Book Review: Helen of Tus
by Laleh Bakhtiar and Bakhtiari Rose.
By Behrouz Bahmani
May 30, 2002
The Iranian
Several weeks ago, I received a book from a publishing company to review for The
Iranian. As soon as I saw it was from Kazi Publishing,
I ripped the package open eagerly because I knew what was inside. When I first heard
this story by mouth a year ago, I was enchanted by it. As I started to thumb through
the pages, I knew that it had been well worth the wait. At this time of "Axis
of Evil", where cultural polarization seems an almost natural, logical phenomenon,
enter a little book that singlehandedly blows this ill-conceived concept completely
[and literally!] out of the water.
Let me preface my review by saying that this is not a typical
book and one should not expect to read it as such. First, the style of the book is
very different than what we typically read in English, and it is only after you begin,
that it's faint familiarity begins to awaken in you. Told in the Naqqali (Storyteller)
style, this book is structured similarly to our rich tradition of storytelling depicted
in such books as the Shahnameh (Book of Kings, Ferdowsi).
Second, the book is full of photos, some you can see in this piece, each captioned,
so you can begin to somewhat digest the book that way. Third, is to read the excerpts
from the more than 300 letters, written in Helen's wonderfully American style, as
a whole other way to enjoy the book. And finally there are the explained perspectives
that puts everything into context and fills in the family's viewpoint as described
by Helen's equally talented and inspired daughters.
It is the story of Helen Jeffreys, an American from Idaho, who came to Iran as a
nurse in the thirties. Who came to raise a family, but also came to serve and love
Iran beyond anything we can imagine today. The book is an assemblage, a transcript,
a story taken from the letters that Helen wrote to her children during her incredible
life. The family's photos and mementoes were used to bring the words to life by 2
of her daughters Laleh
(Mary Nell) and Rose (Shireen). In 1927
Helen met and married an Iranian, a dapper Abol Ghassem Bakhtiar who had come to
America to seek his fortune. The Wild Wild West meets the Wild Wild East.
 Helen Jeffreys originally came from Idaho, of strong Scottish,
Irish and English stock. Helen's family, like many steadfast American families of
the time, were hardy, tried and true blue Americans, who originally came to the lands
of the Nez Pierce Native Americans in Idaho, traveling along the famous Oregon Trail
as pioneers. They fought in the Civil, Spanish-American, and First World wars.
After World War II, Truman proposed what became known as the great "4-Point
Plan", one of which intended for America to help spread technology and among
other things public health know-how all over the world. A precursor to Kennedy's
Peace-Corps. With her family strength fully instilled, Helen joined the Navy as a
nurse under the 4-point program and took her commission to Iran with Abol. She then
traveled throughout Iran's southwestern provinces bringing public health care to
the famine stricken villages of Iran. Abol also went on to found the first hospital
for women in Iran.
 Abol came from the famous Bakhtiari tribe in southwestern
Iran. The Bakhtiari were famous horsemen and considered to be the bravest fighters,
staunchly opposed to any unfair rule by force, remnants of the long forgotten Persian
warriors. Imagine the courage it must have taken for Abol to make his way alone,
halfway across the globe to America. Abol, although not featured in the title of
the book, was no less than a truly marvelous Iranian. He worked his way from nothing
to becoming an American educated physician returning to Iran to become a doctor.
He climbed (literally, he once went on an expedition to climb Mt. Damavand and made
it to the top 4 hours before anyone else on the team!) and worked his way to the
top. The sheer determination of this man, un-dampened by anything, dis-allowing any
doubt to creep into his path, is awe-inspiring. He is in some ways the very essence
of the American Dream.
It is also a book of firsts; The first known American to
marry an Iranian. The first American nurse to come to Iran. The first All American
Iranian football hero (Helen and Abol's eldest son Jamshid). And there are many more
in the book.
Helen of Tus is not about the past, it's about potential. What keeps coming back
to you is what a perfect example this is of how naturally cultures can in fact blend.
That by interacting one can not only respect and understand another's culture, but
serve to strengthen their own culture as well. In this time of US-Iran coldening
of relations, tedious Israeli-Palestinian conflicts, and insignificant politicians
whose greedy self serving vital interests are only in keeping cultures apart, this
book is the best testament, no, proof, that dialogue is inherently good, that opening
up to another culture with a pure heart is virtuous, and for lack of a better metaphor,
that it makes good longterm moral investment sense. With good will dividends that
pay long after, generation after generation, forever.
If I could have one wish, it would be that President Bush
would take 5 minutes out of his least valuable day and simply thumb through the pages
of this book, and only read the captions of the images. I know that he would see
a different day and maybe rethink his position and possibly even his policy regarding
Iran. This book is that good. What can we do? We can get this book into the hands
of our families and American and Iranian friends and make sure that everyone we know,
is aware that there once was such a day. And it was a great time.
With this book as solid, physical, documented proof that it can in fact be accomplished,
who knows what might happen?
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