Hollywood returns
And Bon Jovi gets star treatment in Tehran cinemas
December 28, 2001
The Iranian
By now it is well known that Iran is one of the youngest nations in the
world. Basically a commanding majority of the population is under 30 years
of age and it is beginning to make its mark on every aspect of life, politics
and business.
This is perhaps the most determining ingredient of Iran's slow but steady
turn towards democracy, resulting in semi-free elections and an increasingly
open social climate. Since the landslide victory of President Khatami, who
was supported in a large part by youth and women back in 1997 and again
this past summer, many aspects of life in Iran have changed to become more
palatable for the young majority.
There is a junior renaissance in progress in academic, artistic and creative
circles. The quality of what's offered by Iran's museums, galleries and
film industry is often world class. One is reminded of young artistic circles
of Europe and North America. In fact, many political analysts see this artistic
and cultural blossoming a prelude to the inevitable demise of autocratic
rule in Iran.
A much visible sign of the new opening in Iran's cultural scene is the
return of Hollywood films to cinemas. Featured films are generally slaughtered
by government censors to eliminate sexually explicit scenes or politically
sensitive material. Though most films are dubbed into Persian, some are
presented with Persian subtitles.
Films are normally released about a year after their U.S. debut, but
still, they do well. They are especially popular among teenagers who, until
now, have only watched American movies on bootlegged, low-quality video
The Iranian marketing of U-571, the American World War II submarine
flick, highlights the significance of youth in the country's economy. U-571
was released in the U.S. last year (2000). The film headlines Hollywood
heavyweights Mathew McConaughey and Harvey Keitel. However, rock star Jon
Bon Jovi is the only name and headshot appearing on the marquee of Tehran
theaters, even though he only has a minor role in the film.
Many Iranian youth, especially in large cities, enthusiastically follow
American and British music trends. Apparently, the company marketing U-571
in Iran decided that promoting the film with Bon Jovi's good looks and popularity
would generate more revenue. I would love to hear McConaughey and Keitel's
