Zoroastrians Today

Interview scholar and former politician Farhang Mehr

A capture from the Film by Tenaz Dubash, "Crisis in faith: ZOROASTRIANS TODAY". This clip shows problems Zoroastrians are confronted with since the 1979 revolution.


more from Darius Kadivar

Abarmard I am disappointed!!

by Tahirih (not verified) on

I usually read your articles and it has never occured to me that you could minimize our plight !!!
I hope you read the reply of minority she, you may think it is writen with sensetionalism,but I could identify with many of the things she wrote,and I was not raised in a minority household and became a minority later on in life.
Your reply sounded like Queen 's reply to the plight of poor and hungry people.When she said they don't have bread ,then tell them eat cake!!!
You absolutly have lack of understanding and I strongly recommend you educating yourself before making assumptions about what had happend to us.


TO: Abarmard

by Minority She (not verified) on

It is very clear that Iranians unless they are a religious minority and have experienced discrimination first hand, they do not understand the degree of pain that people of minority religions have endured. Regardless of education, creativity or background, many of our countrymen and women have no sense of how difficult it is to be a minority in Iran.

-- To grow up around other children in the neighborhood but never get invited to their homes or have them in your house because you are najes.

-- To be told not to come to school tomorrow if it rains because if you get wet, you are najes.

-- To have your offering of foods to share with classmates rejected because you are najes.

-- To be serenaded with your distinctive family name rhymed with the disgusting bodily functions because you were najes.

-- To be send out of the classroom for one hour and to be asked to stand outside by the door while the religious studies class was in session. The name of God and Prophet Mohammad could not be uttered in your presence even though you are of the people of the book but still you were najes.

-- To be the only house in your neighborhood not to receive a bowl of oblatory Sholazard because your religion made you najes.

-- To be told in class that you are lucky to be in school, so you better shut up and don't ask questions because you are a yahoodi and will end up a "dalal" anyway because you were najes.

-- To be hit on the face by your teacher for being the only one in class to answer a question about Islam correctly.

-- To go to your first birthday party outside of your family when you were 18 because you were najes.

-- To be called names such as Armani - sag Armani and stones thrown at you when you walked out of your house with your family because you were najes.

-- To have your poor dog beaten bloody, because it belonged to your najes family.

-- To come home from school when you were 14 and for 3 years, spend six hours each nigh sewing and ironing cloth, helping your mother who neglected her children to support the family while your father's salary was withhold because he was najes.

-- To go through college for four years and have the seats on either side of you empty for four years because you were najes.

-- To have a cup of tea that you drank from taken from your hand and dumped in the garbage bin right in front of you by your friends mother because you were najes.

-- To walk in to a friends house and be given a marked towel to use because you were najes.

-- To fall in love with a Moslem mann "love of your life"and be a witness to his father's stroke upon hearing of the news because you were najes. To live with guilt and shame for 45 years and wonder if or what could have been! To never have a chance to visit your grandmother's grave because it was desecrated.

-- To be denied admission to university because you were najes.

-- To loose your inheritance because your parents marriage was not recognized and children born out of that marriage could not be added to their identity cards because they were najes.

-- To be told by the Iranian Interest section that you are a BASTERED because your parents lived in sin for 65 years and because you are najes To be told that I wish my son could marry a lovely girl like you, but too bad, you are najes.

-- To have lost your job and source of you livelihood when the "Cleansing" started because you were najes.

-- To have lost your home, family, friends and life because you are najes is one thing, but when you are forced to leave your beloved beautiful country because you are najes is something else.

The warm touch of your grandmother's hand and heavenly scent of her presence; the strong pat on your shoulder from an older brother who you never saw again; the man that you loved with your whole being and lives in your heart forever; the friends you made and the friendships that you have lost are not easily forgotten.

PLEASE TAKE a few minutes and think.
it's sad to see how little YOU understands the issues of minorities in Iran and religious discrimination.


