NEWS ITEM: “50 reformist parties exist in Iran, and each will choose 10 delegates for a conference to choose a candidate for the 2013 Presidential election.”
FACTS WIDELY KNOWN AMONG IRANIANS: 1. Except for one man, no reformist who runs can make a difference in a rotten system. 2. No advocate of SERIOUS (not minor) reform will be allowed to run. 3. Should one mistakenly slip by (Moussavi) all Iranians know what will happen. (See 2009) 4. In any case Khamenei would simply veto all reforms, reinstituting his covert death squads if need be (See Khatami presidency). 5. Since the reformers won control of the Majlis in 2000, the Guardian Council has been ordered to use its vetting powers to restict them to keep reformers to “token numbers only.” Hence these elections are an equal farce.
CONCLUSION: The only guy whose candidacy can make a difference is Khoumeini’s grandson, an advocate to replacing a rotten system with an open, democratic society. Should he announce his candidacey, young Khoumeini is the one an only man who can put the regime in a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” spot. Let him run because he’d win in a landslide too big to rig. Vet him out and advertise the illegitimacy of all that Khamenei has done since seizing power.