Observations about photons
Persian text
By Hossein Javadi
July 22, 2002
The Iranian
Dear Colleague:
I did bring forward the creation particles in last paper (see following appendix). Now I will rationalize the photoelectric effect, Compton
effect, Thomson scattering and Pair Production and annihition. Please read this paper
advise me about your expert opinion. as related to my theory.
Photoelectric Effect
Please remember that photons are formed by many creation particles with stable
mass (m) and constant speed Vc (see following appendix) so that:
grad Vc = 0 in all inertial frame and any place
And energy E of a photon depends only to the number of particles (creation particles)
so that:
E=hn , n=n n is the number of the particles in a photon
Suppose for changing the frequency of a photon from
n to n+1 we need a creation particle, so that: n+1=n+1
The least (smallest) photon formed by two creation particles.
With respect to grad Vc = 0 in all inertial frame and any place, we know that
any creation particles in a photon has linear momentum mc and angular
momentom that is: Iv
By the external forces. c and v changes to v and v1 . (v depends on external forces
that works on photon and v < c, v < v1 ), also the linear momentum of a
creation particle is mv and the linear momentum of a photon is:
P=nmv and it's kinetic energy is E=nmV2
Suppose a bounded electron on the surface of metal absorbs a photon. Let w be the
energy with which an electron is bound to metal, w is often called the work function
of the material. Clearly, unless nmV2 > w . no photoelectron can be produced.
Comton effect
What happens when a photon collides with an electron?
Suppose before the collision photon has n creation particles, if after collision
this photon has n creation particles (same before collision ), n also l do
not have changes (Thomson scattering).
Now suppose before the collision photon has n creation particles, and after
collision has (n-k) creation particles, and electron gets kinetic energy equal
E=kmc2 and photon loses energy equal E=kmc2 because it loses k creation particles.
After collision new photon has (n-k) creation particles. and it's frequency
is: (n-k)=n'
So: Dl=l'-l=c[(1/n'-1/n)]=c[(1/(n-k)-1/n)]=k/(n-k)n
This formula shows that k can be zero ( Thomson scatteing ) to n.
Pair Production:
For the electron rest mass we have following relations:
and E=hn , n=n
No we can find how many creation particles, is needed for Pair Production,
it is approximately
When a photon that has this number of creation particles ( or more ) and
collides with a heavy nucleus atom( or moves near the heavy nucleus ), changes the
route of movement of particles from transferred condition to circular and photon
transforms to electron and positron.
Also we can find how many creation particles and external forces are needed
for produce the proton and antiproton or other particles.
To top
Let talking only about the speed
Dear Professor;
During my studies Theoretical Physics, I found a questionable problem about the speed.
I think that the Quantum mechanics and Special Relativity have not any answer for
my question. Now I think that I apperceived the answer of this questionable problem.
Please read this letter and guide me for this questions and is my opinion correct
or not? Now please let me remind the Following items:
A. Newton's second law: f=ma
Mass is stable, the speed of material can be infinity and Time is absolute.
And: V=V1+V2
B. Quantom mechanics:
Electromagnetic waves are quantized. They consist of discrete quanta, called photons.
Each photon has an energy E that depends only on the frequency n and given by:
C. Special Relativity
1 - The physical laws of nature are the same in every inertial frame of reference.
2 - The speed of light in a vacuum is the same in all reference frames.
T =T/ (1 - v2/c2 ) P
L =L0 (1 - v2/c2 ) P
m =m0 /(1 - v2/c2 ) P
especially: E = mc2
And; V =(V1 + V2 )/(1+V1V2/c2)
Questionable problem:
Studying these subjects especially E = mc2, one essential question comes up:
Question 1: Why the amount of speed of material is variable. But the amount
of speed of energy is constant?
Question 2: The stability of lightís speed comes from a natural event?
Question 3: By consideration L =L0 (1 - v2/c2 ) P and m =m0 /(1 - v2/c2 )
P we know that nothings can reach to the speed of light. but this result comes up
without advertent the structure of materials.
Question 4: By considering the relation of E=mc2, is it possible we study
the structure of material to the point of speed and for the reason that why nothing
can reach to the speed of light?
Therefore. everyone can consider these sort of questions, and by receiveing
positive or negative answers, they could be ignorance, but most of the scientific
human achievement is the result of looking and getting their answers to unimportant
questions. Scientific method means letting the questions to be introduce and effort
for reaching their answers.
For these questions, I have a proposal for speed principle. By this principle
we can generalize the speed of electromagnetic waves to material's speed.
This principle is based on: Pair Production and annihition, Mossbauer effect, Doppler
effect, photoelectric effect, Compton effect, Dilation of Time, E=mc2 and Atomic
Principle: Suppose, there is a very small particle in status without of any external
force moves in straight way (a point on the surface ) with a fixed speed as Vc in
any inertial frame. And this particle moves by internal force (or internal energy)
so that:
grad Vc = 0 in all inertial frame and any places
It is the smallest quantum in the world and any photons formed of many of these particles.
Let's call this particle creation particle.
Note1: Sum of the amount of acceleration on three axes of (x, y, z) is equal
to zero. So that:
ax +ay +az =0 in all inertial frame and any places
In another word the external force is not the factor for increasing or decreasing
the amount of speed, but is the factor for changing the route of movement of particles
from transferred condition to circular and return.
Note2: Incase, any contact between these particles, they go far from each
other and again under the impression of their gravity force ( or unknown force )
they get near to each other and this action and reaction continue till by circular
movement the distance between them reaches to near zero.
1 - We can result the Newtonís second law. I described above (creation particle
) that anything (protons, neutrons, electrons and others) formed by these particles.
Suppose that a material accelerate toward the ground's surface, the particleís circular
speed change to straight speed so that:
grad Vc = 0 in all inertial frame and any places
Therefore we can result the Newtonís second law: f=ma
2 - Quantum mechanics. Each photon formed with many of these particles. And
energy E of a photon depends only to the number of particles so that:E=hn
3 - Special Relativity. When These quantum that I described above mentioned
move in a vacuum condition. Particles constitutive the photons have tow moving:
a. a circular motion that happened by external force so that:
grad Vc = 0 in all inertial frame and any places
b. a straight motion depend to external forces so that:
grad Vc = 0 in all inertial frame and any places
Therefore we come to a conclusion Special Relativityís principle:
The speed of light in a vacuum is the same in all reference frames.
Important result: Now we can explain that why the speed of anything can not
reach to speed of light.
Because before than materialís speed reach to lightís speed, the particles contact
with others, they go far from each other and material change to other particles(photons,
electrons, positrons, protons Ö).
So at the time of changing material to energy (such as inflammation, radio activity
radiation, Pair production, atomic and Astrology explosions) making free of these
particles from the external power or making contact between them and particles with
the same fixed speed continue their movement.
No time has been passed from the world life, By considering this principle
all physical phenomenon are justifiable. Also by considering the fact that the creation
particles are always move with a fixed speed, no time has been passed from their
lifetime, in another words no time has been passed from the world life and any effort
for determining the world's life will come to a failure.
Result: So that the source of time depends on external
For accepting this comment it is enough to change our assumption from material and
energy, do not believe any specified border between them. In another words fixed
light speed is not only emerging from a natural
event but the amount of this speed is always fixed, even when energy is in form of
You are kindly requested to read my opinion, on the above mentioned subject carefully
and appreciate to have your kind reply by return.
Meanwhile, please be aware that, because of my shortage in connection sources to
declare my priciple, kindly provide me how, where and who could be handeled to. Your
promt reply is highly appreciated.