Book documenting war crimes committed by U.S.troops in Iraq published

A book has been published recently by Iraq Veterans against the War, which documents war crimes committed by U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The book, entitled Winter Soldier Iraq and Afghanistan: Eyewitness Accounts of the Occupations, was compiled by Iraq Veterans Against the War and freelance journalist Aaron Glantz whohas covered the Iraq war from the front lines. The English editionwas published in the Spring and the Japanese edition was publishedthis month. Both editions are selling well.

The book shows that well-publicized incidents of American brutality like the Abu Ghraib prison scandal and the massacre of an entire family of Iraqis in the town of Haditha are not the isolated incidents perpetrated by “a few bad apples,” as many politicians and military leaders have claimed. They are part of a pattern, the group says, of “an increasingly bloody occupation.”


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