Hey Abarmard

by AHURA (not verified) on

After revolution as a kid when I used to go school the muslim kids use to throw stone at me. So yes we have been discriminated for centuries by barbaric arabs and muslims. But I know one day we will claim our land back from arabs and bring peace to Iran as it is the basis of zoroazterain. Good Thought, Good Words, Good Deeds. How is it that you can call some one a prophet in your religion when the basis is to kill, revenge, no equality between men and women, no respect for women, no forgiveness, and conquer all no matter at what cost. Just read your history that prior to arabs the old persia was beautiful peacful advance country. People were encouraged to be educated and respect one another.


Hey Abarmard

by AHURA (not verified) on

After revolution as a kid when I used to go school the muslim kids use to throw stone at me. So yes we have been discriminated for centuries by barbaric arabs and muslims. But I know one day we will claim our land back from arabs and bring peace to Iran as it is the basis of zoroazterain. Good Thought, Good Words, Good Deeds. How is it that you can call some one a prophet in your religion when the basis is to kill, revenge, no equality between men and women, no respect for women, no forgiveness, and conquer all no matter at what cost. Just read your history that prior to arabs the old persia was beautiful peacful advance country. People were encouraged to be educated and respect one another.


Discrimination is not based on religion

by Abarmard on

It's based on social standards. In every society there is some sort of injustices among the citizens. Modern governments have brought laws to minimize those prejudices and enhance equalities.
I think this video is a bit confused and should have been done more carefully. Also don't confuse the IR or Islam as the cause of injustice to minorities. That's not the government or religious teachings but the lack of social growth. Would you say that all minorities in all countries are discriminated because they live in a Muslim country? Or even a religious country? How about the communist USSR?
Don't play the blame game and try to point your finger at something which you disagree with. Be an open minded individual and realize that it's YOUR society that is doing that. It's your society that is dictatorial and it's not exclusively the regime or the religion. Then we can move forward and fix it, since we have recognized the base of the problem.



by Zion on

It is a shame that Zoroastrians are and have been treated like this in their own land for so many years, by zombies created of a foreign and hostile ideology. It is really sad.


Sell-out and a tool!

by Shirazan (not verified) on

When you sell yourself to the ruling circles, you become an integral part of the apparatus of oppression, a tool for the dictatorship.

You can't help the masses from within the system, no matter how much good intentions you have. You may appear a clean-cut upstanding person and not realize the extent of your contribution for the survival of a rotten system glued together with the assistance of sell-outs who sell your dignity and conscience to power holders.

Throughout history dictators and despots who have been captured may not have had personal and direct involvement in scheming and carrying out crimes against humanity, but they have been tried and punished for being at the head (or the side lines) of a machine of inhumane rule, regardless.



by Hassan Danesh, Sociologist (not verified) on


Tabestaan (teeer? modaad? Shahreevar?)



by A. Hassan Danesh, Sociologist (not verified) on



Khatami: 9 (tajdeed)
Farhang: 20

Mehr, me-haa-rat, mohem, mohem-maat, mehrbaan, Maaher, ...


I looked at the clip factfinder, well done for his courage

by ramintork on

I looked at the clip, I saw an old man who had enough courage to standup for his community and fight discriminatory inheritance laws.This is not flirting with IRI, this is trying to get what little you can get out of such a regime.The Tarof parts was common courtesy, he is addressing the Islamic parliament what do you expect him to say? These people have to survive under such regimes so the options are either to pack the bags as many have done or be diplomatic.

As for patronage by Hoveyda, if an educated man, a leader of community does not deserve to hold such an office, then who does?



by Factfinder (not verified) on

Farhang Mehr is a product of the Shah's era. Without the patronage of Hoveyda he wouldn't have had any of the posts he held in that period. And yet, he suckes up to the same people who murdered his mentor and patron just to make his presence known. See the video below and judge for yourself. The way he showers Khatami with praise is nauseating. He is disgrace to the Zorasterian community as well as to the Iranians. He is the Godfather to Trita Parsi.



