January 17, 2002
* We are not superior
I couldn't agree more with Mr Pishegah in his article "I feel
better now", on the part of our artificial feeling of superiority.
I am not a historian, but I believe this feeling of hatred originates from
thousands years ago, when we (or better to say the Persians then) were really
more civilized and advanced comparing to their neighbors.
Then Islam came. Persians could not resist it. It was a divine message
of that time and touched the hearts, but our ancestors could not bear the
humility of accepting it from the "inferior" race. In the same
time, they could not show the opposition openly, so this remained in their
hearts and unfortunately got rooted deeply turning to a "kine".
From a psychological point of view, we might analyze this feeling of
superiority as a defense mechanism, that we apply to reject our shortcomings.
We present other third worlders (and even Iran itself) as evil and bad to
prevent our accusation.
While I could be considered by some of our dear nationalists, as
"vatan-foroush", these are facts and I believe to be able to develop
and advance we have to face our shortcomings and objectively resolve them.
We are not superior to other third world nations. Iran is NOT north
of Tehran (shomal-e shahr). On the contrary, "shomal-e shahr and shomal-e
shari-s are minority in our homeland. A bitter fact we have to accept.
Loving our nation and country is not a crime, it is a must. But, let
us not forget others while loving Iran. Let us be objective in this
love. Every nation loves itself, and its country. This is a natural thing.
We should transcend above this. Love our country, while respecting and admiring
others. Once we could do that, we are in a good path for a "true"
* Mercedes Benzs for Afghans
Why don't you at least take one subject, instead of going all over the
place about how pissed off you are about Iranians attitude and so on "I
feel better now". You sound like a guy that has not got laid
in ages! What do you want people in Iran to do for two million Afghan refugees?
You say majority of Iranians live in poverty, well if that's a case,
what more can they do for them? I am sorry if we don't provide all Afghanis
In Iran with huge house and Mercedes Benz! What do you do for the Afghans
any way, since you live in affluent west? My guess: Nothing!
You claim Iranians are racist, intolerant and so on, really on what basis?
Based on some people expressing their frustration in Iranian.com letters
section? Have you ever bothered going to many other sites on the web And
see how ignorant, intolerant or even racist other group of people are?
Have you ever really got close to other nationality and races from Blacks
of Africa (Notorious Racists) to whites, Hispanics, Germans, French, etc...
and hear what they say in private about other races and people? My guess
: Never!
According to your passage "We have always been ruled by a bunch
of murderers and thieves who have in most cases made the lives of ordinary
Iranians miserable. Well if that's the case, then what is your whining about?
seems that Iranians are justified in whining or complaining? Or should we
be thankful?
I tell you what is getting tiring, listening to Iranians like you, who
evidently are better than any one (in your own mind set) , who are Taafteh
jodaa baafteh az digaraan, with self defeating attitude, constantly whining
or lecturing us about what we are, who we are, what do we suppose to do,
say, act and be...
May be its time for you to look at mirror. As you said I said enough!
Mr Quincy Irani
* The world has changed
I see Mr. Pishehgar has raised so many issues in his article "I
feel better now" that it is difficult to respond to all of
them without a shouting match! I think it is good to see this point of
view. I am also tired of hearing that Iranians have invented everything,
and are solely responsible for culture as we know it.
I love my heritage, but not at the risk of offending others. I also
have many Arab friends with similar views of themselves. Look at the popularity
of the poet Rumi. He is now being considered an Afghan poet.
The pride of a culture should be in the way it survives the test of time.
Taking the best of other cultures and growing. All the conquerors of the
old Persia, also brought their cultures into ours. We survived them and
are still a strong nation.
To constantly remember the majesty of the past and sigh is stupid. This
is the time to get up and be known for what we are now. Let's grow beyond
nationalistic feelings, the world has changed, so must we, once again.
Baygani Kamran
* Nothing's changing
I was thinking the other day about the future of Iran. I mean, most
of us Iranian expatriates have lived outside the country for years and years
now and have comfortably settled into our new homes in Europe and America.
And from a distance, we watch and follow and hope for the situation to
improve in Iran. We have watched and followed and hoped for years now.
