
THE IRANIAN Weekly Bulletin, Jan 7, 1997

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Tuesday, January 7, 1997

* Recent articles from daily Hamshahri
* Lost & Found

Recent articles from daily Hamshahri

Here are selected stories from recent issues of Theran's Hamshahri daily online newspaper. You need Persian fonts to see the news in Persian. If you have not installed it, go to these sites for free download and installation instructions:





-- Lili Golestan: Why is my book banned but Tehran Radio reads it over the air?! //

-- Alleged Monarchist and accomplice executed on corruption and... charges //

-- Majlis votes to create Qazvin Province. (Riots broke out in Qazvin last year when the Majlis voted against a similar bill)

-- Iran's exports (mostly oil) to Italy up 87 percent

-- Employers ordered to expel illegal foreign workers

-- Carpet exports, highest non-oil export revenue earner, down 42 percent //

-- Steel production up 25 percent

-- Gasoline consumption up despite price increase

-- Industrial output 17 percent of GNP

-- Latest census figures

-- Artificial insemination: First child born

-- No decision yet on Iran's soccer star joining English team //

-- Cabinet decides to increase/expand mosques

-- Feature on the Internet: It's damn good

-- Computers in schools: Mostly superficial

-- Shoma ro beh hazrat abbas stop making babies

-- Translation of Der Spiegel's interview with Samuel Huntington, the Harvard professor whose controversial theory on the "clash of civilizations" is keeping political scientists busy in the post-Cold War era (in two parts):

// //

-- If you want to know more about Huntington's theory, read recent article in The Economist: //

Lost & Found

* Tehran American School
* FOUND: Banisadr
* LOST: Moshiri
* LOST: Seyed Bolouri

NOTE: The following messages have been added in the "Lost & Found" section of THE IRANIAN online magazine at:


And remember, the best place to search for anyone's address, phone number and email (mostly in the U.S.) is at these sites:



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Tehran American School

From: Chris Cope <>

Subject: Tehran American School

We are an American family who were stationed in Tehran Iran from Aug. 1973 until December 1974 and we attended the Tehran American School.

Looking for others who attended, who know whereabouts of former alumni, etc. Graduate of TAS 1974. Played football for the TAS Raiders.

Anyone know the status of the school today, whereabouts of the official student records of TAS. Please pass message to other related Web sites. We are new to the internet.

Address is

Chris Cope

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FOUND: Banisadr

From: Bahram Javid <>

[In reply to the person who enquired about the whereabouts of Dr. Mousa Banisadr]

Dr. Banisadr is here in the San Francisco area. Here are his phone numbers...

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LOST: Moshiri

I am trying to locate an old friend of mine by the name of Alireza Moshiri. We attended the University of Tulsa during 1972-'73.

The last I have heard from him was back in 1977 and he was working at Chevron in Louisiana. Your assistance in finding this good old friend of mine is appreciated. I live in Irvine, California.

Shahriar Mortazavi

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LOST: Seyed Bolouri

We are looking for Seyyed Hossein Seyyed Bolouri, who worked as an orthopaedist at the Royal Hospital in Bradford, England, until last summer.

He left the hospital then, and since his family in Iran have no news of him.

If you know of his whereabout please send an email to:


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