WALL of SHAME Rally in NY

Speech by Nazanin Afshin-Jam in front of UN in New York


“Today we’ve organized the Ahmadinejad wall of shame rally, and we’re trying to bring attention to the world community that Ahmadinejad does not represent the people of Iran, and we have true voices of Iranians speaking today about the human rights abuses that are taking place in the country.” -- Nazanin Afshin-Jam

“I look out at the streets of New York and see Christians, Buddhists, and Baha’is who all openly display their faith; I see women with heads uncovered and people protesting government policies. In Iran, they would already have been imprisoned, tortured, and executed" --
Nazanin Afshin-Jam

"This wall of shame demonstration is hoping to give a 'voice to the voiceless' and address the concerns of the vast majority of Iranian people who believe in a united, secular, democratic Iran based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and no military intervention on Iran" -- Nazanin Afshin-Jam

For additional images of the rally and the demonstration please click below: //scenews.blog.com/3928266/


more from SCE Campaign
Red Wine


by Red Wine on

خانه از پای بست ويران است

آب از سر چشمه گل آلوده


DK: If I am not replying

by Mehdi on

It is not because I didn't read your comment. i just don't think they need any reply. But I do read them.

By the way, I liked that video. I have never seen that movie. I think I will find and watch it - looks like a great show.


A moment of silence for Fred

by Mehdi on

Let's not be rough on him. the international organized crime he supports, the AIPAC, is falling. The guys is losing his employer. Let's have some mercy on him. His lunatic rantings are not discernible anymore. please, don't bother him. Let him say his last few words before the lights goes out fully. Thank you all for your cooperation and pity for yet another member of this cult of GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED.


Double whammy

by Fred on

Being Islamist & suffering from Dyslexia.


Fred the logician!

by Left lap poodle (not verified) on

Fred, Feredy, Aziz, bala,

Logician is not a word and you'd have probably been closer if you had said logican or logicician! With you it doesn't really matter ;(o)

What does "decutive prowess" mean?!

You crack me up! Using your own English and "logician" I didn't mean to "crack you up"!

Pelease smile! Don't worry about Afshin Jam and children or Mujahedeen have a beer on me and loosen up! You "loosen us" up all the time!


The Islamist logicians

by Fred on

 Although demagoguery is second nature to the Islamists, in written format it becomes a sight to behold in. This level of their deductive prowess rejuvenates one’s belief in the downfall of the Islamist republic being only a matter of time.   Alas till then they will have murdered a whole lot more including many children


{"Hell will freeze over before Islamists who are desperate to silence their ever growing opponents succeed in making their murderous political ideology synonymous with the religion of Islam."
That means Islamists follow Islam. So?!! Did you expect Islamist to follow Scientology?!
You are so jacked up on anything Islamic that you don't even listen to yourself anymore! If you don't know what synonymous means don't use it!"}


‫آ میتی،

‫لوتی (not verified)

‫روزه گرفتن برای کسانیکه تابشو ندارن حرومه. آقا برو یک آبی بزن به سروصورتت، یک چائی بزن و یک رینگ بذار. شنگول که شدی بیا اینجا یک حرف درست حسابی تحویلمون بده.

Darius Kadivar

Everything you wanted to know about Mehdi ... ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Don't pay attention to this "Mehdi" he Really needs help:




SCE, front group for MKO-ZioNazi alliance

by Mehdi on

Their campaign of falsehood and misrepresentation has all the characteristics of MKO work. Because MKO has been in prison for the past 5 years or so, they have been unable to do their usual terrorist activities and have put all their effort into psychological warfare, trying to fool other countries that an attack on Iran is a "good idea." Unfortunately a small few of weak-minded ignorant Iranians who are looking for any opportunity to get some kind of revenge are buying into this nonsense. This is a campaign of fraud, as it can easily be seen heavily supported by the international crime organization AIPAC. AIPAC agents are swarming these threads cheering for Nazanin.

Darius Kadivar

Posted Twice ( Error)

by Darius Kadivar on

New Movie about the Stoning of Soraya M. based on the novelized True Story by Fereidoune Sahabjam is now a major Motion Picture.

watch Trailer

And Review on SHABAHANG ( youtube)

The Official website : The Stoning of Soraya M.