Nothing's changing.
Khatami hasn't done shit, and he can't do shit. He probably doesn't
want to do shit. The situation seems to get worse everyday I read the news
on Iran: more newspapers shut down, more intellectuals and reformists jailed,
more oppression, etc etc. I have given up on these so-called reformist
mullahs. We had all pinned our hopes on Khatami; we had hoped for an evolution
instead of a revolution. But it's become crystal clear now that that's
not happening and is not going to happen.
So what's the verdict going to be? Are we stuck with these petulant
mullahs FOREVER?? Is that the destiny of the Iranian people?? Is Iran
forever going to be backward, are we forever going to sit here from a distance
and hope things will change?
Going back to my idea. With the Taliban in Afghanistan wiped away by
the United States military (in less than a few weeks time, mind you), what
IF the United States next invaded Iran and with a sustained military action
finished off these mullahs ONCE AND FOR ALL?? There are American politicos
and commentators out there who have actually called for this (although they're
on the right), and I used to be vehemently opposed to this idea. But I'm
starting to realize more and more that if this were to happen, it would
be a gift from God. You read about ordinary Afghans who finally have something
to smile about after 5 years; you read about the Afghan girls who cannot
contain their excitement at being able to attend school once again, to walk
the streets freely, so on and so forth. A few Afghan civilians were killed.
So what? You think the majority of Afghans aren't thanking America a hundred
times a day for getting rid of the Taleban for them?
You see, we can't count on ourselves to get rid of this regime anymore.
Iranians outside of Iran are living comfortably and couldn't be bothered,
and those inside of Iran are too busy trying to get out. We may be stuck
with these mullahs for another 100 yrs. A sustained American military action
to get rid of this CANCER may be just what we need to free our nation from
these animals. It would be a gift from God. It might take a little longer
than the Taleban, but for all their vitriolic fury and hatred the IRI military
wouldn't last more than 2 or 3 months time. How refreshing an idea.
Indeed, in some of the recent demonstrations in Tehran, there were people
calling for the US military to deliver the same fate to the mullahs as they
did to the Taleban.
* Incindiary sermons
Dear Mr. Nafisi; Your deductions and speculations couldn't be more wrong
and your attempt to raise reasonable doubt is useless. ["Ship
of fools"]
Have you seen the photos of Khamenei and Rafsanjani wearing the Palestinian
" head scarf " around their necks in almost all their public appearances.
Have you heard their incindiary sermons urging all Palestinians to fight
every minute of every day until Israel is destroyed.
Buttom line of the clear fact is that Khamenei and Rafsanjani are fervently
and openly supporting the Mid East violence as well as the destabilization
of Afghanistan in order to further secure their influence and continuesly
pull their strings. Just last week several tonnes of similar weapons were
shipped to Herat from Iran and are now in the hands of the war lords there,
as the coalition forces and the Afghan Interim Government are actually trying
to buy back those weapons from the war lords.
Do you think for one second that Khamenei, Rafsanjani and their cronies
in the so called neghahbaan and masslehat, actually would give a rat's tail
if the Americans bombed Iran's cities or people. I bet they would actually
welcome it, for it might, just might, extend their soon to be cancelled
lease, even if for a short while longer.
Mansour Amelli
* Laughing and crying
I love the article "It
rained at last. It rained at last." couldn't stop laughing
and crying. We need more writers like yourself. Good job!
Parisa Mohib
* Snot club
Siamak, ["If
it fits, you must pick"]
I had not laughed so much for such a long time. It took me to my past,
present and future. Do you ever flick your snot off your finger? So you
do not know where it lands.
Please respond, you should set up a snot club.
* Aakband = Unpacked
On Mr. Karim Emami's comment ["Open
question"]. In fact, there is a brand name that resembles the
AK in Akband, and that is Akaii. But I doubt it comes from that side.
The suggestion that the word originated in the Persian Gulf region seems
acceptable enough, but there should be a research done on the approximate
time that the usage started.
My personal theory is that the usage is from a distorted meaning. It
might have been "unpacked", meaning quite opposite of what it
is. The position change of K and N is quite possible, in the southern Iranian
dialcts, the soft and hard sounds often change their place.
