Caspian quartet
Four-part essay on the environmental demise of the Caspian Sea
June 7, 2002
The Iranian
Part III: Limits of Techno-bravado
Part I, Part II, Part IV
Petroleum engineers swear by the safety of underwater pipelines and the environmental
friendliness of the platforms that are used for offshore drilling and extraction.
Nor is the turbulent weather in southern Caspian a problem, after all, the engineers
gloat, the Caspian experience will benefit from the technology and lessons learned
in the turbulent North Sea theater. O, really! Consider the following two episodes
as recent examples of how nature tends to humble techno-bravado.
On December 3, 2001, a 6,347-ton oil-drilling rig, called the Key Singapore,
which was owned and operated by Global Santa Fe, an American company and the world's
second-largest offshore oil and natural gas driller, was set adrift in the rough
seas off Egypt. A day later, the rig appeared off Tel Aviv, listing and in danger
of breaking up. On the second they of its wandering about it was harnessed and towed
back to Egypt. The rescue of the rig's 84-man crew was accomplished through the intervention
of an Italian frigate, the American frigate USS Ross, two British naval helicopters,
and a Cypriot police helicopter.
Mercifully, the Key Singapore was not a production platform. The fabled Petrobas
36, however, was a production platform and it sits now on the floor of the Campos
Basin, some 4,400 feet deep and 78 miles off Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Once resting
on four legs atop the Roncador oilfield, the virile semi-submersible rig stood 40-stories
high, and weighed 33,000 tonnes. It was the largest offshore oil rig in the universe.
It could produce 180,000 barrels of oil per day, but it was producing only 8,000
barrels per day when humility struck.
On March 15, 2001, a pesky series of blasts, which were attributed to gas leaks,
damaged one of the support columns. The rig began to list and soon was tilting at
an angel twice as crooked as the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Efforts to stabilize the
rig consisted of pumping some 4,100 tons of nitrogen into its pontoons and other
hallow structures, but this bought only enough time to get some rescue equipment
to the site and try to pump out the oil that was stored on board. On March 20, the
rig gracefully disappeared from view.
According to Petrobas, Brazil's national oil company, the rig had at the time some
316,000 gallons of diesel on board, as well as 79,000 gallons of crude oil, while
some 21 oil and gas bearing pipelines joined the rig from the various wells. Damage
to any of the pipelines or the shutters of the underwater wells could have produced
a first rate environmental disaster. This time, more luck than brawn saved the day;
reportedly, vessels managed to collect some 400,000 gallons of oil, the oil wells
on the ocean floor were capped, but leaving behind a drifting oil slick that could
not be contained because of the rough seas. In January 2000, a Petrobas pipeline
in Rio's scenic bay ruptured and sent some 340,000 gallons of crude spilling into
the waters, wreaking havoc with the delicate mangroves, and the populations of birds
and fish.
Sadly, those who help in the cleaning up of oil spills themselves are often at risk.
The case of the Exxon Valdez spill is illustrative. This oil tanker ran aground
off Alaska in April 1989 and spewed some 11 million gallons of oil into Prince William
Sound, causing the death of some 250,000 birds, 2,800 otters, 300 harbor seals, and
countless fish. Many of those who worked on that spill experienced nausea, headaches,
chemical burns, and breathing problems. In the long-run many found oil traces in
their lungs, blood, and fatty tissue of their buttocks. There is evidence of an Exxon
Valdez syndrome among the workers, but just like the [Persian] Gulf War syndrome
or the Agent Orange syndrome, the U.S. government is not quick to recognize it.
The official view in the United States is that in the case of emergencies involving
crude oil, worker safety against toxicity is best safeguarded with the use of personal
protective equipment, training, and oversight. There is no reason to believe that
any of the Caspian governments and their foreign oil partners can or will ward off
a potential disaster like Petrobas 36 or put into place a safe clean-up operation
in the case of a major spill. The infrastructure simply does not exist for lofty
goals such as ensuring technical integrity of platforms, pipelines, couplings and
shutters, for environmental impact studies, prevention, crisis management, clean-up,
and compensation. Worse yet, the constipation of the littoral governments on this
score finds its metaphor in the fact that the Caspian is landlocked, and any sea-borne
disaster here will have to rely on local readiness and standby equipment and vessels
in the case of a crisis. Good luck!
Furthermore, there is a Caspian feature that neither the Campos Basin or the North
Sea shares: earthquakes, lots of them, strong ones and often. Because of this unrelenting
phenomenon a massive oil and gas disaster in the Caspian is only a matter of time,
not likelihood. Consider the following record: on November 25, 2000, a quake measuring
5.5 on the Richter scale shook up Baku. The epicenter of the quake was located at
15 miles off the coast of Baku in the Caspian Sea, where it measured 6.6 on the scale.
The tremors were felt as far north as Daghestan, and as far west as Georgia, where
they measured at 2.0 to 3.0 on the Richter.
On December 6, 2000, around 10 p.m., a quake measuring 7.2 to 7.4 on the scale rocked
Ashgabat for some two minutes. Its tremors were felt as far west as Balkanabad and
Kazanzhik, where 80% of the Turkmen oil is produced, and at Baku, where it measured
4.5. The tremors were also felt as far north as southern Russia, some 1,200 miles
away, with weaker tremors registering farther north in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Eastward, the tremors were felt as far as Tashkent, Bukhara and Smargand. The epicenter
of this quake was located some 500 miles west of Ashgabat, smack dab in the middle
of the southern basin of the Caspian Sea. A quake of comparable size had shaken up
Ashgabat in 1948 and claimed 45,000 to 100,000 lives.
On February 18, 2001, a quake centered at Makhachkala, the capital of Daghestan,
stirred up a 3.0 rumbling that was felt around the Daghestani coast at a radius of
40 miles. In August, another quake, measuring 5.4, struck northwest Turkey. In October
2001, a quake measuring about 4.0 shook the Talesh highland area in northwest Iran
on the Caspian shore. In November, another quake, measuring 4.4, hit northern Iran
on the Caspian littoral in the Gorgan/Golestan province. Recently, in December 2001,
the ground in northern Iran, on the Caspian coast, once again shook to the rhythm
of a 3.6 quake.
Engineers sneer at the suggestion that earthquakes will bust open crude- and gas-laden
pipes. After all, they point out, nuclear power plants have been built and are operating
safely in earthquake-prone regions of the world for decades. Their point is well
taken except there is a limit to such techno-bravado. Can the same be said of any
facility in operation, nuclear or otherwise, that is 200 to 400 miles in length?
Which is also under tons of water pressure, negotiating the ups and downs and the
various depths of the sea-floor, meandering through various temperature zones?
Part IV
(To be published in a week)
See Part
I, Part
II, Part
Mirfendereski is the author of A
Diplomatic History of the Caspian Sea (New York and London: Palgrave,
2001). The author acknowledges the material available on www.eia.doe.gov,
www.caspianstudies.com, and www.savecaspiansea.com.
This piece is being published contemporaneously in IranFile (London: June