December 30 , 2005
About Shokooh
Quit for good
Dear Shokooh,
Every year on New Year’s Eve, I promise myself
that this will be the year I stop smoking. Despite my good intentions,
by the first week in January, I am back to my two-pack a day habit. My
wife is very supportive and doesn’t nag me, but I have two
children who are very afraid for my health and get more vocal about it
every year. What can I do to quit for good? I have been smoking for
over thirty years and I am addicted. I would describe my addiction as
very, very strong. Is there any chance I can succeed?
Thank you,
A smoker since age 15
Dear Reader,
Congratulations on your efforts! I am impressed
that, despite the incredible difficulty of quitting, you are motivated
enough to try year after year. It is especially moving to hear that
your love for your children is so strong that you are willing to
continue trying to quit in the face of a strong addiction.
Nearly 45 million American adults are smokers. Of these,
an estimated 70 percent actively want to quit. You are far from alone.
Any habit that has been practiced and perfected for thirty years will
be hard to break. Your goal is not impossible, but will require
motivation and commitment. Your repeated attempts are not
failures. They are necessary steps towards freeing yourself from
addiction. Research shows that most ex-smokers had multiple
quitting trials before saying goodbye to cigarettes for good. Everything
you have tried and done—regardless of outcome—has brought
you to this moment, to this attempt. Success is absolutely possible.
Nicotine is a highly addictive product and many
ex-smokers say that breaking free of it is the hardest thing they have
ever done. In addition to the physical addiction, there is the reality
that smoking is probably a big part of your life, one that you may
enjoy and find pleasurable. Cigarettes have accompanied you for thirty
years—they have been there when you were happy, upset, bored, or
stressed. Smoking may have facilitated social interactions, been a part
of adolescent rebellious memories, or been a habit you shared with
close friends. As you begin contemplating quitting, remember to take
some time to acknowledge the role that smoking has played in your life.
It is a habit that is unhealthy and harmful—but has also given
you pleasure and enjoyment. Acknowledge that, mourn the loss and
change, and begin thinking about all the reasons why you want to quit.
It is perfectly normal to have mixed feelings about quitting. Just
don’t let that stop you!
Take the time to truly think about what is driving your
desire to quit smoking. Literally write the reasons down on paper and
keep the list with you. One of my patients wrote his list on the back
of a photograph of his family. He keeps this in his wallet and pulls it
out when he is tempted to reach for a cigarette. We have all heard the
public service announcements on television and know why smoking is bad.
What I want you to do is come up with your own personal list—why
do YOU want to quit? The longer the list and the more ground you cover,
the better. There will be times everyday when you don’t feel like
quitting, when you want to smoke. The longer and more detailed this
list of reasons, the more helpful it will be.
Your second task is to think about, and write down, a
list of your smoking habits and triggers. Observe your smoking
behaviors. When do you smoke? What situations make you crave a
cigarette? What are your smoking habits? Do you smoke with others
or by yourself? Do you smoke after meals? While watching the news? When
you are upset or stressed? Be specific—you cannot change a
behavior until you first are aware of it and understand it.
The next step is active preparation. Talk to your
medical doctor about your desire to quit and ask for his/her assistance
and shared ideas. Ask your doctor about nicotine replacement therapy
(NRT). Many studies have concluded that NRT such as the patch or
inhaler (available by prescription) can dramatically assist in
quitting. Your physician can be an amazing ally in your fight to quit.
There are many different behavior modification programs
that target smoking cessation. A psychologist can help guide you during
this process. Support groups may also be of assistance. If you decide
to embark on your own, try to find some resources for information and
help. The government’s website (www.smokefree.gov) is an
excellent site that promotes the START approach:
S = Set
a quit date.
T =
Tell family, friends, and co-workers that you plan to quit.
= Anticipate and plan for the challenges you'll face while quitting.
R =
Remove cigarettes and other tobacco products from your home, car,
and work.
T =
Talk to your doctor about getting help to quit.
As you know, quitting isn't easy. You have tried many
times and it may take several more tries before you are free of this
addiction. Remember that you learn something with each attempt. Be
gentle and try not to judge yourself too harshly. Millions of people
have quit smoking for good. You can be one of them.
Best wishes for a healthy New Year.
This column is for general educational purposes only-- it is not a
substitute for medical attention, counseling, or therapy of any kind.
The Couch and the staff of this website urge you to seek immediate
medical attention if you are in an urgent, harmful, or potentially
dangerous situation. Psychiatric emergencies or urgent matters should
be handled by calling 9-1-1 or going to the nearest emergency
room. Please note that your emails will not be answered on
an individual basis and your confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. Top