What's next?
Photo essay: L.A. protests against detention of Iranians
Photos by Ramin Tabib and Dorna Khazeni
December 19, 2002
The Iranian
BBC Online: US immigration officials in Southern California have detained
hundreds of Iranians and other Muslim men who turned up to register under residence
laws brought in as part of the anti-terror drive. Reports say between 500 and 700
men were arrested in and around Los Angeles after they complied with an order to
register by 16 December.
The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) is refusing to say how many people
were arrested but said detainees were being held for suspected visa violations and
other offences.
The arrests sparked angry protests in Los Angeles by thousands of Iranian-Americans
waving banners which read "What's next? Concentration camps?" and "Free
our fathers, brothers, husbands and sons" >>> full
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