From backcover of Hamid Dabashi's Close
Up: Iranian Cinema, Past Present and Future (2001, Verso):
Abbas Kiarostami planted Iran firmly on the map of world cinema when
he won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes film festival for his film A Taste
of Cherry in 1997. In this book, Hamid Dabashi examines the growing
reputation of Iranian cinema from its origins in the films of Kimuyai and
Mehrjui, through the work of established directors such as Kiarostami, Beyzai
and Bani-Etemad, to young filmmakers like Samira Makhmalbaf and Bahman Qobadi,
who triumphed at the Cannes 2000 festival.
Introduction >>>
(11 pages)

Hamid Dabashi
is Professor of
Comparative Study
of Culture and
Iranian Studies at
Columbia University |