Ziba Shirazi

"Return to my homeland"

Music video by Moslem Mansouri. zibashirazi.com


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Return flight is cheap price

by John Carpenter III (not verified) on

A flight is very cheap. $1000-2000 round trip.
She should buy a ticket and visit home.


I loved it, it's so

by 19 (not verified) on

I loved it, it's so true........
who ever says the opposite, never saw the paeen shahr......., and never saw the 90% of popluation who are suffering.
God bless all iranian, and help the ones inside, to get out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Beautifully Done, this

by Mitra from khuzistan (not verified) on

Beautifully Done, this is the life in Iran. It is sad and it is getting worst each day!No matter how many high rises and new highways are made in Tehran!I am worried for the future! Some choose to cover up for whatever reason? But Ziba Shirazi is a brilliant artist with a beautiful voice and she conects with the autdiance very well. Thanks Ziba , I am a fan I listen to your music all the time. I am very much touched by this music.
Be Omide Azadi, LOVE mitra


...but not bad at all!

by Miss Fussy (not verified) on

I find the video very beautiful yet a bit too long. The break in the middle of the song, with those girls talking is the climax of the video (very nicely done). I also think I understand why "anonymous 77" says the music seems out of sync with the video. The problem is not the video/editing; it's the music that doesn't go well with the song. The singer sings false most of the time and her singing don't match the music.
But in a broad spectrum the video is nice!



by Appalled (not verified) on

Here is my two cents or Dah Shahi :-) How each person perceives life depends on whether they view it through a dark colored lens or a bright colored lens. Here is another perspective. I hope you all enjoy it.



Oh dear

by Anonymous77 (not verified) on

Trust me, that music is totally inappropriate and totally out of sink with the editing of the video and why are all Zibas not ziba?


Realities in Iran

by Anoyed (not verified) on

She is just pointing out the realities in Iran, take a trip to Iran and see it for your self. If you find it negative and pathetic, that is exactly what most Iranians feel about their life in Iran under mullahs dictatorship.


Beautiful! My foot! Just say that you no loger love Iran!

by gol-dust on

it seems to me it is all about you selling your music through betraying Iran! A song saying that you are one of those iranians who have no intention of ever going back, which is fine, and enjoy living abroad and don't give a hoot about iran! well taken! I am happy for you! Some of us, however, love living abroad, but would have preferred living in Iran if there was a good government! There is no place like home! We will always be foreigners outside of Iran, no matter how much we try to blend in!

Long live Iran! Down w/mollahs and traitors!


so negative - pretty pathetic

by Anonymous11 (not verified) on

I find it pathetic that all she can talk about is negative things in Iran while thats not the case. I understand that there are problems... but comeon... this is a massive exaggeration, really sad.


I am homesick

by IRANdokht on

I became a fan of Ziba Shirazi's after I heard her sing and I saw the video Khooneh Jooneh


Very nice work!

Thanks Party Girl!



Wow ,so powerful!

by Tahirih on

I have always felt so sad for not being able to go back for so long. But recently I have witnessed how my friends go back and return so sad. I can see what she means by saying " going back made all my memories fade". I guess I am the lucky one for being able to close my eyes and see my beloved Iran the way it was.

thanks for the post,




by Abarmard on

Very nice