28, 2008 05:52 PM PDTYOU SAID IT. Now lets stop the BS with everything and lets talk seriously so that we can all live in our beautiful country IRAN. For our children and for the world like you say...
by HUMAN (not verified) on Fri Mar 28, 2008 12:29 PM PDTWE NEED A NEW IRAN¡¡¡
by urstruly (not verified) on Thu Mar 27, 2008 11:12 PM PDTAghaye Khadivar,
It triggers emotions because we are all confused and have REALLY no idea wtf happened to our beloved country IRAN. And we start to blame. But really we dont know the truth, so we are sad and we'd like answers and we wish our IRAN well.
Not because there is a picture of Reza and his family. The Pahlavis should not flatter themselves to think we GAS, because their photo only triggers us to wonder "why?"
The Pahlavis are not Iranian
by Jamshid Niavarani (not verified) on Thu Mar 27, 2008 06:06 PM PDTThey hold citizenships of other countries. None of the losers in the photo hold a valid Iranian passport or a valid Iranian identity card. They are not Iranian. They are American, Egyptian or a citizen of any country that is not Iran.
The Pahlavis are not Iranian. They just pretend to be.
Pahlavis, give back the money you stole from 70 million Iranians!
You theives.
by HUMAN (not verified) on Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:00 PM PDTDEAR ROYAL FAMILY PAHLAVI,
Ajab ghalatea kardeem inja comment dadim
by Anonymouse on Thu Mar 27, 2008 11:10 AM PDTNote to self, don't comment on anything Royalish or you'll get tons of junk mail!! Poor Darius Kadivar. I feel your pain!
One of my uncles spent 3
by Azad1234 (not verified) on Thu Mar 27, 2008 11:00 AM PDTOne of my uncles spent 3 years in Shah's prison. He was arrested when he was 19 for throwing a rock at a police vehicle during a student protest. After 35 years, one of his fingers is still deformed (broken under torture), he has permanent damage on his ear and traces of cigarette burn one his hands and forearms.
He spent 3 years of his youth, getting beaten and humiliated daily by the SAVAK officers, receiving foot whipping until urinating blood, and going through all kinds of other physical and psychological tortures for participating in a student protest!! One can only imagine what they did to actual political opponents!!
The Pahlavi regime was one of the most corrupted and totalitarian puppet regimes on the surface of the earth. It takes a lot of NERVES for this "Royal" family to even show up and display their pictures in public!
Happy childhood
by Grateful 4 ever (not verified) on Thu Mar 27, 2008 05:34 AM PDTIn spite of everything negative said, heard or read about this family, I for one am for ever grateful to them for all the wonderful happy days I had as a child growing up in Iran under the late Shah's rule, something which my cousins who are much younger than me, were deprived of by their own admission, growing up in Iran under the theocratic rule of the Ayatollahs.
A Princess Who Arrived With the Spring
by Reza Baygan (not verified) on Thu Mar 27, 2008 05:25 AM PDTA Princess Who Arrived With the Spring
March 27, 2008
As the defeated army of winter sends its scattered forces of cold spells into desperate sorties and spring asserts itself with confidence in its birthright and splendour there comes the 27th March and the birthday of our late Princess Leila Pahlavi.
I know a few Iranians who faithfully remember this day and mark it with a quiet celebration. They make no fuss and show no great display of emotions but observe this event in a calm, reflective mood; a mood akin to Princess Leila's own reserved and unobtrusive temperament. They remember it as a day for focusing on the priceless virtue of human kindness and compassion. They devote this occasion to pondering the tenderness and fragility of life, and for keeping in mind what ultimately matters and is of eternal value.
Thinking of our princess we remember for instance to never forget the human element in the frenzy of a political horse race. Her gentle glance looking at us from her photographs reminds us that life is too short for acrimony and too unreliable for construction of anything grand except fond memories.
In these sorry days of opportunism and banality, it is refreshing to think of our elegant and dignified princess who arrived in this world with the tender flowers of spring and withered away before the arrival of summer. May God bless the soul of our beloved Princess Leila who intensely lived and passionately loved.
