Shah & OPEC

Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi at 1971 Tehran OPEC conference



Two Questions

by ksalehi on

I do have two questions that I would like to solicit answers from the readers.

 1. Why did our educated men and women, especially those who were educated in the West, made such a colossal error in judgment that they could support a fanataic akhoond, namely Khomeini, to manage Iran amidst all of the socio-political complexity of the world affairs in the late 70s?  I can understand that they thought by bringing Khomeini and dumping the Shah, they could form a more democratic form of government in Iran.  If that is what they thought, why don't they concede that they were 100% wrong?  Doesn't deductive reasoning tell us that if they were wrong then, can they not be wrong again?

2. Why is it any leftist, especially those who were members of the Tudeh Party, (Communist Party of Iran) who believed and trusted Stalin and his cohorts is at present members of the Democratic Party?  While I will not support that corollary (all Iranian Democrats are previosuly or currently members of the Tudeh Party), I am puzzled that why all who were/are members of the Tudeh Party are Democrats. 

I would greatly appreciate if a genuine and logical answer can be provided to these two questions. 



Dear Friend: I agree with

by ksalehi on

Dear Friend:

I agree with most of the things you said.  One thing I would like to address is Shah's departure from Iran.  It is easy to blame him for departing Iran.  Where does the fault of ungrateful Iranians reside?  Why did millions of Iranians demand (I don't mean the amalehs and dohatis.) I mean our educated ones, those who had seen the West and were educated in US, UK, Italy, Germany, France and other Western countries) who demanded him to leave?  It is Monday morning quarterbacking to say if he had not run away, we would have had a different destiny.  We have proven that our destiny is not in our hands.  Mosaddegh tried to ruin British and they did away with him we did not learn the lesson.  Shah got too big for his pants and we did not learn the lesson.  Now Ahmaghi Nezhod thinks he can become a super power.

One of my close family members has been in the USA for over 50 years and has a PhD. He blamea Shah because he says if we did not have the Shah, we would not have had Khomeini.  I told him if we did not have Ghajars, we would not have had the Pahlavis and if we did not have the Zands, we would not have had Ghajars. 

The only consolation I have is his consistency.  He and the rest of his family members were all staunch members of the Tudeh Party and have always had a keen hatred for the Shah and his father.  They have long been memgbers of the Democratic Party.  Their idols are Stalin and others like him.  They show their affection for Saddam becasue they loath Bush and blame him for destroying him.  In so long as our educated ones have this type of thought process, do you foresee any hope for Iran? 



It's too late and there is no but, if, or otherwise

by ksalehi on

My friend, you are way too optimist, even for my standard who is known to be an optimist and a positive person n all aspects of my life.  Iranians by nature, by trait and by genes are nearly all hypocrites and allow criticism to fully occupy their veins.  The minute they leave a house with belly full of food, they start criticizing how terrible the host was, why there were only two types of khoreshts, only one type of soup and why the filet had not been properly cooked, etc. etc.  Look at all the Iranians (90+%) who jumped on the Obama bandwagon even with full knowledge that the Democrats have traditionally been a keen enemy of Iran, they still supported another Democrat.  Allowing and blessing the men (current Iranian leaders) to use nuclear weapons resulting only in one outcome, the blow-up of nuclear material and radioactive particles in Iran for so many years.  Those misguided and misinformed people, I am referring to our educated folks) who supported the revolution 30 years ago now support Obama with an unrealistic idea that there is not any evil in this world.  Tell that to Ahmaghinezhod, Khomenei, Khomeini clan, Ben Laden and alike. 

