Turkey indicts 196 over ‘coup plot’

Turkey has charged 196 people with trying to topple the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) in 2003, a move which might put them in prison for 20 years.

The alleged coup plot was drawn up shortly after the AKP came to power in November 2002, the Anatolia news agency reported on Monday.

Turkish prosecutors indicted the suspects, among them more than 30 retired or serving soldiers, according to the Hurriyet newspaper.

The indictment accuses all the defendants of “attempting to overthrow the government or prevent it from carrying out its duties through the use of force and violence.”

The alleged plot, dubbed “Operation Sledgehammer,” reportedly involved plans to create chaos and pave the way for a military takeover.

It was not immediately clear when the trial for the suspects would start.

Retired navy chief Admiral Ozden Ornek, former air force commander General Halil Ibrahim Firtina, and former number two of the general staff, retired General Ergin Saygun were also charged.

The suspects face up to 20 years in prison if convicted of attempting to bring down the government, said the Dogan news agency.


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