Darius Kadivar


by Darius Kadivar on

New Movie about the Stoning of Soraya M. based on the novelized True Story by Fereidoune Sahabjam is now a major Motion Picture.

watch Trailer

And Review on SHABAHANG ( youtube)

The Official website : The Stoning of Soraya M.



by Left lap poodle (not verified) on

"Hell will freeze over before Islamists who are desperate to silence their ever growing opponents succeed in making their murderous political ideology synonymous with the religion of Islam."

That means Islamists follow Islam. So?!! Did you expect Islamist to follow Scientology?!

You are so jacked up on anything Islamic that you don't even listen to yourself anymore! If you don't know what synonymous means don't use it!


Fat chance

by Fred on

Hell will freeze over before Islamists who are desperate to silence their ever growing opponents succeed in making their murderous political ideology synonymous with the religion of Islam.

SCE Campaign

No To War!

by SCE Campaign on

Nazanin's speech on Monday 

“Change in Iran will not come through war and bombs; that’s exactly what Ahmadinejad wants. Change will only come from a revolt by the Iranian people, backed by the West, which needs to cry out today on behalf of these children and against Iran’s violation of human rights.”   Nazanin Afshin-Jam

Stop Child Executions Campaign


Fellow brothers and sisters? I wonder if Fred thinks that

by DARIU S (not verified) on

I wonder about people like Fred. Do they really consider these victims their brothers and sisters? What if their families are practicing Muslims? Are these just convenient victims for Fred's crusade against Islam?

That's the only troubling part of these "campaigns" for me. This isn't meant as an insult to Nazanin. I'm targeting Fred here.



by DarBand1000 (not verified) on

Before answering to your questions. Please don't reduce or forgive the criminal act of executions. Since august this year three youths (at least) have been executed in Iran:

August the 18th:

August the 19th:

August the 26th:

And the justification of these executions is the dog law of Sharia (Dog law because it says to bite a dog's leg if it had done it before)

I've listen to Miss Jam clip (Have you also looked at it?). She is in New York to remind the human rights in Iran for you and me because the UN is located on this city. She would have also done it if UN was in Canada, France or wherever. For me the US are not a reference but if you compare the number of executions in each of the both countries with respect to their total number of population. The ratio in the US is ridiculous compared to the one of Iran.

I love my country as you do and the fear is effectively that this movement of anger be recovered by the enemies of Iran. But, we can not sit and look at the beast devouring our entrails. This danger is real and people are paying for the causalities now. We have to stop this savagery before it's too late.

Iranian people would never let any foreign power to manage them. We are not Iraq nor the Afghanistan or another place in this world.

David ET

Yes to Human Rights, No to War

by David ET on

Here is Nazanin's speech the day before in front of UN. Addressing a primarily Jewish crowd, she stresses that war is not the answer:



Be Koori-e cheshm-e Khaharaan-e- Zeynab!!

by Anonymous111 (not verified) on

Taa in kalaagh siyahaa cheshmeshoon koor besheh!!!

Jahanshah Rashidian

Courageous Campaign

by Jahanshah Rashidian on

Nazanin's initiative to timely denounce human rights by the regime of Islamist occupiers in Iran must be approved by all secular, democrat, and patriotic Iranian opposition regardless their different views.

She brought about the common words of "democracy, secularism, Human Rights, and non-representative of the IRI", which all mean to spell an end to this non-Iranian regime.

In this campaign, she has not only symbolised a non- forced-veiled Iranian woman, but also hope for a whole frustrated generation of young Iranians who look for freedom.

Also, her message is a reminder to all political activists who have both knowledge and experience of politics but not harmony and efficiency to organise such campaigns.

Some IRI's thugs on this site, supporters, and lobbyists attack her, whereas the majority of posters have sympathy for her and support her courageous campaign.

While she rightfully called Ahmadinejad "not representative of Iranian people", IRI's stooges managed a very expensive interview of their "president" with Larry King.



