May 2001
* Faraj Sarkuhi in Berkeley
* Shiraz University reunion
* Iranian-American meeting in Washington
* Ali Dadgar' art show, Oakland
* Iranian picnic in New York
* Golnoush Khaleghi's concert, Virginia
* Scholarship deadline: June 1
* Iranian-American Art Exhibition and
Symposium, New York
* Iranian film festival, New York
* Barbad Ensemble, Holand
* Children & education, UCLA lectures
* Iranian-American pinic, Maryland
* Tell your story for documentary film
* US-Iranian Trade: Sacramento
* Daryabandari in Berkeley
* Abbas Milani in Portland
* Candle light protest, Washington DC
* Iranian astronomers, Sunnyvale
* Mehrangiz Kar, PEN award
* Sarkuhi in Seattle
* Amir Fallah -- artist wins scholarship
* Parsis in India, photographic journey
* Iranian teaching positions in Paris
* Iranian Community Action Network, Washington
* PBS documentary om Islam
* Celebration of Iranian Arts, Washington
* Persian prose in Exile, London (revised
* Persian Lecturer Position, University of
* Day I became a woman, San Diego
* Isfahan conference postponed
* Colorado Persian Society
* Night on a Persian Rug, Chicago
To top
* Shiraz University reunion
We are preparing for the first Reunion of Shiraz University in San Diego,
July6-9, 2001. This is a non-profit cultural event with the goal of reuniting
former graduates of Shiraz University from all over the world in San Diego,
I would appreciate if you could post the Reunion
Announcement (file attched) at your Event site, or post the headline
of the Announcement as a rotating banner, or any other ways which you find
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I thank you for helping us organize
this event on a world-wide scale.
Mohammad Rayej
Organizing Committee
Shiraz University Reunion
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* Iranian-American meeting in Washington
VOTE! >>>
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* Iranian picnic in New York
Dear Friends,
After receiving an overwhelmingly number of positive response (~25!)
to the proposal supporting the idea of a spontaneous and hopefully perpetual
monthly gathering, I am pleased to announce our first upcoming PICNIC! While
there's no obligation or requirement to attend every single event, a regular
monthly picnic will make it a routine event to be inscribed in everyone's
It will be held at Bear Mountain State Park on Sunday June 3, noon through
"you decide!" Such event will then repeat itself at the first
Sunday of every month, same time--same place unless overruled by the unanimous
majority present at a preceding date, or God forbid the idea died out due
to lack of enthusiasm!
The suggested specific location is in that round structure with open
roof on it next to the lake in Bear mountain and close to a small zoo. In
other words, when you drive into the circle facing the main Building where
parking is on your left, there's a couple of hundred yards of pathway on
your right that takes you to this site. In the event of weather inclement,
contingent on its severity we would either meet at the same place or move
into the main Building. Everyone is to bring their own foods, etc. but all
are encouraged to share in a pot-luck format and mingle.....
PLEASE do circulate this among all those with a possible interest, have
it broadcast on the iranian radio, TV and news media, and do call your friends
about it as well. In addition to the above, and as to the possibility for
NJ (second monthly Sunday) , LI (3rd Sunday) and NYC (4th Sunday) for those
who may not be able to make it to the above Bear Mountain Event, we are
still awaiting the identification of specific sites and other pertinent
information by those friends who proposed them. As soon as they are available,
these information should be posted to this bulletin board. Looking forward
to seeing a quality crowd of no less than 500!
Yours truly,
Davood Rahni et al
Directions: Bear Mountain Sate Park is at the most northern section ot
he Palisade Parkway next to Bear Mountain bridge in New York State. It is
on the Western part of the Hudson River, 20 minutes north of the Tappan
Zee Bridge. If needed more detailed directions, please call me at 914 773-3655.
To top
* Faraj Sarkuhi in Berkeley
"Center for Dialogue" presents: "Journalism, Writing,
Censorship and Self-Censorship in Iran".
A talk by Faraj Sarkuhi.
Date: Saturday June 9, 2001
Time: 7:00 P.M.
Place: 2060 Valley Life Science Building
University of California, Berkeley
Lecture in Persian
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* Golnoush Khaleghi's concert, Virginia
I am writing on behalf of Golnush Khaleghi (daughter of Rouhollah Khaleghi).
