Maro Bebakhsh

12-Apr-2009 (8 comments)

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by Sammi (not verified) on

kheyli bahali pesar...


Great Announcement,

by MiNeum71 on

You want freedom of opinion, you intolerant dickhead? Are are completely out of order, you fascitoid pinhead, you dark-bulbed jerk?

Mr. look-alike Ahmadinejad, no gays in the Iranian societies? Go the mosques, if the Akhundha and the Pasdaran don´t rape poor girls they fuck each others assholes, you damn stupid motherfucker.



It is funny how you do not

by vafa (not verified) on

It is funny how you do not post the opposing opinion???

I just do not like advertising the issue and think they should stay in Iranian closets. I just hate the thought and appearance of them. It is ugly and disgusting. I have already suffered enough seeing these ugly men who act like women in America and always was happy we did not have to face them in Iranian societies. Now, you are trying to bring them out? SOmetimes I wonder about this guy Jahaanshaah, knowing where he comes from!!


a. sinners

by Samira (not verified) on

I Love them ... in javoona ayandeye mamlekatan!



by MiNeum71 on

This is so embarrissing, that we must defend a natural habit of some members of our community. I never heard someone saying Oh look, this is Barak Obama, and he is straight, but other way around many people emphasize this being gay.



well done bravo

by shayda (not verified) on

this great song brought tears to my eyes .
i want to to thank you whoever you are
for telling it like it is , this is for the pain of all the innocent people who have paid and who are still paying a heavy price just for the simple fact of being
khoda be hamratoon


nicely & tastefully done.

by Anonymously on

nicely & tastefully done. hopefully our collective psyche wakes up like most of the rest of civil world already has and embraces diversity & equality sans prejudice of any kind.


Motshaker JJ ye Aziz

by AnonymousEshgh (not verified) on


Be omid e roozi ke rahat dar baareh ye masael e jensi, cheh degar-jens va cheh ham-jens besheh dar tajamo'at Irani dar sarasar e jahan sohbat kard.

Thanks JJ,

Hope for the day when one can speak freely about hetro and homo sexual subjects in Iranian communities around the world.

Yek Ashegh Irani