WikiLeaks: Sex, drugs, rock ‘n’ roll — Saudi style

(CNN) — “The full range of worldly temptations and vices are available — alcohol, drugs, sex — but strictly behind closed doors.”

If you want to get your readers’ attention, it’s not a bad way to start. The language comes from a short but tantalizing U.S. diplomatic cable sent last year from the consulate in Jeddah in Saudi Arabia — where alcohol is banned and carnal relations strictly regulated.

“Behind the facade of Wahabi conservatism in the streets, the underground nightlife for Jeddah’s elite youth is thriving and throbbing,” the cable begins.

In evidence, then Consul General Martin Quinn refers to a Halloween party last year. The redacted cable reads: “Along with over 150 young Saudis (men and women mostly in their 20s and early 30s), ConGenOffs accepted invitations to an underground Halloween party at Prince XXXX residence in Jeddah on XXXX.”


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