Who is paying for her expenses? that's what I want to know

by laylaj (not verified) on

Who arrange her interviews and who pays for her trips? She is another pawn in the hands of zionist jews and aipac supporters such as this Darioush Kadivar guy. That's why he's been promoting and advertizing her nonstop for the last few weeks.


why is she getting so much publicity?

by observer (not verified) on

We have so many more important issues going on at this moment, why is she getting so much coverage? Kate Moss wanna-be. This is not a run-way. Grow up.

Darius Kadivar

SPLENDID NAZANIN: Here is to you ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Wonderful Speach and activism Nazanin Jan,

Here is in tribute to you and all your hard work:


Hope one day All these Artists will join their voices to you too.



We Love U Ms. Afshin-Jam

by Charles Exeter (not verified) on

The educated Iranian loves what Ms. Afshin-Jam is doing for her country. Anyone here who has anything negative to say is a Hezbollahi.
The students in Iran with no hope except to grow up and grow old and die in that country run by these thugs-all look highly upon Ms Afshin-Jam for standing up for them and being their voice. She left Iran at the start of the revolution-when she was under one years old- and look at the love she has for her country and countrymen and women. Shame on anyone criticising her when they themselves dont lift a finger. No wonder you are in a this same situation after 29 years under the Mullah rule! Where are the Iranians who hold the torch and courage to move forward! I kiss the ground this lady walks on. Shame on you for those not supporting her. You will all live under these tyrants for another 30 years to come if you dont start supporting each other.
I feel sad for the Iranians, I feel hopeful if you come together. Its not hard to see why you are where you are.


This is too funny

by Anonymous-Now (not verified) on

Bunch of do-nothings are sitting in front of their computer criticizing a woman's speech that they did not even bother to listen to.

Fifi: how about a chador? would that fit your taste better?

iraniDoost (right): you didn't even listen? she says no to military attack and you go on and on telling her she shouldn't be for one? really? Duh! she's not allowed to go to Iran you want her to go back there? Stop patronizing her based on your ignorance. Are you going to garanty her safety when there have been death threats against her? khejalat ham khoob chizieh!

Jamshid niavarani: she should coordinate with human rights watch and amnesty international? did you just crawl out from under some rock?

Mehdi: you're so full of hate I can't even tell you how to wake up. You're way too infested with hatred to hope for a cure...

Haji: you go back to Iran where is so much better than canada

You people have no idea how much you sound like hajiagha, the moron who praises these criminals but is too afraid togo back and live there.

get a life


stop propaganda and be honest

by hajiagha on

this is propaganda and stupid show by the mojahedin Khalgh , I be in NY when was Khatami came to speak at U.N Mujaheddin are pay for my ticket and hotel , I did not know this until I get in fly to NY... and was so ate to back , they bring so many people from others country some of them they are did not know why they came to NY, they pay by Mojahedine ? I don not like this, government of Iran are punishing drug dealers and gang's and you see at this pic are holed by them they are drug dealers not politically actives, stop propaganda , life is not better as Iran in canada or in USA.


To DarBand1000

by Azad99 (not verified) on

True, Iran has a high record of executions. But lets be more rational and realistic here.

According to amnesty international, Iran executes an average of 150 people people a year (which has increased since the government of Ahmadinejad). And again according to amnesty international; the great majority of them are drug traffickers, murderers, arm robbers and rapists. It is NOT homosexuals , students, journalists and children!!

Sure, there were cases where people were executed for adultery but these are isolated cases, and fortunately certainly not a trend at all. If Iran really executed adulterers and homosexuals, I would guess that in a population of 70 million, we would have a lot more than 150 executions a year!

So, 150 or more executions a year is still a lot. And a lot of work should be done by lawyers and activists inside Iran to bring this number down. And this includes educating the people themselves, since, let's not forget, that in Iran it is the family of the victim that decides whether or not the death penalty should be carried on.

Now let me ask you some questions;

How helpful (and honest) is it to have Nazanin Afshin Jam holding the picture of two rapists in her hand at a public place in New York City and shout in front of the cameras that Iran is executing "homosexuals" ??!

