
Saeed Ghahramani

Fundamentals of Probability

In line with my interest in academics, this time also I would like to nominate another Iranian professor as Iranian of the day: Prof. Saeed Ghahramani. He has authored a very famous book -- Fundamentals of Probability -- which is one of the main textbooks on probability theory in many universities. He is currently Dean of the School of Arts & Sciences and Professor of Mathematics at Western New England College>>>

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TO: Andre Kolmogorov III

by Nader Vanaki (not verified) on

I have heard about Kolmogorov series in mathematics, and with your comments I have been led to conclude that you are III (third) in succession of stupidity.


I think You need to read

by Saeedtehrani (not verified) on

I think You need to read Life as it happens.
It was written by Dr. Khalili. It is a book every Iranian would be proud of. Although fiction based on some facts it defends the justice and humanity for all.
The short stories there are classic and I admire the work as Shahnameh. I would recommend him as next Irani of day.
I like Math books but Life as it happens has a lot more value than an academic book specially in these times.
I am sure Omar, N-cons, Saddam some hajis who exploit others and other wrongdoers of the world would not like the book.
The publisher is publishamerica dn I got mine on


Kafar hame ra be keishe khod

by kolmogrov IV (not verified) on

Kafar hame ra be keishe khod pendarad!

Look at your family in Russia! WHo is ruling them? He isnot better than mullahs, infact he trains them.
I hope those mullahs take care of you somday!


Probability that Iranians will regress for ever = 0.9999.....

by Andrie Kolmogorov III (not verified) on

Despite the successes of a few Iranians here and there, the majority of inhabitants in Iran are stupid. You want a proof!? Just look at what and who is ruling them! A bunch of Arabs, the Mullah!? Unfortunately Iranians authoring books in Probability theory, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, etc. are not going to save the ignorant masses in Iran!? A massive bombardment by the Israeli Air Force may have a higher likelihood of doing that, however!?


2nd Summer house

by Nader Vanaki (not verified) on

I do praise your wish to someday go to "Dehat" and "do some good", I just hope it is not the English language you will try to teach.


I PLan

by 2nd Summer house (not verified) on

Every Iranian abroad should plan to contribute to Iran ...
After retirement, I plan to contribute to Iran ...

May be go to a remote "Dehat" in hart of Iran and do some good ...


2nd Summer house

by how silly (not verified) on

How silly! Did he ask for your great wisdom on how to manage his life! Is this the only comment you can give!?


Iran will need people like you

by 2nd Summer house (not verified) on

Think about retiring and a second Summer house in Iran
teaching in Iran perhaps ...

Have you heard the news today
Dutch university bans Iranian students

Iran is denied Knowledge the basic/Fundamental human rights


Plan your retirement very well.... Iran Needs you ...


Proud of you..

by proud of you (not verified) on

Congratulations, as usual, it is a source of honor and pride to see academic advancement of our Iranian hamvatan. God bless you!