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General Teymour Bakhtiar was Tehran's
second military governor and presiding
judge in Mossadegh's treason trial.
Bakhtiar became intelligence chief in the 60's but
escaped to Iraq for allegedly plotting against the
Shah. He died in Baghdad under mysterious circumstances.

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Photo essay: Mossadegh

Compiled by Jalil Bozorgmehr
February 6, 2003
The Iranian

From Mossadegh beh bayaan-e tasveer, by Col. Jalil Bozorgmehr
(Nashr-e Elm Publishers, Tehran, 2001). Bozorgmehr was
Mossadegh's lawyer in his trial after the 1953 coup.

Thanks to Syma A. for sending this book

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Iranian of the century
Survey: Mossadegh


Unedited CIA history of 53 coup

Just like that
How the Mossadegh government was overthrown
By Mark Gasiorowski

30th of Tir
Re-living the day pro-Mossadegh forces took to the streets
Amanollah Tahmasebi

Book of the day

Fly to Iran

Mussadiq and the Struggle for Power in Iran
By Homa Katouzian

The Mossadegh Era
The roots of the Iranian Revolution
By Sepehr Zabih

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