Dear Fred, neither Shah nor Mosaddegh

In answer to the question that you asked in your previous blog, I should say that unfortunately you have got the question wrong.

Soorat Masaleh Eshtabah ast

You see neither for those who still advocate Dr Mosaddegh and his sufferings nor for whose who are still trying to salvage the rotting corps of their disaster of revolution, Mosaddegh, Khomeini or Shah is and have never been an issue.

For the minority who bothered to read the count of historical events without have a particular agenda to promote and most importantly try not to make up their mind before knowing all the facts, it is obvious that both parties had many problems and even made a few fatal mistake and yes both parties did some good and had good intentions. But you know what they say about good intentions

“The road to hell is paved with good intentions”

As I explained before in my previous articles, this problem has more roots in our own attitude, culture and behaviour, rather than the conduct or services or even betrayals committed by the above named people.

For most of us the truth is not and has never been important, as we have already made up our mind before knowing the truth and once we have made up our minds noting can change it, not even the truth. Especially if that truth is pointing to our own errors

You see? The problem with us as a nation is that both as a people and as individuals we have immense difficulties in accepting our own mistakes and errors. As a result in order to evade that dilemma we tend to either blame others (Shah, Mosaddegh, The West Mullahs, Oil companies, Islam, Arabs, communists) or we create victims (Imam Hussein, Mosaddegh, Banisadr) and hide behind them. As long as we do not have to face our own short-comes or accept our own errors we are happy.

This attitude has more to do with the culture that associate mistake with lack of wisdom, sin or even stupidity rather than a fact of life or even a necessary process that a person or even a society needs to go trough in order to accumulate experience, learn and better themselves.

That is why even today most of our Mosaddeg-Ollahies friends are still making “Pirahan-e Osmaan” from those affairs and without even trying to be fair by having an even look on the conducts and problems of all the involved parties. They are still attempting to shift all the blames in one direction and towards the other party by trying to portrait Mosaddegh as what he was not or even did not want to be remembered as.

But for these people it seems to be easier this way.

As long as they do not have to have a look in the mirror and scrutinize their or conduct and behaviour or their choices and errors especial in term of following one Khomeini to the Hell that is IRI and not back yet, they are happy and while they are able to wash their hand of all responsibly regarding the disaster of 1979

The hell with the truth or even our long term national interest

And that is the depth of tragedy and disaster here (sorate masaleh injaast)

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