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May 1, 2001

* Cosmic loneliness

My crappy dictionary defines "womanizer" as "someone who pursues a free-wheeling relationship with women"; but we have no idea if Mr. Music Man is actually successful at "free-wheeling" with women or whether the women in these pictrues have allowed him to hop in bed with them.

What we know about Mr. Man is that he likes pencil sketches, long-haired, long-legged and smiling women, his male friends, Pamela Anderson, and white wine, has gone through a variety of facial hair growths, and has a sort of sentimental notion of what a romantic man is (roses, guitars, vintage Paul McCartney, Wham's "Careless Whispers"). He also has a few friends appear in a smattering of social settings with him.

The numerous women in those pictures can be his work colleagues, family friends, cousins, random women he met at bars and took photographs with... who knows? We always put those photos of ourselves on display that we think narrate our lives in a particular way. Just because Mr. Man is with a lot of women doesn't mean that he *is* a womanizer; it just means that he wants us to think he is >>> FULL TEXT

Laleh Khalili

* Gem of a guy

Thanks very much for the "Musicman" picures. It made my day. He is truly a gem of a guy. I will tell him about the pictures and hopefully he will allocate some time from the ... girls?... to come to my place and take a look at the pictures, since he still does not believe in the Internet and computers! Grrrrreat job man !


* Who is he?

I saw your photos of the "Musicman". Really, who is he?

Ali Berenjian

* Mind your own business

dAyi Hamid's writtings are always well-written and smart but I want to warn him that he also have a disease -- the "not-minding your own business" disease ["Beemaari-ye hasr"]. This is the only thing that bothers me about dAyi Hamid.


* Garm

Dam-e hardotoon garm ["Beemaari-ye hasr"].

Ramin Tabib

* Bi-religious

I am surprisingly pleased to learn about your interesting choice ["Two gods"]. Sometimes I think teenagers have much wider views than many people past their teens. Teens like you seem not only open minded but accepting too.

I hope you will keep your great open heart and logic once you enter the wild wide world. I myself think it takes courage to practice two religions specially since religion and nationality are very sensitive issues and have always created conflict and misunderstandings in each and every society.

Please do not mistake me for a non-believer. I do believe in God. I wish you a very successful life and please do not let go of your openness as you grow in age.

Sheema Kalbasi

* Come to Him

I am often amazed by reading such wonderful letters from young teens about their faith ["Two gods"]. It is wonderful for you to share your thoughts and beliefs. I want to encourage you to pray and ask God to show you the way to know Him.

Different religions in the world are man made and are from the evil one who wants us to waste our time.

What we all need is a relationship with God and accept that He loves us so much that He became a man and died for our sins. When we accept this sacrifice, we will live forever with Him.

I pray God to bring you wisdom and a clear heart, that you come to Him and accept His love and the sacrifice He made for you.

Nahid Nami

* Can't measure by today's standards

I still see some people, who owe their very existence to the Pahlavi government, continue bickerings about Reza Shah (e.g. Setareh, Peerooz, A.A., etc.). If Reza Shah failed in anything, it was in giving the remnants of feudals, mollas and bazaaris (to whom the above-mentioned clearly belong - by virtue of their writings) a sense of self-respect.

I stopped at the point where one of the above suggested that the mollas gave us universities, railways and roads. Or another one who suggested that Mossadegh was a Gandhi-like figure. Equally preposterous was the suggestion that Ataturk didn't kill anyone or steal anything.

May I remind you of Ataturk's prominent role (as a commander of the Ottoman army) in the first holocaust of 20th century which involved killing and looting of nearly two million Armenians in Turkey (circa 1915).

Also the more one of the above writers moans about "loss of land" under Reza Shah, the more persuaded I am into thinking that she is deeply hurt on a personal basis. Might I ask who did all these lands belong to in the first place? Answer, to use her own terminology, "thugs with voracious hunger for other people's land". So as one of the more well-read authors (Kashani) suggested, these writers are badly in need of a dose of history education >>> FULL TEXT


* Aftermath of dictatorship

I hope Babak ["A saint compared to Ataturk"] will not miss the point again. And the point is that another 57 years of dictatorship still will end up in a molla government because still we will not know any better and we the children still will need a VALI (shah or molla) to manage our affairs. The only hope is to break this cycle by self-education whether it takes 50,100 or 200 years.

Drinking and womanizing are not punishable crimes. Many great statesmen have committed them and have still h been considered heroes by nations. Comparing Reza Shah with Ataturk is besides the main point. The more you stir it the more it smells.


* Need you more than ever

Regarding Reza Shah kabir, I can only say one thing "Where have you gone Reza shah? Our nation needs you, more than ever, to clean up this cesspool of Islamic republicans, Mojahedin, communists, traitors, savages, mollas, reformists, conservatives, Ganjis, manjis, panjis. And all these filthy degenerate scum in our society.

Mr. Quincy Irani

Comment for The Iranian letters section


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