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Pahlavaan Maadar
Photo essay
By Omid Salehi/135 PHOTOS
December 27, 2001
The Iranian
This photo essay won first prize at the first annual Iranian documentary
photography competition in 1997 and second prize at the Iranian Youth Cinema
Society festival.
Many live in a part of Shoosh in downtown Tehran named "Ghorbatihaa".
The have come from provincial towns and villages seeking work and better
living conditions. But many become peddlers. They sell anything they can
-- flowers, watches, newspapers, chewing gum, tea, chocolates, clothes,
ir toys.
Some of them perform.
This photo essay tells the story of one of these performers: A ten-year-old
boy named Bahram who calls himself "Pahlavaan Maadar" or "Mother
He lives near Shoosh Square. He takes off his shirt -- in cold or hot
weather -- in the streets to entertain passers-by. He's accompanied by his
brother. They spend days and nights in the streets to make enough money
to feed the family.
Omid Salehi, Javad Montazeri and Peyman Hooshmandzadeh recently founded
135 PHOTOS, a photo agency in Tehran.