Bush's stupidity was that he went after Iraq, whereas, he should have gone after the Iranian leaders.  I have tried to tell cancerous cells to go away rather than performing a surgery to remove them. After my 15 children died of cancer, I reached the conclusion that if I had removed the cancerous cells by operation, I would have averted the life of my 16 children, or did I say 15.  I forget.  I have zero hope for Iran and Iranians.  It will take 15 generations to replace the stupidity, greed, cheating, and the culture to do nothing but to criticize and to learn from our mistakes.  Dream on my friend, 

My relative has constantly pleaded with me to help relocate her sister and my brother (husband and wife) from Iran.  Yet she and her family members have voted for Obama.  That tells me that she says let all other Iranians suffer and go to hell, but let us save or "nejot" our family members.  She tells me to go to Iran to save the country if I feel bad about it.  My response to her and to all other confused Iranians who thought they could trust akhoonds more than a secular government, was and is that I never supported the akhoonds and have been out of the country for 47 years.  Those who caused the revolution to succeed have the ethical, moral and ultimate responsibility to make change.  They ruined once country and now are trying to ruin this country. 




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It's too late but

by Abarmard on

It's too late now but I believe that with Shah we would be an advance country with a great economy. UAE would be placed in Bandar Abbas (as it was supposed to be the hub). We would benefit from oil and service economy. I don't claim that the revolution was done by the west, but I do believe that the west had a hand in overthrowing or speeding the overthrow of Shah.
Now that Shah is gone and we know what we could be, we should not fall for the same traps and be played. We must believe in our nation and focus our attention to our people inside the country. I am not sure what would be the best solution, and if you are not sure don't rush into something. Yet I read one comment in that I absolutely agree with and that is we need to help the Iranians inside by pushing the western regimes to lift the sanctions. Economical path is a valid method to political openness, especially for Iran. People will take care of business once they have time to "itch their head".



by Anonymous whatever (not verified) on

Whatever shah was or was not, whatever he did or did not, iran and iranians had their best days in at least 200 years during his reign: peace, economic growth, development, education, and prosperity for a vast majority, except of course for those who focused on opposing him to grab power, like islamists and leftists. those days are long gone and frequent travelers to iran know that attitudes inside iran is much different these days, and many young and old long for those good old days, and curse the shah but for letting them down and handing the country to mullas.


John Carpenter

by bahareh (not verified) on

Yo Johnny,

We're sorry, won't you come on home...



The greatest man...

by Laleh (not verified) on

What a great man, we really did not deserve him! He was too good for us.



by leading nader and all his degrees like a little doggie (not verified) on



I am an American who worked in Isfahan during the 70's

by Dick Cox (not verified) on

The Shahinshah was a great visionary who wanted to modernize his nation. And sometimes he had to resort to iron fist to put down the mollahs and after 911 we understand why. All in all he was a great patriot and great friend of America.


Afarin bar to farzande pake Iran

by Kiana (not verified) on

Kaveh Jon,

I totally agree with you.

Thank you


Khafeh show Bacheh haroomzadeh!!

by John Carpenter II (not verified) on

Listen to your Dad and shut your trap. Ok?


but...we have democracy now!

by no_name (not verified) on

Say what you want, but we have a real democracy now...we even have a space program, nuclear technology, we assemble pegut, benz, we are doing scholarly work on the history of Holocaust, we are building jet fighters, and the list goes on. If you are reading and nodding along you are an idiot!

We have yet to do the basic refinery work and we need India and China to do it for us. We should have been the jewel of the Mid-east and be the financial, trade, cultural and technological hub in the region. But instead we got the Napoleon-syndrome loud mouth, a crippling oil infrastructure, and embarrassment to our great culture.

Let's blame ourselves, az mast ke bar mast!


Mohammad Reza Shah was a disaster

by John Carpenter III (not verified) on

The biggest idiot from the 1940s until 1979 was Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.

He was a nut who believed that Imam Mahdi could cure his cancer. What a nut.

The Shah was a loser.

His White Revolution failed.

His 2500 year celebration was a waste of money.

His SAVAK led to a revolution.

And even Khomeyni was smarter than Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.

Implement what?

He did nothing for Iran.

Any advance made during 1925-1979 would have happened no matter who was in charge.

Do you believe the Mullahs are the reason that Iran has internet access?

Come on, be REAL.

The Shah was a loser. The Pahlavis are losers.


he was right

by MRX1 (not verified) on

and had he stayed in power and got the chance of implementing policies he wanted to do, the whole region including Iran would have looked far different than what it is today. Sadly he took a fight with people, organizations and governments that were far more powerfull and more curel than he ever imagnied. Indeed this was begining to an end.

