Wikipedia (and some other big sites) has shut down for 24 hours as of midnight Wednesday Eastern U.S. time. The shut down is to protest to proposed laws that, if passed, can close down websites like the Stop Online Piracy Act ( SOPA) as well as Protect IP Act (PIPA), may require search engines to block access to
sites that use copyrighted material via links or hosting.
When you go on Wikipedia, after a few seconds you will get a page with the above frustrating image on it, and a box where you can put in your zip code to get contact info on your congressperson. Please give him/her an ear full about the copyright Baseej trying to enforce Sharia internet Law. Meanwhile if you’re really desperate for immediate knowledge, the instructions in this article can help you bypass the block and access Wikipedia anyway–for example I just found out that the sister city of Yazd in Hungary is Jaszbereny.