Wrong images of Iran

We respect all religions, BUT...



Dear English Ed: Here is a

by sickoflies (not verified) on

Dear English Ed: Here is a great article regarding the Iranian society; especially women:


Also check out her other articles Here:




by English_Ed on

I just looked up Islamic Sigheh on wikipedia. It sounds like a wife on loan. What!? Yeh that seems quite contradictory as Islam, so I believe, is supposed to be about fidelity etc.



by English_Ed on

Hi I'm not sure you completely understood my view point.

"Are you also suggesting there are no gays in Iran or Iranian straight men have never slept with same sex partners to prove their masculnity? Are you suggestign the culture of pedophilia among the clergies does not exist or young girls as young as 9 years old are legally allowed by their father to marry someone twice their age? You don't consider that legalized pedophilia or child molestation???And our poor English-Ed buys their argument hook line and sinkers."- This definately isn't accurate. I actually think quite the opposite. I think that there must be gays but by the looks of it there is denial about it.

 Dear English-Ed, please do some research on the Islamic Republic. The society is more corrupt,unethical, perverted and immoral than any western country you can imagine.- I hope that isn't true... well I hope it isn't worse than the US right now anyway!

Iranian men feel entitled to sleep around even when they are married; infidelity and cheating on your wife of 20 years is the norm and accepted behavior in the Islamic Republic. What do you call Islamic Sigheh, legalized prostitution, and polygamy sleeping over??? Why so much hypocrisy and bigotry toward the other human beings who just happend to be Westerners? Prostitution and drug addiction in the Islamic Republic are an epidemic.

Ed, for your information, Iranian men and some women have many different partners in their life times; this was not the case during the previous regiem, which is ironic given that the previous regime was not Islamic but secular.- I am actually quite surprised about this though. Yeah I'm in the middle of looking into Iranian culture right now. There seems to be a lot of beauty to Iran that is never portrayed by western media but quite serious negative aspects too. Either way though what is put on western media about Iran is usually either inaccurrate or just lies.



by sickoflies (not verified) on

Why doesn't he show the British sleeping around? Why doesn't he show Americans invading other countries, shooting each other and sleeping with theor same sex." LOL you don't know how much I agree with you about that.

LOL, are you suggesting that Iranian men and women don't sleep around in the Islamic Republic???

Iranian men feel entitled to sleep around even when they are married; infidelity and cheating on your wife of 20 years is the norm and accepted behavior in the Islamic Republic. What do you call Islamic Sigheh, legalized prostitution, and polygamy sleeping over??? Why so much hypocrisy and bigotry toward the other human beings who just happend to be Westerners? Prostitution and drug addiction in the Islamic Republic are an epidemic.

Ed, for your information, Iranian men and some women have many different partners in their life times; this was not the case during the previous regiem, which is ironic given that the previous regime was not Islamic but secular.

There are hardly any virgins left in Iran; hence, the popularity of hymen surgery in Iran.

Are you also suggesting there are no gays in Iran or Iranian straight men have never slept with same sex partners to prove their masculnity? Are you suggestign the culture of pedophilia among the clergies does not exist or young girls as young as 9 years old are legally allowed by their father to marry someone twice their age? You don't consider that legalized pedophilia or child molestation???

And our poor English-Ed buys their argument hook line and sinkers.

Dear English-Ed, please do some research on the Islamic Republic. The society is more corrupt,unethical, perverted and immoral than any western country you can imagine.


These Thugs do not Represent Iranians.

by masoudA on

and don't let the Western World sell that to you.   This is part of a deliberate attempt by certain westerners (Euros) in detaching you and I from Iran and Iranians.   Those who have lived in Iran recently know that this behavior is as much foreign to average Iranian living in Iran as it is to you and I living outside.  

These are few of the losers in the Iranian society who are willing to do anything to earn as much money as an average dentist or an engineer does and they do !!!   Provide the same type of income to high school dropouts in USA or Europe - and they would be willing to walk around with a stick up their butts !! 




by English_Ed on

A few of the comments here made me laugh so I thought I'd join up and add a few comments.