Kaveh Nouraee

The Idea Was a Great One, But.........

by Kaveh Nouraee on

Unfortunately it had no chance of success when the U.S. and British governments threw so much money at OPEC to maintain the status quo.

Had Mohammad Reza Shah's idea been implemented and put into practice, we would be seeing a much different balance of economic power in the world today.


Re: People who are looking towards the west

by Wondering (not verified) on

XerXes said it best. While it is useful to realize that Shah's mistake was to pick a fight with someone way bigger than him with no internal support - whether his fault for being disconnected from his people or simply going to fast, it is more important to take the lesson that not only the Western Imperialist has no interest in improving Iran, but in fact they are keeping the country in the shape that it is because it serves their criminal purposes. It is time to realize that the mullahs are nobodies - just puppets. And those who target mullahs, ignoring the Western imperialists, or worse, ask the Western imperialists to help for a regime change, are just fools not realizing what is going on. Apparently Reza Pahlavi is now hoping that the West will remove mullahs and bring him or someone democratic in power. What these people don't realize is that the Western imperialists have no interest in bringing democracy and modernization to Iran. It would be completely against their wishes. Reza Pahlavi has NOTHING to offer the Western imperialists. The mullah's regime is FAR better to them than anything else right now. I hope we will realize this and stop targeting the wrong "enemy."


I told Shah but he did not listen

by Miz-abdol-azim khaneh Ghareeb (not verified) on

I told him in 1970, that the best alternative for Iran would be to close the British embassy and all its consulates, stop assembly of Paykan autos and start building Mercedes Benz. I also suggested that we bring Shahreh-no Tehran to where the British Embassy is located and make it easier for the fornicators to have fun!

First he agreed, but then Farah interferred and the case was dropped and here we are! LOOOL


People who are looking towards the west

by XerXes (not verified) on

People who are looking towards the west to solve the Iranian issues must watch this and realize that IT IS the west that we are like the way we are...



by Alborzi (not verified) on

Wasn't this the logical conclusion of what
M ossadegh did 28 years before?


to All self appointed oil experts

by Oil engineer (not verified) on

How many nations can you name who are "connected" to their country's oil negotiations? Did you expect him to be submissive to the oil powers? Then you would have said he was just a puppet in the hands of the multinationals. You guys speak through your bottom's orifice.



by Aboil Danesh (not verified) on

Oil business is genericly and fundamentally is a gang deriven business-- just like heroin cartels...
In this bonding and bond business you are either in it or you are not... but the catch is once you are in it you must be in it for the rest of your time-- zero tolerace for the quitters-- no if and no but...

Bond! James bond! 007 Gold finger!

As you see baby I am joining the criminal oil cartels loud and clear by chnaging my name from Abol Danesh to Aboil Danesh...

Ahh I love these nice houses with all soft marbles all around it like sweet pussy...


He stood against the oil powers and lost!

by farrad02 on

Statements like that and the creation of OPEC was the begining of the end for his reign!


Disconnected indeed

by Majid on

And that was the MOTHER OF ALL MISTAKES !


That was the begining of the end, PERIOD !


Re: fattollah...

by Khasteh (not verified) on

God bless him. He had his own fair share of mistakes, but his heart was in the right place. May he rest in peace.


Nafti jan and Afsous Khan

by Fatollah (not verified) on

Nafti jan, Yoy said it brother! Afsous khan, easeier said than done!


Disconnected from his people

by Afsous (not verified) on

The problem with the Shah was that he sold himself to the world powers for so many years that he couldn't free himself from their domination easily. The huge petro-dollar fortune of the golden years in the 70's gave him some false confidence to make little noises against the western influence from time to time as seen, for example, in this video clip. At the end, the masters couldn't tolerate such misbehavior from a servant and finally got rid of him. He should have relied on the support of his own people and not the foreigners.


What we had here was the failure to communicate

by Nafti (not verified) on

Unfortunately the regime did not get its own people involved in these issues, consequently they made people ignorant and susceptible to opposition for false promises like "we bring the oil money to your door steps".