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Editorial policy

November 17, 2001

Put out the fire they started

A Muslim spokesperson will not have enough clout for the job.The U.S. is the main cause and direct blame of anything nasty happening around the world.The U.S. has to learn to pay for oil , just like every other country in the world.After the ww II,the Brits realised this and pulled out of the middle east and were replaced by the yanks.Since the war they have bombed more than 20 counties around the world.They start the fire and surely they need to put it out.

For the past 11 yrs, the U.S. has been the driving force behind U.N. sanctions against Saddam Hossein and the 22 mil. Iraqi people.Estimates vary, but the World Health Organization and UNICEF studies certify that sanctions are responcible for the death of more than a million Iraqi civilians, including more than half a million children. Genocide is taking place right now , every day, in Iraq, by the very power that claims to set the standard for democracy, freedom and justice.

Attacks on civilians can never be accepted. However, it must not be forgotten that although the era of colonialism has long been over, the U.S. countinues to further its own interests by commercially exploiting developing countries. It has been intervening in the local politics of independent nations not to help them but to secure its own global interests. Arms are supplied to countries in civil war, military groups have trained using U.S. capital and U.S. experts. This is what happened in Afghanistan and with Osama bin Laden. Why are American politicians averse to diplomacy? Violence will only creates more violence.

The attacks of Sep, the 11th has thought the Americans, to re-think thier foreign policy and try and win the hearts of the people of third world countries.America has invariably supported antipeople governments- for example ,in Pakistan, the despicable Gen. Zia ul-Haq was supported even though he promoted fundamentalists. The late Ruhollah Khomaini in Iran,Probobly will go down in history as one of the most barbaric regimes of the 20 th century.

Americans must make a choice between struggling to understand why their nation is widely held in contempt around the world and submerging themselves once again in their culture of self-congratulation and deliberate blindness. He who lives by the sword dies by the sword. Propping up dictators in El Salvador, Guatemala, Argentina, Chile and the list goes on.IF the strike against America was a strike against democracy, then the target would have been a fully democratic nation like New zealand or Finland. If it was a strike against freedom, then why choose the country with the worst record on civil rights and the environment in the developed world? This was a strike on American foreign policy, racism and bullying that must end in order for terrorism to end.

Bin Laden was in hospital late Aug. and the Americans and the CIA had ameeting with him. ( Figaro 31st of october) Why was he not arrested? He was the most wanted man in the world before the sep.11 attackes. Hello Mohammad,

A Muslim spokesperson will not have enough clout for the job.The U.S. is the main cause and direct blame of anything nasty happening around the world.The U.S. has to learn to pay for oil , just like every other country in the world.After the ww II,the Brits realised this and pulled out of the middle east and was replaced by the yanks.Since the war they have bombed more than 20 counties around the world.They start the fire and surely they need to put it out.

For the past 11 yrs, the U.S. has been the driving force behind U.N. sanctions against Saddam Hossein and the 22 mil. Iraqi people.Estimates vary, but the World Health Organization and UNICEF studies certify that sanctions are responcible for the death of more than a million Iraqi civilians, including more than half a million children. Genocide is taking place right now , every day, in Iraq, by the very power that claims to set the standard for democracy, freedom and justice.

Attacks on civilians can never be accepted. However, it must not be forgotten that although the era of colonialism has long been over, the U.S. countinues to further its own interests by commercially exploiting developing countries. It has been intervening in the local politics of independent nations not to help them but to secure its own global interests. Arms are supplied to countries in civil war, military groups have trained using U.S. capital and U.S. experts. This is what happened in Afghanistan and with Osama bin Laden. Why are American politicians averse to diplomacy? Violence will only creates more violence.

The attacks of Sep, the 11th has thought the Americans, to re-think thier foreign policy and try and win the hearts of the people of third world countries.America has invariably supported antipeople governments- for example ,in Pakistan, the despicable Gen. Zia ul-Haq was supported even though he promoted fundamentalists. The late Ruhollah Khomaini in Iran,Probobly will go down in history as one of the most barbaric regimes of the 20 th century.

Americans must make a choice between struggling to understand why their nation is widely held in contempt around the world and submerging themselves once again in their culture of self-congratulation and deliberate blindness. He who lives by the sword dies by the sword. Propping up dictators in El Salvador, Guatemala, Argentina, Chile and the list goes on.IF the strike against America was a strike against democracy, then the target would have been a fully democratic nation like New zealand or Finland. If it was a strike against freedom, then why choose the country with the worst record on civil rights and the environment in the developed world? This was a strike on American foreign policy, racism and bullying that must end in order for terrorism to end.

Bin Laden was in hospital late July and the CIA and American officials met up with him. (French daily Figaro 31st of oct) Why was he not arrested? He was the most wanted man in the world before the Sep,11th. attackes. America wants some pipe lines going thru Afghanistan for the oil he is geting from Ozbackistan and it had to go thru Afghanistan. Taliban never showed up for the Aug. meeting in Germany and the U.S. was pretty upset to say the least.

Islamic democracy does not exist. One can not leave Islam and devote themselevs to anothr religion. Their death would be lawful to another Muslim. Islam is quite a new religion compared with other religions. Maybe in decades to come Islam will evolve in to a viable religion, but i personally doubt that cause it is not willing to move with the times and wants the followers to strictly follow it. Organised religions have not achieved their purpose and maybe people are wisening up to them. They are realising it causes more prejudice and segregation than to bringing them closer. I hope, i have been able to put some light in to your curious mind.

Farhang Asfarpour


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