“Oil money spent on basijis”
“Mubarak, Ben Ali, Now Seyyed Ali”
Tehran: Security forces and protesters
“Death to Taleban, in Cairo and Tehran”:
Tehran: Wounded protester
Tehran: Navab St
Ripping down Khamenei’s photo:
Tehran: Chants of “Death to Dictator”
Tehran: “Mubarak, Ben-ali, now it’s time for Seyyd Ali (Khamenei)”
Tehran: “Neither Gaza nor Lebanon… Tunisia, Egypt and Iran”
Tehran: Burning barricades, Jamalzadeh St
Tehran: Viewing protest from above
Tehran: Regime poster set on fire
Tehran: Protesters beat up regime supporter:
Traffic jam near Sharif University:
Tehran: More death to dictator
Tehran: Large crowd chanting
Tehran: Large crowds marching on Jamalzadeh St:
Tehran barricades: Death to Khamenei
Near Enghelab Square:
Same area:
Isfahan: Death to dictator
Isfahan (2)
Basijis at Tehran Polytechnic:
Enghelab St, “Death to Dictator”:
Also here (no audio):
Sharif University students shouting slogans:
Protester on crane:
Protester on crane (2):
Basij motor convoy in Tehran heading to sensitive spots:
Heavy police presence in Mashhad:
Slogans on Tehran metro: