Damn the poet, damn the jokester



It must be the poets’ fault

if they did not write

of beautiful women bringing wine

or a girl missing her lover 

or if there was no mention

of a candle, or god forbid a butterfly

would we have violence toward women?

Some say poets should be blamed too

then there are all the jokes we hear

if the jokester did not write of a man

coming home to his wife in bed with another

and the jokester added,

actually man did nothing

would we have violence toward women?

Some say jokes have a role in violence

so damn the jokester, damn the jokester 

meanwhile the youth is in prison, small or big

stones, not big, not small

are thrown at a woman,

just enough stones to kill her 

or perhaps a chair is pulled

when comes the hanging time

but what I hear is

damn the poet, damn the jokester

Shamloo was right

“Such a strange time it is, my dear!”

damn the poet , damn the jokester


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