Isn't it terribly hypocritical to stage a demonstration against the death penalty in Iran in a country (the U.S) that has itself a similar rate of executions??

Isn't it terribly biased to accuse Iran of violations of human rights, on the soil of a country that has itself mass murdered over 1 million Iraqis just within the past few years?!! (not even mentioning Guantanamo bay..etc)

Isn't it terribly stupid to become the instrument of a war propaganda machine that has been manufacturing lies for years to justify war and sanctions against your country? and has done the exact same thing with your neighboring country just a few years earlier?

But as always, we Iranians are so easily manipulated by emotions and sensationalism that anyone who dares but a little more rational in his/her argument will quickly be branded as "an agent of the I.R", a "terrorist" or another stupid label.



امیر کبیر در راه مبارزه با کشت خشخاش، دفع شیعه و مالاریا (not verified)

البته خوب جوانند و پر انرژی و میروند و جلوی دیوار عربده میکشند. خوب اشکالی هم ندارد. ولی آیا هیچکس از احمدی نژاد خواست که در یک جمع ایرانیان خارج از کشور حضور پیدا کند و بدون عربده کشی و آلت دست سی-ان-ان شدن سئوالات خودرا مطرح کنند؟

شما اگر به مصاحبه بسیار جالب شبکه "بلومبرگ" با آقای هومن مجد گوش کرده باشید،وی مطالب جالبی را مطرح کرد. آقای مجد مترجم احمدی نژاد در سازمان ملل است. او اضهار داشت که دولت ایران کوچکترین نگرانی در مورد ایرانیان خارج از کشور ندارد. یعنی همانی که خودمان هم میدانستیم ولی شک داشتیم. زیر حمایت انگلیس آنقدر سنبه شان پرزور است که ما غربتیان را اصلا قبول ندارند، چه بسا که بترسند!

باری، اشکال ما با احمدی نژاد و دارو دسته ایشان نیست. دشمن اصلی انگلیس است که آنها را سر کار گذاشت و از آنها حمایت کامل میکند.

انگلیس دولت اسرائیل را در سال 1947 تاسیس کرد برای چنین روزی، که بتواند با آتش افروزی در خاور میانه برای یک قرن نفت مفت را ببرد.

حالا کار بجائی رسیده که حتی ایرانیان مقیم در آمریکا نیز جرات انتقاد از دولت اسرائیل را ندارند! از چه باک دارید و میترسید؟ فکر آینده فرزندان آن خاک باشید.

آنقدر از سی-ان-ان تقلید نکنید و فکر نکنید هر کس که آنها او را دشمن میخوانند شما هم باید آنرا تکرار کنید.

دشمنان ما آنها هستند که باسم کنسولگری و رایزن فرهنگی، هروئین خام بین جوانان ما پخش میکنند

بیدار شوید و ترس را کنار بگذارید


jingle dangly

by Fifi (not verified) on

I don’t like her dress. It’s not appropriate for this occasion. It’s too much green and almost see-through and jingle dangly. I would prefer a more darker color pants and suit , dark navy blue to light black color for this serious event.


I am disappointed...

by iraniDoost (not verified) on

Nazanin aziz, I admire your speech for human rights; however, you are ignoring the truth about human rights. yes, iran's law and government do not measure up with what you and I have been raised up for(we are spoiled).
Iran has it's problems and your negative efforts will not help anyone in Iran. What do you expect from people in the west? military attack against Iran for your human rights dreams? There are millions of children who do not have human rights right here, Nazanin joon. They need ton of help and you are looking into a country which it is 10,000 miles away from you!?. Why do not you go back there(Iran) and live for few years and then you understand what is going on there!
Let you know that you are not helping the people of Iran. Just pay attention to millions of innocent people who are suffering or killed by the so called "co elisions" in middle east. Regards



by kurdish Warrior (not verified) on

What the hell are you talking about?? The enemies of iran is your Shia Mullahs who kill their our citizens in the name their islamic constitution. Killing juvenilles, stoning woman, harassing and murdering ethnic iranians, left the country with rising unemployments, drug addiction, prostitution and the list goes on...How blind and idiot a person can be?????