Iranian national reformation depends on the defeat of Israeli nuclear ambiguity

When nuclear ambiguity is no longer ambiguous, it is a lie.

The facts of Israel’s nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction are no longer ambiguous. For Israel to say differently is simply a lie. More importantly, for the US (and the the six or seven co-colluder states) to continue to be complicit in the lie is an ongoing slap in the face to the international community, which is honestly and straightforwardly interested in the universal de-militarization of nuclear energy.

Locking the barn door after the horse has gotten out is no solution. Israel can put Mr. Vanunu back in jail (, 5/11/10) for the duration of the UN Non-proliferation Conference and the IAEA’s June 10th meeting, where for the first time Israel’s nuclear program is slated to be scrutinized, to keep a lid on him, and imprison the brother of Issam Makhoul, (Ameer Makhoul), hoping, perhaps to intimidate Issam to ease up on his advocacy for an end to ambiguity  See the article referred to below.  Issam Makhoul was an elected member of the Knesset between 1999 and 2006, who dared on Feb. 2 2000 to speak the unspeakable, and directly address Israel’s stockpile of hundreds of atomic bombs and millions of biological warfare germs which are produced at the Biological Institute in Nes Tsiona. See here.

But the cat is out of the bag. As Prof. John Mearsheimer has recently written, the deal for the Israeli’s is in the hands of the Righteous Jews and the New Afrikaners, their respective friends and advocates in the  Jewish community, The US Congress and Office of the President, and the world at large. Right now the New Afrikaners of Israel and their allies in the US are leading us to a place few others in the world want to go.

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