Aroosak Kooki

05-Feb-2010 (13 comments)

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Great Persian Rap ...

by Harpi-Eagle on

I just love most of this Perisan Rap I've been hearing lately, like this lady and Erfan, and some of the others.  There is no comparison between Persian Rap and American Rap (Crap).  Persian Rap is so socially and intellectually cognizent.  WOW, Greta job.


Here is another from her- Hazyoon

by Hovakhshatare on




by rtayebi1 on

I like to meet her poor bastard husband. Totally just kidding


I love this song

by jasonrobardas on

     The lyrics are very powerful  and expressive . It is a delight to hear her voice ( the voice of the modern Iranian wioman) .   She is using the potential of rap music to convey the plight of the contemporary iranian woman .

     Power to the women and their struggle against the fenatics .

       " INJA TOFIGHE BEHESHT RAFTAN HAM EJBARIE"    religious tyranny summed up   .

       I like to know more about this singer .


I felt it too Hovakh

by Monda on

Her subdued passion in her tone is what did it for me too. 


I like the energy in this

by Sid Sarshar on

I like the energy in this song.  It gets under your skin. 


Dear Monda, me too. However with a mix of rap & Forough

by Hovakhshatare on

words, I really felt this one and thought it very effective. Even the tone of the signer is less defiant & more matter of fact, and that makes it even more powerful.

jj,lol. I saw the doozies on that thread.


hamsade ghadimi


hamsade ghadimi

ایول، واقعا غوغا کرد.  زنده باد زن آزادهٔ ایرانی‌.


Love her voice and lyric!

by Monda on

I wish the clip was there to see her perform.  Thanks Hovakh.

Really haa JJ, ham khodaa ro mikhaan ham khormaa ro :o) What's wrong with them?! 


JJJ dont forget to add highly advanced negotiation techniques!

by Anonymouse on

Like taking 2 years to accept UN resolution 598 which was a reaffirmation of UN resolution 582 two years earlier.  As for the techniques used, occupy Faw and Majnoon islands with 2 billions (that's beelioons ;-) barrels of oil and then relinquish them so you can sign and get nothing for it in return.

Add this negotiation technique to your list of achievements and compare 582 to "17 other previous resolutions" so it can get lost.  Also, don't forget to add that the language and techniques used were the basis for future "legal claims" for reparations.

And now that the Saddam regime who was the aggressor is long gone, use a newer and more advanced negotiation technique to rack up UN sanctions against yourself over the years so it can be used as "evidence" to convince a future UN sanctioned court of law that Iran puts rule of law above anything else, because we say so!

Everything is sacred.


You crack me up JJ.

by پیام on

Great comment :)

Darius Kadivar

LOL that was a Good One JJ ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Right On !

Jahanshah Javid

Soooo ungrateful...

by Jahanshah Javid on

I don't understand. Can't these women stop whining about being "second-class" citizens? They always complain about inequality and being humiliated by the police for not wearing the hejab properly and wha wha wha....

Can't they see our country has built some of the most advanced missiles, rockets and satellites? Our nuclear industry is the envy of the world. We've got a beautiful metro network in Tehran. We even have jacuzzis for prisoners in Evin. What else do these silly, spoiled, Americanized hoes want?!

Soooo ungrateful...