“Iranian.comer” of the Year is…

In the tradition of selecting an “Iranian of the Year”, I would like to start a “Iranian.comer” of the year, in our little community here.

Just do what Anonymouse suggested with his piece:

You can nominate as many people as you want but choose one and put him/her in the subject line of your comment. You don’t need to give any reason for your selection. Just your candidates and your final ONE vote.

I’d like to nominate: JJ

Feel free to nominate anyone, even Honest Hassan!

   *              *               *               *                 *


Now that polls have closed, and we counted the vote, the Grand prize of, “Iranian.comer” of the year,a $50 payment, is awarded to:


 Iranian.comer of the year…..








                            1-  Jahanshah Javid


                            2- Nazi Kaviani


                            3- Dariush Kadivar

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