Would you Please pass this concert event to people who might be interested?
Your are cordially invited to attend a BENEFIT CONCERT on SATURDAY, JUNE
2, 2001 at 8:00 P.M. at the home of Stephen and Golnoush Khaleghi Ackert,
in support of young talented musicians seeking scholarships for summer music
camps and workshops.
Desserts and refreshments will be served following the concert. Please
RSVP: Email: or call
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* Ali Dadgar' art show, Oakland
Please forward to Art Lovers, & Haters! You are invited to the studio
of Ali Dadgar for 2001 recent work.
Date: June 9th & 10th, June 16th & 17th
Place: 1556 7th street Oakland, CA 94607
Contact: 510-251-1636,
Directions: Located two blocks from the west Oakland bart Station. From
the Bay Bridge take 880 south, Exit West Grand, Turn right at the second
light, then left onto 7th street. From Berkeley, take 80 to 880 South, Exit
West Grand/7th st., Turn left the second light onto 7th street. 1556 is
on your left.
To top
* Scholarship deadline: June 1
Momeni Foundation is dedicated to providing scholarships to graduating
high school students and full time college students of Iranian descent anywhere
in the world. Deadline for receiving the application material is June 1st
of each year.
Please pass this message to anyone you may think will be eligible to
apply. Your efforts in distributing this information (specially in Iran)
are appreciated. Click here:
With regards,
Moji Momeni
To top
* Iranian-American pinic, Maryland
Action Network (ICAN) for a spring picnic next to the lovely Potomac!
Enjoy the spring breeze, group activities and delicious Persian food
with fellow activists and friends.
WHEN: Sunday, 3rd June, the picnic will begin at 1pm.
WHERE: The C & O Canal National Historic Park at Fletcher's Boathouse.
(Near the Potomac River at the Reservoir Rd and Canal Rd) Directions can
be found at //
Pay parking is available
WHAT: We can go hiking, biking, canoeing, play music, eat and enjoy the
beautiful scenery together...
** Please bring a dish large enough for 5 people to share.
*** Note: If you need ride please contact Majid
Phone: 202-966-7470
Hope to see you all ICANs and their friends and families on Sunday June
3rd at 1:00pm!
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* Barbad Ensemble, Holand
Barbad Ensemble & Homayoon Khorram
Zang: Maryam Akhondy
Violin: Homayoon Khorram
Piano: Sara Karimishad
Santoor: Azita Mostofi
Tonbak: Mohamad Hashemi
Rotterdam: 1 juni 2001
Theater de Larenkamp Slinge 303 Aanvang: 20:30 uur
Amsterdam: 2 juni 2001
Theater Zuider Amstelkanaal F. Roeskestraat 84, 20:30 uur
Leeuwarden: 3 juni 2001
Romein Theater Bagijnestraat 59 Aanvang: 20:30 uur
Info./ reserveren: 070-3962874 / 06-18552607 / 070-3464031 / 06-24500134
Entree: f 22,50 - Vrienden in beweging: f 15,-
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* Iranian-American Art Exhibition and Symposium
Iranian-American Art has successfully established its place in the larger
New York art and cultural community by being included in the National Art
and Cultural Affairs list of Award Recipients.
We are extremely proud to announce that Center
for Iranian Modern Arts (CIMA) has been selected for an award as part
of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs Cultural Challenge Program
for Fiscal 2001. This award is in recognition of the project and the funding
plan for an Iranian-American Art Exhibition and Symposium .
Iranian -American Art Exhibition and Symposium can become an annual program
established to celebrate the many achievements of contemporary Iranian-American
artists. It is vital in these optimistic times, to continue supporting an
organization that seeks to cover significant issues in Iranian and Iranian-American
CIMA will enable the community to view the works of cutting edge Iranian-American
artists. The event will be held in New York City in October 2001. The works
of second generation Iranian-Americans will be exposed to families, students,
educators and art lovers in the city. Our total project budget is $16,000.
However, our project will not materialize if we don't collect $6,000.
