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You did it
Single mom finishes graduate school

November 18, 2002
The Iranian

Today, Yazdaneh Amiryazdani, a single mother of two, took the last exam in her two-year course in audiology at the University of Sydney. These are messages from her friends:

* Yaz joon,

I've been thinking about a gift for you for weeks. I wanted to send you flowers, but my credit cards were all over-the-limit! I wanted to send you chocolate, but I'm against polygamy. The last time I gave a woman chocolates, I ended up marrying her! I wanted to send you kisses and hugs, but I knew it would bounce back as being "undeliverable"! In all sincerity, I just can't come up with a gift as good as the one you've given yourself. (did I hear someone mentioning the name Churchill?)

So, I am just going to say congratulations, and share with you my heartfelt happiness for you. I know it's been rough on you getting to this point. Now, it's time to sit back, relax and reap the benefit of all the hard work you put in. Enjoy it dear!

... dar zemn shirini yAdet nareh! ;-)


* Yazdaneh Joon,

We call you NabAt for a reason! You stayed on task even though there were a lot of things that that your sweetness should have stopped you from progressing with your studies. You kept the house and the kids going, worked and even surprised a bunch of your friends by coming to LA and bringing sweet smiles to everyone's face. So NabAt joon, enjoy the study free days, keep smiling, share your sweetness and welcome to the world of being a working Mom!!

Your cyber xAle


dAyi Hamid

* Yaz jAn,

Congratulations. I know you have a job lined up, dogive yourself some time to relax and then start working. You deserve it.



* Yazdaneh jaan,



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By Yazdaneh Amiryazdani

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Fly to Iran

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