June 2002
Madame Bayaz has your gestures down...
Madame Bayaz's cat, Mazlum, demanded another trip cross-country and he insisted,
too, that we take it on a bus where watching the current cheap movie, Rokhsareh,
is mandatory. So, we hunkered down in the back of the bus where I could stretch out
and play games on my new Palm Pilot as my kitten watched the scenery from the window,
pouncing between the back window and the two sides, and following the sun as it moved
from the East, westward. Somewhere between Shiraz and Tabriz, I felt the gentle hand
of Venus patiently curling my locks behind my ear and sliding a headphone in. I listened
eagerly... I could hear my every intuition confirmed: that love enters quietly, that
it leaves impatiently, and that language sometimes loses touch with its roots, forcing
us to say things in gestures rather than words. Your stars this month spoke to me
in gestures that can convey so much more than a thousand words... Hereís how I saw
Mme Bayaz
Farvardin: Aries
Polishing your hooves...
Ordibehesht: Taurus
Parting your lips...
Khordad: Gemini
Petting the head of your darling...
Tir: Cancer
Shielding your eyes...
Mordad: Leo
Getting down on one knee and smiling a tentative smile...
Shahrivar: Virgo
Looking deeply into someone's eyes...
Mehr: Libra
Gesturing to the nearest garçon...
Aban: Scorpio
Doing summersaults...
Azar: Sagittarius
Switching channels...
Dey: Capricorn
Checking and re-checking the rearview mirror ...
Bahman: Aquarius
Brushing your hair in the kitchen...
Esfand: Pisces
Caressing someone's head in the soft of your elbow...
To contact Madame Bayaz write to: mme_bayaz@yahoo.com