October 26, 2001
Parvin's prophecies
Letter Programming, Song Programming and the Dialogue of Nations in
Culture Programming are among the programs I created for bringing
Iran and the world out of isolation and for creating Power Balance
in the world and within nations. Hundreds of letters and e-mails were
sent to leaders of the world in order to help them understand my Peace
and Reform program and to change patterns from the old politics of bullying
and manipulations and threats to the new politics of the world as the Global
Family with Diverse Unity and the politicians and leaders as parents
to serve and not as monopolizes and create Lie Society to use people
and take their choices away from them by misrepresentation >>>
Thanks to Sourena Mohammadi
Funny stuff, interesting stuff, important stuff, stupid stuff, all
sorts of stuff... Hundreds of daily tidbits were featured in The Iranian
Times. They will be gradually archived here. Have you got something for
this page? Email us