November 23, 2001
Roodaar of the day...

Sent to for "Iranian of the Day" section:
My name is Uthmaan Ahmad Abu-aljawahir. I am not Iranian. I am a 21-year-old
Arab-Iraqi. But why did I send you my pic??? Because I have feelings for
You see, my father killed 41 Shiite Persian Iranians in 1982 and 21 in
1986. And my father married an Iranian.
Also, I have had sex with 25 women so far, 19 of whom were Shiite Iranians.
Currently, I am dating three girls, two of whom are Shiite Iranian mut'aa
girls and one Iraqi Shiite mut'aa girl of Iranian ancestries.
What can I say, I feel Iranian afterall. Or at least a part of me is
almost Iranian.
Excuse my English.
Ahmad Abu-aljawahir
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