From the United Nations, to social media, to live TV broadcasts, Bibi is seldom at a loss for words when preaching to everyday Iranians about what they want and deserve. And let’s face it, as much we bitch about Iran’s leadership, Crown Prince Bin Salman and Trump, Netanyahu just might beat them all at a game of ‘The World’s Shittiest Leader.’
In the words of a recent article from The Independent:
Netanyahu is the head of a regime that closes media companies arrests journalists, jails Palestinian activists and human rights defenders without charge or trial, and tries children in military courts with a 99 percent conviction rate.
Yea, he’s a pretty shitty dude overseeing an apartheid state that is funded by my taxes, and yours (if you live in the US).
So it’s with great pleasure that I present to you the following Bibi video via the Israeli publication Haaretz.