You frustrate me
I need to know how to make Iranian men understand, "No, thank
By Golden Flower Eyes
July 16, 2002
The Iranian
Dear Iranian men in the USA,
I've heard and read many bad things said about you by Western-educated Iranian women.
They have valid points, however.
I respect all people's culture and I do not hate Iranian men. I am not an Iranian
woman, nor have I ever been to Iran. I am educated and I accept the egotism of men
as part of nature. However you Iranian men frustrate me. You Iranian men think you
are entitled to flatter yourselves by force.
If a woman is considered beautiful, why do you have to make complete assholes of
yourselves by insisting that you are entitled to have sex with her whether she wants
to or not? Whether she is married or not?
Even though you know I am devoted to my husband and children, you Iranian men make
great fools of yourselves by competing against each other for my attention all at
Many men from many countries have complimented me. They accept my expression of thanks
for their flattery, but they go on their way. Not you.
I need at least one Iranian man to write to me and explain how can you be so full
of yourself. Don't misunderstand me, I respect the Iranian man's great ego. Egotism
is a scientific fact. I just need to know how to make Iranian men understand the
message: "No, thank you."
Any comments from Iranian women are also appreciated. I have great admiration for
the Iranian women, whether or not they have ever walked on a college campus, whether
they live in Iran or not. They are naturally smart, high spirited, and magnificent.
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