I have nothing but admiration for Iranian Zoroastrians

by ramintork on

Even as an agnostic I have nothing but admiration for Iranian Zoroastrians.They were strong enough to endure centuries of injustice, and discrimination.They maintained a part of us that many have lost.

Iran has actively persecuted Zoroastrians since the Abbasid dynasty.

Things got better during the Pahlavis but changed back to intolerance after the revolution.

As for Farhang Mehr, he seem to have made a great positive contribution in his time.

For those who think Iran is tolerant towards Zoroastrians I suggest you read the history:-


Bahram the Iranian

pure bs

by Bahram the Iranian on

total untruth, propaganda , a desperet propaganda campaign.


The IRI treats Zoroastrians

by Kamangir on

The IRI treats Zoroastrians the same way arabs invaders treated Persians, although one can imagine how bloodier and vicious the arabic invasion of Iran was. So vicious that after 1400 years we're still dealing with the descendants of those same arabs and their laws of terror.




Blaa Blaa Blaa

by BLAH BLAH BLAH (not verified) on

and etc.

اینها برای فاطی تنبون نمیشه


mhzrn ...

by Setiz (not verified) on

Do you have reliable evidence for your accusations? I am serious.

Those days, hard-core activist students were identified by other means. Head of university had neither any means to trap anyone nor any power to save anyone. So if you really feel that this great man willingly harmed anyone, let us see your convincing evidence.


Khomeini Moard: Halaa Kee to hast? Kee to neest?

by Abol Hassan Danesh, Sociologist (not verified) on


Har kee keh eerronee baasheh Faghat toost...


Mehr: 8 ?

by ABol 8 Danesh (not verified) on



In Iroon...Kee to hast? Kee to beeroon?



we must admit and acknowledge before we can turn things around

by brothers (not verified) on

Iranian moslems need to stop bringing excuses for the persecution of religious minorities, or any other minorities who are law abiding citizens of Iran.
Plitical/social oppression of muslims by their islamic government is a whole different subject just as severe, but minorities need to do nothing except being minorities to qualify for the inhumane treatment!
The more the majority excuse this ill treatment of others the worst their own situation will get and they will not recover. This is not good for iran, this is not good for moslems, this will affect all.
God bless those who understand and are ready to speak in fairness and truth.


Some of it is cultural

by Alborzi (not verified) on

Generally the Iranian government goes out of its way to not appear prejudiced, including guaranteeing a few representatives in the parliment, This is so because they see no threat from these minorities. However some form of bias is cultural and they translate into economic problems. The Zoroastrians
have faced these issues for a long time and because of Zoroastrians strict rules, they may become extinct in some parts.


I am so sorry about the

by mhzrn (not verified) on

I am so sorry about the people who thinks by saying these kind of things, can make themeselves legitimate. Iran has been a country of diversion and people well tolerated each other. Even now under the Islamic rule, other faiths are free to have their own religious ceremonies and practice their believes. Some people including Mr.Farhangmehr think by doing these kind of things can become a hero! For your information I have to say that when he was the head of Pahlavi University in Shiraz, it was the most darkest and dangerous time for students. I remember (as a former student of Shiraz University), how he had cooperation with SAVAK to arrest the students and sending them to prison just because they did not like the dictatoreship of SHAH. The Adel-abad prison in Shiraz was full of students who were captured by his cooperation with SAVAK.
Please do not listen to the people who wants to take advantage from political crisis.



by Setiz (not verified) on

It is true, even though the lady makes an "eshtebahe lopi." However, the difference between minorities and the majority is that the majority moslims are prosecuted only if they are involved in some sort of anti-IRI activities. The religious minorities are discriminated and prosecuted for no reason but for being of the minority. This has been most severe for bahais where they were hanged sometimes for nothing but some benign religious teaching activities.

