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Tell 'n show

By Nina Habibi
January 22, 2003
The Iranian

Me hiding behind another me
............behind words
the tri-fold stand-up screen
............where I change into costumes
........................not knowing which

............Crushed purple velvet a little too tight
around the hips
............the large hoop of my blue satin skirt
hiding pain shame sweetness
............beyond stiff black lace

Another dream
............another illusion
drawing scented veils of many hues
............across my soul

Revealing more than I care less
............than I hope
an intimate heart-to-heart with a stranger
............how I will float
........................lulled shunned never ignored

Turn away from me to you
............climb my box of soaps
........................let my convictions bubble forth
....................................smother and choke

Lose myself and find you
............connect in a way that reaches out
........................touches searches soothes
....................................a balm against loneliness

Must I please you entertain perform
not enough to be
honest wholly in your eyes
joyous wondrous alive

I sit next to you
breathe the same air and know
this moment is perfect beyond words

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By Nina Habibi

Many me
Having fun with Photoshop


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