Why should one of the most courteous contributors to this site be banned? Some of us may not have agreed with his line of thinking but “All-Iranians” never belittled, caused affront or even ridiculed any one. He painstakingly researched his subjects and was meticulous with details. One of the most prolific and humanistic bloggerss of this site, is now blocked for the reasons that remain unknown to us.
I have always maintained that on a site like IranianDotCom, which I hold very dear incidentally, one must not argue with the rules. These rules are made by the site’s owner/manager and, in my opinion, he has every right to allow or disallow his customers to enjoy his product and his services. But is it such an unfair request to ask for clarity and consistency in the application of these rules? Or must the customers accept that these rules can vary at any time depending on the mood of the moderator. Again if this happens to be the case, is it so unreasonable to ask for a clear statement on this policy?
Is it unfair to ask to be warned of an upcoming ban should the offender repeat his or her ‘mistake’ one more time? Or is the site management interested in playing a charade?
Without All-Iranians this site is indeed a poorer place.
Please Remove the Ban on “All-Iranians.”