" Nemi fahmam shoma mardom
by anony753 (not verified) on Wed Mar 26, 2008 10:49 PM PDT" Nemi fahmam shoma mardom chetooneh.
In aghaye Kadivar har chi mineviseh dorost migeh. Oon sari too sarha dareh.. az aksesh maloom keh adam hesabi-yeh. Shoma ha nemifahmid.
Ma zaman e Shah e faghid chi kam dashtim?
Benzin nadashtim? Ab nadashtim? Bargh nadashtim? Khandeh o khoshhali nadashtim? Yadam e amaleh hay e saakhtemooni ham har rooz chebhelo kabab
Khahar e Aghdas khanoom ke baramoon kar mikard ham rafteh bood London jens avordeh bood baraye forosh, az oon pool ham baraye pesaresh ham yek Peykan kharid.
Shomal raftan bi daghdagheh nadashtim? Behtarin hotel haro nadshtim?
Marg nadashtim... keh shomaha khastin oonam baramoon sarazir shod.
Kee hameh oon chizhaee ra keh 'Dashtim' behemoon dadeh bood? - Shah e faghid.
Khoda rahmat esh koneh roohesh shad.
Montazer e Reza shah dovom hastam keh biyad dobareh hameh cheez abad beshe. Shoma ha lia ghatetoon hamineh keh alan dareen, nah shah."
--Verbatim quote from my aunt, 69 years old,
begggd me to write it for her.
by THE BEST FOR THE ROYAL PAHLAVI FAMILY (not verified) on Wed Mar 26, 2008 05:03 PM PDTCongratulation to you Royal Pahlavi Family the best wishes for you all¡¡¡¡
by Ayatoilet (not verified) on Wed Mar 26, 2008 05:00 PM PDTBeautiful family, he would make a great King and his daughter would make a great future Queen.
Greetings to Ali FishBoy from Republican France ;0)
by Darius Kadivar on Wed Mar 26, 2008 10:07 AM PDTWelcome to the 21st Century Wanda ...
France's New Emperor sends you his salutations ...
French President Nicolas Sarkozy says France and Britain have "never been so close", during an historic address to both houses of the UK Parliament.
Darius I have to agree with Ali.
by Anonymouse on Wed Mar 26, 2008 10:00 AM PDTSorry but he is right. Har gerdee gerdoo nist. Just because there are thousands of comments doesn't mean this family is special. They are special for themselves not for the rest of us, most of us anyway.
To Darius Kadvar
by Ali (not verified) on Wed Mar 26, 2008 09:34 AM PDT"Funny how a Nowrooz Photo of the Royal Family triggers so much passion amongst you to turn it into one of the most viewed items this week."
hehe, typical monarchist delusional misinterpretation of facts :)) There can be a thousand comments on this thread all insulting and mocking the Pahlavis and Mr Kadivar will interpret that as the "passion" of the Iranian people for their beloved royal family! And of course let's not forget the "silent majority" who is ALWAYS on the monarchists side....
I just want to know, if
by Farah's fan (not verified) on Wed Mar 26, 2008 08:30 AM PDTI just want to know, if there were no revoloution and Reza Pahlavi became the King, would their marrage be in jeopardy because they don't have a son? Same thing happenned to Faouzieh (shah's first wife), or would Reza change the rule and make it like England's monarchy system and his daughter would become the Queen of Iran?!!
They're such a nice family and would be a shame if they did divorce for such a stupid reason!!!
beloved royal family
by Arash Kamangir (not verified) on Wed Mar 26, 2008 05:00 AM PDTBa Dorood bar Pahlavi Family,
When you look at this photo, you look at the dignity of iranians and their ( aberoo) that has gone lost 29 years ago. Those of us abroad who insult this family are the remnants of those who shouted 29 years ago "death to the Shah" and now are refugees abroad and have to live off social welfares and have no dignity whatsoever. Those who became traiters back then are still talking about bringing about a democratic republic in Iran.
Javid Shah