Thus, we need your contributions. Our award is contingent upon meeting the
matching fundraising requirements of the program and administration of the
project. CIMA must raise the matching funds needed for this award by JUNE
15, 2001 >>>
To top
* Iranian film festival, New York
Iranian Film Festival, New York City June 14-16, 2001 @NYU Cantor Film
Center, 36 East 8th St. (Broadway & Uni. Place.) Subway: Astor 6, 8th
St. NR, West 4th ABCDEFQ
Admission: $8 ($5 student/seniors with ID)
Present in co-operation with:
(Arab arts organization)
P.O. Box 270,
New York, NY 10276-0270
The Persian Cultural Society @ NYU and the NYCparty
organization On Saturday 16th evening, NYCparty will have a pre-show
get together for it's members (membership free). We will offer wine etc.
There will be a dress code and focused on a more mature crowd, more of a
see-and-be-seen event!
Don't have details as of yet, but please email
and ask to be placed on the invitation/notification list. With only 300
seats, those just turning up on the Saturday night are sure to be disappointed.
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* Children & education, UCLA lectures
Upcoming events at University of California, Los Angeles:
Middle Eastern Perspectives
|Speakers Golnar Mehran, PhD (UCLA 1988)
Associate Professor of Education
Al-Zahra University, Tehran, Iran
Education Consultant, UNICEF
Farshad Rastegar, PhD (UCLA 1991)
CEO, Relief International
Chair Professor Val Rust
Social Sciences and Comparative Education Division
Graduate School of Education and Information Sciences
Wednesday May 16, 2001 3340
Moore Hall 2:00-4:00 pm
Reception to Follow
Sponsored by: The Gustav E. von Grunebaum Center for Near Eastern Studies
International Studies and Overseas Programs (ISOP) In association with:
The Graduate School of Education and Information Sciences Social Sciences
and Comparative Education Division Relief International
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* Tell your story for documentary film
What is life like away from home? What do you remember, and what do you
miss? What sights, what sounds, what smells? What do you feel when you go
back and when you come back? Have you never gone back? What are your successes
and your failures here in exile? What is happening to the Iranian in you
and where do you belong? Where were you born and where will you be buried?
Amirani Films, the company which made the popular Googoosh documentary
for Channel 4 are setting out to make a bigger film about Iranians in the
UK. This will be a major film portrait of us, aiming to bring together a
diverse range of our fellow countrymen and women to tell life stories, explore
roots and identity, celebrate our culture and achievements, and search for
common ground between us.
We want to hear from Iranians, young and old, of every persuasion, class
and every walk of life. Artists, business people, housewives, grandmothers
and fathers, children, everyone and anyone. Those who've been here year
just a few years or those who've been here all their lives. If you want
to share your experience, your talent and your story please get in touch
in Farsi or in English.
The makers of this film belong to no political group and have only one
thing to declare; they are Iranian.
London Tel: (207) 328 7057
To top
* Abbas Milani in Portland
Andisheh Center Presents: Abbas Milani, author of "The Persian Sphinx,
Amir Abbas Hoveyda and the Riddle of the Iranian Revolution". Saturday
May 19th. 2001, Beaverton's Borders at 3:00 P.M. (in English); Portland
State University, Room 190 Business Administration Building at 6:00 P.M.
(in Farsi).
Dr. Milani is Chair of the Department of the History and Political Science
at the College of Notre Dame in Belmont California. He has written and published
extensively on Iran's encounter with modernity.
By writing Hoveyda's biography, Abbas Milani not only laid bare the development
of Iranian society during a pivotal period (1919 - 1978), but has also unearthed
important new material on US - Iranian relations.
On May 19th, during his book reading sessions at Beaverton's Borders
and Portland State University, Mr. Milani will be telling the story of Hoveyda's
life as it appears in the pages of his book. This is a great opportunity
for all those interested to hear the story from the author himself.
To top
* Candle light protest, Washington DC
Alliance for Defense of Human Rights in Iran invites you to a candle
light protest vigil against the suppression of human and democratic rights
of journalists, intellectuals and political activists in Iran.
Date: Friday May 18, 2001
Time: 7.30 p.m.
Location: ranian Interest Section
Address: 2209 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Washington DC
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* Daryabandari in Berkeley
"Center for Dialogue" presents: "Afsaaneh yaa Ostureh?"