First of all to the first user Omid Djalili is not mocking Iranian culture. He is mocking the BBC who always represent Iran by showing that type of clip. He isn't saying all Iranians do that he is saying there are a few wackos but the BBC only shows those clips and so it gives everyone in the UK the impression that all Iranians are like that- which isn't true.

"Why doesn't he show British when they get drunk and start shouting at each other and fucking around? Why doesn't he show the British sleeping around? Why doesn't he show Americans invading other countries, shooting each other and sleeping with theor same sex." LOL you don't know how much I agree with you about that. Ignoring the fact you misunderstood what Djalili was saying I think you are completely right about those things being shameful aspects of western culture. In other sketches Omid Djalili does mock other aspects of Western culture. Its funny because even though I kind of resent the 'British when they get drunk and start shouting at each other and fucking around...' I am guilty of it myself as it is in the culture and there isn't a whole lot else to do here. I'd also like to add that some people are born homosexual and they can't help being that way. I am definately NOT gay but it isn't their fault that that is the way they are.

"If you take a video from a night club anywhere in the west, you will see high people do a lot more un-acceptable behavior and jump up and down like zombies and morons.. while they have no objectivity but getting laid and in very rare cases for the pleasure of the music. They consider themselves at the apex of humanity and many of them look down at others while in reality most of them are vividly selling their bodies. At least these people act un-orthodoxly for something real, mystical and divine."- I think zombies and morons is quite far there. Not everyone goes out with the intention of trying to have sex that night. That is actually a relatively unusual occurence considering how often people go out. Usually they are more likely to get a phone number and then start dating them. When I go out it is usually for the music, my friends and the girls. There are a few that think that it is the apex of humanity but they are just ignorant. I don't think any intelligent person really believes that going out and getting drunk is very impressive. I think the words real, mystical and divine are extremely contradictory in the way you used them.    ;)


Iranian.com is slowly but

by Ali1234 (not verified) on

Iranian.com is slowly but surely turning into a Zionist propaganda website.


Shame on you

by Milad (not verified) on

This bloody guy asks British to show the images of Iran by asking them to hit on their head???!!!!!Shame on him, really shame on him and all those who exchange their country,no matter how bad, with money.

He doesn moneky business on teh stage and earn money by saying that he has Iranian roots and them makes fun of his people.Oh my God, how can people becoem so pathetic and selfish. There are bad things in every culture. Why doesn't he show British when they get drunk and start shouting at each other and fucking around? Why doesn't he show the British sleeping around? Why doesn't he show Americans invading other countries, shooting each other and sleeping with theor same sex.

Shame on you! I am not saying that the people in Iran are right, but our problems are our own business and not others'. Again, SHAME ON YOU!


Iranian culture? Mehdi,

by shameoniri (not verified) on

Iranian culture? Mehdi, you're sadly mistaken. Your Islamist/terrorist culture has nothing to do with Iranian culture. Those Islamists who blow themselves up for their religion could not care less about Iran and don't know the first thing about being Iran. All they know is to propagagte their death cult through violence and terror and to bring misery upon the rest of the world.

Islamists do not belong to a nation by definition; they belong to the Ummah and patriotism and nationlism is meaningless to an Islamist/terrorist.


Our other option is to join

by skatermom (not verified) on

Our other option is to join these guys on a Sunday morning.



by kurdish Warrior (not verified) on

First of this is not iranian tradition. This is to do with Shia sect which not all of us follow or believe in. Respect to all religion but when a religon is forced upon others like for example having to see these individuals walking on street, hitting themselves and prohibit others from their ordinary life, that becomes problem. If you like to follow your religion that's fine but don't bring it upon others. I'm fed up with those Iranians defending this sect which only brought us nothing but misery. It has portrayed a different image of Iranians to the world. These idiots believe that their Imam is coming soon and that is end of the world. That is scary.. These people are nothing but bunch of shia fanatics....
As for comparing..Are you kidding me? Club vs this..
Since when has night club bothered the society????