It is shameful to note that iran has been the birthplace and country of all these minorities no less than it has been the country of any other majority iranian, and yet minorities are treated with less than full rights and privileges in their very OWN country their ancestors.

There are two points worth noticing in today's iran.

(1) Ordinary people, specially in major cities, are typically not so phobic about religious minorities; at least not as much as government agents are.

(2) Youth even from moslim religious families are trying to get out of iran when they can as they want to see a better future for themselves. That is, lack of job opportunity, corruption, addiction, etc. have no bounds and have started to awaken people, even the religious one.

As for Dr. Mehr, his contributions to pre-revolution are just too many to mention. He was a true patriot with no personal ambitions or gain. Iranians owe him so much once they come to know what he did whatever he was in charge of. May god bless him and his honorable family.

May eternal curse be upon khomeini and his gangsters and followers who spread the seeds of hatred, murder, corruption, and discrimination inside our beautiful country.


I am sorry to say, all of it

by Fatollah (not verified) on

I am sorry to say, all of it is true! But, it is also true that religious minority in Iran were disciminated even before the Islamic regime! It is unfair to take advantage of misrable conditions in Iran, everybody is suffering muslims or none muslims, many Iranians left Iran before and after the 1979, through the very same route- mountains, lucky ones made it all the way to North America or western Europe! Not everybody is happy about their situation in exile or what ever they want to call it. Today, it is not only the religious minority that is leaving Iran, many others want to leave or plan to leave! Especially the youth of Iran! But, truth sometimes hurts! These people suffered, many others did also suffer. It is important to acknowlege that fact.


Lots more that is confusing

by Anonymous45 (not verified) on

They also confuse the White Revolution with the 1979 one, but they also confuse conditions say in Yazd before the 1979 revolution and how things are now. That stuff about wearing patches on the arm is certainly not practiced in the Yazd of today. They also confuse prejudice on a social level with institutional discrimination, everything is just jumbled together. And then there is the random south asian guy at the end who spent only about a year and post-revolution iran and yet speaks categorically about it as though things have been just the same since 1980. What a load!


I'm Confused

by Hawes380 (not verified) on

I just got very confused watching this video. What revolution is she referring to? She talks about the White Revolution and then she talks about the Ayatollahs taking over.
They were two different revolution and two completely different categories and I guess this author had somehow confused them and screwed up the history.


White revolution?

by Anonymous45 (not verified) on

Did this woman actually say that Dr. Mehr was forced to leave during the "White Revolution, a time when any non-muslim or anyone who was thought to be a threat to the ayatollah was forced to flee"? The White revolution?! Hello, wrong decade, wrong regime. What an idiot.


Moslems are the major victoms

by nokhod (not verified) on

of this regime.
these guys shouldn;t forget that injustice does not belong to minorities only.
as matter of fact most of sufferings happened to (if you want to call them) moslems in iran.
People in prisons, political refugees, war victims, exiled iranians, and so on, bear the title moslem rather than anything else.


Islam, back to Saudi Arabia

by fozool (not verified) on

such beautifull religion this islam.
it's time i guess that we return this TOHFEH
back to where it came from.
i hope one day there is absolutly no sign of this beauty in Iran. no Ramazan, no Ashura, no
Allah o Akbar.
i just hope that for generations to come, honesty and justice will be the only religion
of Iran.
i just hope one day...


A true Patriot

by mahmoudg on

Farhang Mehr is a true patriot.  Iran needs more like him,  If we learn to look beyond religion, (and I think all four of them and the rest are all waste of human history). Men like Mehr served their country well.  Only when IRI is replaced and the progressive Iranians take over, can we see Iran reclaim its grandeur of the Pahlavi Era.


Nothing comparing

by XerXes (not verified) on

Nothing comparing to the crises that Iranians are in! Especially foreign countries!!