God and religion business

Benazir Bhutto’s assassination reminds me of the number of rednecks and misogynists in the US who are ready to bet that if either Hillary or Obama are elected next year, they’ll be assassinated by January 2010.

It also makes me wonder when will the Iranians wake up and separate Disneyland/God/Religion from the State?

Proud of their 2500 years history, will the Iranians ever wake up to realize that the whole concept of “God” is nothing but a mere figment of human imagination – no matter whether it is marketed by the Bible, Torah, Qoran, or any other fairy tale — and no matter how many billions in South America or Africa believe in such BS.

Mixing human well-being with illusions such as God and religion (as documented in Richard Dawkins 2007 book entitled “The God Delusion”) leads to the assassination of a speaker such as Benazir Bhutto today.

It is about time for 90% of human beings on this planet (and 80% of god-loving church goers in the US) to wake up and dump the American theocracy, the Jewish Wailing Wall, as well as the fundamentalism of IRI/Bin Laden/Taliban in the garbage of the human history.

Enough is enough with all this God and religion business. So, Benazir Bhutto is dead. For what, I ask you? Please don’t tell me that she was killed for the same reason as Olof Palmer in Sweden in 1986. If you believe that, then the Pakistanis must be as civilized as the Swedes…

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