The concept of myth in Western culture and its reflection on modern Persian
literature. A lecture by Najaf Daryabandari, the author of two recently
published books. Date: Saturday May 19
Time: 7:00 P.M.
Place: 2040 Valley Life Science Building
University of California, Berkeley
Lecture in Persian
To top
* US-Iranian Trade: Sacramento
Iranian Trade Association Presents "US-Iranian Trade & Dialogue
Among Civilizations Dinner" May 31, 2001 5-9 pm The Grand at 1215 J
Street Sacramento, CA The Iranian Trade Association is proud to present
another engaging event as part of our California Campaign and educational
trade conference series: "The US-Iranian Trade & Dialogue Among
Civilizations Dinner" on May 31, 2001 from 5-9 PM at The Grand at 1215
J Street Sacramento, California >>>
To top
* Iranian astronomers, Sunnyvale
Search for Common Ground (SFCG)
has invited a group of astronomy, science, and other professionals to the
United States to visit prominent American scientific institutions, meet
their counterparts, share knowledge, and build the capacity of Iranian scientific
institutions such as the Zirakzadeh Science Foundation (ZSF) and the Adib
Astronomical Society (AAS).
Society for Iranian Professionals (SIP) in northern California is hosting
a dinner in the honor of these delegates in Sunnyvale for an opportunity
to meet them one on one and hear about the latest in science and astronomy
in Iran.
Our guests from Iran include The President of Adib Astronomical Society,
Board of trustees and Director of Zirakzadeh Science Foundation, editor
of Nojum Magazine and professors of many universities in Iran.
Search for Common Ground (SFCG) and its partner organization, the European
Centre for Common Ground, share a vision of transforming how the world deals
with conflict away from adversarial approaches toward cooperative
Date: Saturday, May 12, 2001 Time: 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Location: Faz Restaurant - Tea Room, 1108 N. Mathilda, Sunnyvale
Tel. 408 752-8000
Admission (Includes Dinner): Members $25, non members $35
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* Mehrangiz Kar, PEN award
Soldiers at the Gate: Writers in Enforced Exile An event sponsored by
PEN New England's Freedom-to-Write Committee
May 20, 2001, at 5:30 The Colloquium Room, Radcliffe Institute
On May 20, 2001, at 5:30 the PEN New England Freedom-to-Write Committee
will host three award-winning international writers at Harvard's Bunting
Institute to discuss the topic: Soldiers at the Gate: Writers in Enforced
Exile. The event is free and open to the public.
FARAJ SARKOHI, an Iranian fiction writer and magazine-editor will come
from his place of exile, Frankfurt, Germany. Joining him will be BEI LING,
Chinese poet and editor of Tendency Quarterly, now living in Boston, and
ALEJANDRA MATUS, Chilean journalist and author of The Black Book of Chilean
Justice, now living in Miami. Each of these distinguished writers has a
unique tale to tell of an encounters with an oppressive government. But
there is something common to them all. None of them can go home again. If
they were to try, they would be greeted by a soldier at the gate.
At this panel the Freedom-to-Write Committee will also make its annual
presentation of the VASYL STUS AWARD. This year's recipient is Iranian writer,
editor, lawyer, and women's rights activist MEHRANGIZ KAR. Author
of many books on social issues, editor, human rights lawyer and vocal activist
for women's rights, Mehrangiz Kar was among the first women attorneys who
voiced deep concern against the Islamization of gender relations in
Iran following the revolution.
To top
* Sarkuhi in Seattle
Faraj Sarkuhi, renowned Iranian writer and journalist, will be in Seattle
on Sunday June 17 for a reading, lecture, and question-and-answer session.
The event will be held in Room 249 Savery Hall on the campus of the University
of Washington at 5:00 PM and is projected to last until about 7 PM.
You may recall that Mr. Sarkuhi's struggle for press and intellectual
freedoms in Iran attracted worldwide attention in 1998 when he was abducted
by the officials of the Islamic Republic's Ministry of Information and held
against his will for several weeks. He was eventually released under international
pressure and his release led to revelations about the chain of abductions
and murders committed by the Ministry of Information.
He now lives and writes in exile in Germany. Mr. Sarkuhi's appearance
in Seattle is part of a US tour arranged by PEN American Society.
