
Young boy

Selling flowers

I took this pic on Dec 17, 2007 in Tehran. The young boy trying to make a living is my Iranian of the Day!



Hey "no money for this guy":

by Anony (not verified) on

Hey "no money for this guy": you guys use every opportunity to trash Palestinian and put blame on them. our problem is not sending some spare change to Palestinian or others. Our problem is corruption and stealing. I bet you 90% money that's supposed to go to Palestinian gets lost on the way.

Iranians as well as other nations should help Palestinians and other people in need. French agreed to send $150 M or something like that and they do have unemployed and homeless too. There is nothing wrong with nations helping each other.

USA is pouring our tax money into Israel, but you never say anything about that.


He could be faking it

by Alborzi (not verified) on

Just like those tapes from Hormoz it could be fake.
You see, Just like Bush, Khomeini, Bin Laden who appear to be
stupid, but achieve their goals, so who is stupid.


haji agha

by kamran (not verified) on

JJ, why don't you organise an interview with haji agha. I bet it will be a big hit on the site! :-)


Very interesting

by sara29 (not verified) on

All the iranina who live in IRAN should be your iranian of the day...... b/c living in IRAN is a challange everyday.... and can't be shown in one picture!!!

mash mandali


by mash mandali on

Looks like you just got here and want to know everyting about everything quickly huh ?

This guy is a BOOK, he is a SHOW and he is a whole CHAPTER in this site, all by himself !!!! LOL

Visit this site for couple months and you'll find out for yourself, just be patient, Don't feed him just follow the comments.


To Marcy

by Toronto man (not verified) on

Dear Marcy,
It seems that you are very new to this site.
how can you not know hajiagha?!?
This site owes everything it has to this guy.
At first he pissed me off too, but now he is just pure fun, I only visit this site to read his comments, he is my morning coffee, and my night "DIAZPAM"... you will learn to love him soon, this DUDE is addictive ....
P.S. He is very horny ....WATCH OUT !


WHo's this F**King Hajiagha!!!!

by Marcy (not verified) on

I can't understand what a hell this crazy man trying to convey!!!! I BET he’s a junky…
He does not know how to write in Farsi, and obviously does not know English whatsoever. How the hell, did he ever end up in Canada!!???


good job boy you right man

by hajiagha on

better to sale drugs or smoke hashish on street and dir by drugs like in canada or in USA, kid are working in macdonald also are you willing to complaibe about sucks to this Iranian page is became like mojahedin khalg page


No Money for this Boy...

by Another Anonymous (not verified) on

He should sell flowers to make a minimum living while his share of the country's wealth is on its way to Lebanon and Palestine and Iraq, ... as well as mullas' foreign bank accounts.