Sinehzani in Manhattan

Ashura 2008 in New York City

This year the traditional Moharam procession was taken out in Manhattan, NY. The Procession is taken out in order to observe the great sacrifice made by Imam Hussain (A.S).



Why don't they just move back to where their heart belongs?!

by Irooni ye kalafeh (not verified) on

You can take the bacheh maahal out of Tekyeh but you can not take the Tekyeh out of bacheh mahal!!!

What percentage of these honest religious people would you say took out a legitimate vacation day to go to this religious procession? I think they all called in sick and lied to their bosses!!!

But joiking aside, a person who still goes to sineh zani after being in the U.S. for years, is obviously in the wrong place! Why don't they just move back to where their heart belongs?!


very suspect

by shakkak (not verified) on

I just don't believe this. I think it is a staged thing to turn American public opinion against Iran. "What barbarians..."



by mou (not verified) on

Charming, as usual. Idiots!


Take out

by Iva (not verified) on

you can take a boy out of stupidville, but you can not take the stupid out of the boy.

Has someone asked if hussein was so powerful that even 1400 years after his death in the hands of moslems, he can help the living, how come he didn't help himself and family when he was alive?!


Iran belongs to Iranians

by Iran and Iranian (not verified) on

You can not have freedom under religion but you can have religion under freedom.