Ahmad Karimi-Hakkak
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* Amir Fallah -- artist wins scholarship
We are pleased to announce that the 2001 Iranian Art Scholarship Winner-Amir
Fallah will be in the San Francisco Bay Area in May >>>
To top
* Parsis in India, photographic journey
India Center of Art & Culture
CONTACT: Tamina Davar
A Photographic Journey Capturing Media Acclaim; Selling Out in India
and North America
New York Sooni Taraporevala, photographer, and acclaimed screenwriter
of Mira Nair's award-winning films Mississippi Masala and Salaam Bombay
and the recently-released Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, launches her new
book of photographs, already selling out in India and North America.
Taraporevala had attended New York University and wrote part of Mississippi
Masala while working in New York. Taraporevala will present slides from
her book, spanning 20 years of work. Discussing her personal journey producing
the book - from her Parsi upbringing, to her work as a photographer and
internationally-known screenwriter, to the personal stories within the book,
she will touch on Parsi social history, religion, and identity.
The event is cosponsored with the South Asian Journalists Association
DATE: Tuesday, May 15
TIME: Reception 6:30 pm
Event: 7:00 pm
LOCATION: India Center of Art & Culture 530 West 25 Street (between
10th & 11th Avenues) $10 donation requested >>>
To top
* Iranian teaching positions in Paris
Two permanent CNRS positions in Iranian studies are available in Paris:
- Librarian for the Institute of Iranian studies at the Sorbonne nouvelle
- "Documentaliste" for the Iranian studies research group and
the journal Abstracta Iranica. Professional experience and knowledge of
Persian, French and English are required for both positions.
More details in French at the Web site of "Monde iranien":
Yann Richard
Etudes iraniennes - Sorbonne nouvelle
13 rue Santeuil - F-75231 Paris cedex 05
++(33) et 69 fax ++(33)
To top
* Iranian Community Action Network, Washington DC
Iranian Community Action Network
Dear Friends, Long time no see! How is everyone? I hope your Aide Norouz
celebrations were great! I spent mine at the Farsi Language Center in Beirut.
What an experience!
Please come to La Madeleine French Bakery, 3000 M Street in Georgetown,
DOWNSTAIRS 4-6pm on Saturday May 12, 2001 for a meeting. During this meeting,
we will:
1. Hear about the activities of an Iranian non-governmental organization
from Katrine Razavi, Executive Director of CENESTA- Centre for Sustainable
2. Set a date for the ICAN Spring Picnic 3. Review the activities of
the past few months The meeting will take place on SATURDAY, MAY 12, 2001
4-6 PM
Location: Le Madeleine French Bakery, DOWNSTAIRS 3000 M Street, Washington,
DC NW Parking available on the street. You can walk from the Foggy Bottom
or Dupont Circle metro stations.
For more information, please contact Newsha Moraveji at 202-462-2042
To top
* PBS documentary om Islam
By Nigel Hunt
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Most Americans do not associate Islam with medical
advances or cutting-edge technology, but perhaps they should think again:
Hospitals were an Islamic invention, Muslims saved the works of Aristotle
and other Greek philosophers and they were the first to use paper widely.
``Hostility exists against Muslims in the United States. People think
about the guy in Afghanistan (news - web sites) who is blowing up statues
rather than the guy down the street who is a dentist,'' said Rob Gardner,
who produced and director a documentary about Islam for the Public Broadcasting
Gardner said his documentary, ``Empire of Faith,'' being aired on May
8, sought to avoid ``negative stereotypes.'' Much of the 2 1/2-hour program
is spent looking at the positive achievements of the first 1,000 years of
Islam >>>
To top
* Persian prose in Exile, London (revised schedule)
Here is a detailed list of speakers and topics for the lecture series
on post-revolution Persian prose in exile which I am organizing at School
of Oriental and African Studies in London in association with "Iran Heritage Foundation"
with support from Balli Klockner plc
Convenor: Dr Nima Mina, SOAS, University of London
"Discourse of Exile in Post-Revolution Persian Prose"
Revised Schedule >>>
To top
* Celebration of Iranian Arts, Washington
With reference to the item on Community page of your web site, "New Art from
Iran: U.S. Tour," please be aware that in addition to the art exhibition
at Meridian International Center, a multi-event "Celebration of Iranian
Arts and Culture" has been organized by Search
for Common Ground that includes a variety of concerts - traditional
Persian classical music, contemporary fusion/new-age jazz, and Iranian folk
songs - poetry readings, Persian cuisine, a slide lecture on Persian carpets
and textiles, and a gallery talk by visiting Iranian artists.
