Stop at the red light
Before changing the government
August 6, 2002
The Iranian
This is another installment of my "Anatomy
of urban chaos" series! Many, many articles, speeches and opinions have
been given about the social, economic and political pickle in which Iran and her
people find themselves.
I am not ignorant of the role that governments and political developments or even
foreign agendas have played in getting our old motherland where it is today. But
please look at this picture of Tehran's Mehrabad Airport terminal.

Photo from Tehran24.com
This is a beautiful new terminal in what seems to be a well maintained area with
neatly marked streets. But look at the citizens who are walking in the foreground.
They should be moving left to right and crossing the street. But instead, they are
moving against oncoming cars, blocking traffic and putting themselves and drivers
in danger!
I don't even know how many laws they are breaking. But please consider the fact
that if one or more of these citizens are hit by a car right in front of this airport
terminal, every official in that airport, including the pilots who fly the planes,
would be deemed responsible by these guys.
My bet is that none of them would even "know" that they caused the incident
by breaking multiple city codes and regulations to cause the hurt that came to them.
I'm not saying the people of Iran should stop blaming the regime and other culprits,
for blaming them is justified! But simply look whether or not these people are doing
everything to deserve better leaders under the rule of law?!
Among other things, one can blame the governments and political the establishment
of Iran, present and past, for lack of proper education on how to be law abiding,
how to drive, and generally how to be a "Shahrvand" (citizen).
I believe the solution to Iran's current political and social deadlock has to
begin with small steps from the grassroots. It begins with stopping for the red light,
using the pedestrian crosswalk, respecting the lanes, honoring the next person's
right in a movie theatre queue, etc, etc.
Indeed, much work remains to be done before simply replacing the figureheads at
the top!