حرام حرام حرام

طلبه (not verified)

من به عنوانه یک طلبه و خدمت گذار دین این اعمال زشت و قبیه را که بیشتر شبیه اعضائ یک فرقه مرده پرست و افیون زده دیوانه میمانند به شدت تقبیح می‌کنم و اینگونه حرکات احمقانه و مغرضانه را مرتبط با افرادی پلید میدانم که برای از بین بردن این دین مبین به نام دین اسلام در دنیا تلاشی شیطانی دارند. ایران سی‌ ساله پیش شیعه نشد. در زمان شاه ما اینگونه حرکات چندش آور در عاشورا نداشتیم. یک قمه زنی‌ بود که به لطف و مرحمت افراد روشنفکر بشر دوست قدغن گشت. خود زنی‌ و جراحت بر بدن گناه است و بر خلاف دین مبین اسلام است. یک حرکت من دراوردی دیگر غیر اسلامی این افراد آواز خواندن و دست زدن‌های بی‌ ربط در روزهای عزادریست. خواهران و بردران مسلمان اجازه ندهید که این گونه حرکات باعث عصبانیت و نفرت از دین در شما بوجود آورند. من دعا گوی همه شما هستم. واسلام و رحمت الا....و برک اته


Religion of Ignorance

by La Vie Blanc (not verified) on

Mr. Mehdi6666 (looks evil)

What Iranian Culture, what Iranian tradition????
This is not Iranian, this is Arab. Who said that this is our culture? And what kind of ignorant analogy is that? Comparing dancing in a night club to what a bunch of idiots do to their mind and souls. They are hitting themselves because it is shameful what Islam has injected in those heads. They should make themselves bleed until they are cleansed of this ignorant, pitiful ideology.
When people dance in a nightclub jumping up and down, there is a feeling of joy associated with it that brings at least temporary happiness to the soul. What does self inflicting injury does to the soul??? It crushes it. t belittles ones soul: I am so small and unworthy that I will cause pain to myself for Hassan o Hossein……….Such a waste of humanity. I am in awe.


Do Not Feel Bad ,We are not alone

by darius on

Be advised ,Graphic  in Nature.


Aghores Of India.


The Floggers of Phillipines.


The Sky Burial.


Western Wall.




by Mehdi9999 (not verified) on

they are the same ones that sacrifice themselves for their country and people while the more "educated" and "cultured" and "true Iranians" all run away from their country and are only Iranian as far as their cholo kabab takes them. Each culture and religion has its own peculiarities and in some cases some practices are not necessarily in the same line as what the religion preaches. However, that does not justify putting them down. If you take a video from a night club anywhere in the west, you will see high people do a lot more un-acceptable behavior and jump up and down like zombies and morons.. while they have no objectivity but getting laid and in very rare cases for the pleasure of the music. They consider themselves at the apex of humanity and many of them look down at others while in reality most of them are vividly selling their bodies. At least these people act un-orthodoxly for something real, mystical and divine. It is far more compelling than dancing to materialism. I am surprised at how this site is so eager to put down many Iranian traditions, yet, calls itself Iranian.com. If you are dis-connected from Iranian culture, that is your problem, keep it to yourself, otherwise, just shut up. If you want to criticize, at least be constructive.


Clever video with great music!

by farrad02 on

What is this music, please?!

And yes, we must change the present image of our people and the religion. But first wpeople have to change themselves. The image is created by, yes, the people!


bunch of horney guys

by MRX1 (not verified) on

these are bunch of horney guys with no action and that's the way the releive themselefs.


how many points did it drop?

by shirazie (not verified) on

They must have just seen their 401K statement.

where are the rest of the 70 million people beating themselves?

this is a very small group .. So what?

Body piercing is also accepted in UK and USA. They have a convention, for god sake

Does that mean all English and Americans are self mutilating?


The Iranian society

by allah (not verified) on

The Iranian society resembles the Middle Ages and the values of Middle Ages are constantly being promoted by the mullahs to keep the ignorant masses obedient and subjugagted.

This is real IRan, stock in a timewarp!

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Whoever created this video is very clever!!


Bunch of

by Kurdish Warrior (not verified) on

dillussional people hitting themselves for some individual human beings like Hossein, Reza, Ali, Taghi and the rest of the crew and off course not to forget the One they all waiting for Zaman. Bunch of idiots with tazahor who ruin our country with their fanatic shia islam ideology...