Many of the events are free of charge. I believe this series will be
of great interest to your readers, and I would very much appreciate your
posting the attached information on your web site.
Gil Kulick
Communications Director
Search for Common Ground
Tel. 202-777-2227
To top
* Persian Lecturer Position, University of Michigan
The Department of Near Eastern Studies at the University of Michigan
announces a lecturer position for a professional language instructor of
Persian, effective September 1, 2001. This position is a one-year appointment
with the possibility of renewal. Salary is commensurate with education and
experience. Responsibilities include teaching 2 courses per semester on
the Elementary and Intermediate levels.
Requirements: M. A. or Ph. D. in Persian language, linguistics, or language
pedagogy; preferably two years of language teaching experience at the college
level; and native or near-native competence in both Persian and English.
Please send a letter of application and three letters of reference, and
a videotape if available, not to exceed 30 minutes, to: Professor Alexander
Knysh, Chair, NES, University of Michigan, 2068 Frieze Building, Ann Arbor,
MI 48109. Review of applications will continue until a candidate is chosen.
The University of Michigan is an EOE employer.
To top
* Day I became a woman, San Diego
We're going to start showing Marziyeh Meshkini's THE DAY I BECAME A WOMAN
in San Diego after May 10th. I'm organizing another screening for the Iranian
community on May 9th in San Diego (7 PM, Hillcrest Theatre). Anyone that
may want to go can just email
me an RSVP and their numbers and I'll add their name to the door list.
THE DAY I BECAME A WOMAN is a beautiful triptych depicting three stages
in a woman's life. It marks the debut of first time director Marzieh Meshkini's
. Alternately funny, surreal and heartbreaking and filled with breathtaking
imagery, the film features a script by Mohsen Makhmalbaf, one of the masters
of the new Iranian Cinema. It has received numerous awards including the
Best First Film prize at the 2000 Venice and Chicago Film Festivals, Best
Director at the Thessaloniki Film Festival and Best Film (Asian Filmmakers)
at the Pusan Film Festival.
To top
* Isfahan conference postponed
I would like to thank you for your interest in participating in Isfahan 2001 Conference.
In our quest to convene a professional conference with quality presentations
we have been working very diligently to bring this ambitious plan into fruition,
given the disproportionately short time we had.
Therefore, after careful considerations, the Executive Committee has
decided to change the date of the Isfahan 2001 Conference to late December
of this year, possibly December 22-24. (instead of June 18 - 21, 2001).
Contact us if you have any question.
Masoud Moghtaderi-Zadeh, Ph.D.,
Chair, Isfahan 2001 Conference
Office 408-615-4203
Cell 214-215-1951
To top
* Colorado Persian Society
Attached you will find Colorado
Persian Society's newsletter provided by Dr. Nooriala in Farsi with
details and directions to the following events:
1. This Saturday May 5, 3-5pm, Introduction to Yoga with Mahmoud Hosseini.
Bring a matt. Dress casually.
2. Sunday, May 6, 3-5 Health and water quality presentation by CSU Professor
and researcher, Dr. Soltanpour.
3. Our sixth annual elections, financial report, discussion: Sunday May
20th, 1-5pm
All events at Pouneh Sara (Colorado's Iran House) 7800 W. Colfax in Lakewood.
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* Night on a Persian Rug, Chicago
University of Chicago's Persian Cultural Society proudly presents A NIGHT
ON A PERSIAN RUG. Enjoy a full course meal from Reza's restaurant and a
variety of entertainment. This includes student performances such dancing,
singing, skits, slide show, and poetry.
May 12, 2001 at 7:00 pm
Place: International House at the U of C on 59th street and Dorchester
For more information or tickets call (847) 334-2828 or email
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Do you have an annoucement? Email us