I would not go with Mr. Perry's Urdu/Hindi explanation, although it sounds
good enough to believe. The aspirated Hindi "b" (bh) is usually
changed into either a P or a V in Persian dialects, and there is no reason
to drop the aspirated "K", since it exists in our dialcts. I would
say that the word Ankh Band in Persian would have become a[n]kh v/pand.
The issue is obviously open to debate at least until we have an approximate
date for the start of the usage of this word.
Khodadad Rezakhani
* Completely "understood" wrongly
I was reading some of your Rumi "translations".
Unfortunately a number of them are out of context and they have been completely
"understood" wrongly and translated based on poor understanding
of Persian language.
You must understand that reading and understanding these masrterpieces
needs special training and translating it even more difficult due to the
complexity of the English language. Please do not present this masterpiece
this way. Even Mr Khayyam the famous Persian-English dictionary collector
and writer did not attempt to do it.
Please do not disgrace this one a kind masterpiece. One example is here:
Saqi, I asked you for a simple wine;
Make it live; serve it to men who are free.
You said, 'A wind is stirring in the sky.'
Until it comes, my love, pour wine for me
This translation is completely "abdominal" and the translator
has lost the plot.
Kind regards
Dr M.R. Ghassemifar
* I continue trying to learn
Dear Dr. Ghassemifar,
Your note was forwarded to me by the editor of Iranian.com. I have not,
unfortunately, had the benefit of special training, other than what I can
gather for myself as I continue trying to learn the Persian language and
the subtleties of Rumi's thought.
One of the blessings of publishing on the Internet is the ability to
share a draft with strangers, receive feedback, and make corrections easily.
I have received many, many emails from strangers thanking me for the pleasure
the translations have given them, so I don't think they are entirely without
I also receive occasional emails with specific comments on mistakes I
have made. These are far more precious to me than the praise. I am indebted
to these many teachers I have not met, and I correct and revise my translations
in response to their comments. So I am eager to understand what exactly
is wrong with the example you have quoted, and also to know which other
poems have offended you so badly.
Zara Houshmand
* Kitchen culture
Although Ms Nemati and I are poles apart politically, we seem to have
a common opinion on the preservation of the Persian culture ["I must have
missed something"]. Reading Ms Sabeti's latest reincarnation
as a "food critic" ["Simple
yet noble piece of heritage"] reminded me of an old Iranian
adage "farhnag-e matbakhi" (kitchen culture). In this culture
your digestive system is the principal tool for flaunting your cultural
identity. Primitive at it may sound, it has had a "huge" following.
From Henry VIII to Aqa Khan to Helmut Kohl and through to our own Ms
Sabeti, all have seen something noble in devouring a grilled piece of flesh
and let their guts absorb the cultural heritage of their ancestral primates.
Sadly, the wretched beast, whose torn-up body is the subject of the feast,
receives no credit for this noble practice. Where are the icons of our cultural
heritage such as Rumi, Saadi, Ferdowsi, Hafez, Hedayat, E'tessami and many
more to see their message oozing through layers of fat and flesh?
* Hostile exchanges
As a casual reader of the poetry battles of the last few days, and an
admirer of poetry in general, I must say while I enjoy the literary exchange,
I am at the same time disappointed by the hostile and combative tone of
the exchanges. ["As
soon as someone opens his mouth", "Trouble
detecting double meanings"]
Defending one's own poetry is the penultimate ignominy and the scourge
of so-called "professional" poets. (Hence my exalted view of poetry
not as a profession and even beyond an art.) So a word to all would-be
poets: let your poetry speak for you!
* Hope to read intelligent arguments
It has not been long since I have discovered Iranian.com and I am completely
surprised how refreshing and amazingly delightful it is. It is great that
an Iranian entity deals with such diverse topics in an educated and at the
same time entertaining manner.
I specially liked the recent articles and letters about poetry. The examples
of Azam Nemati ["I
can not stand it anymore"] and Hamed Vahidi [As
soon as someone opens his mouth] bring to mind the fact that no
matter how far we travel from home, we will be and practice the same (well
let me use Leila Farjami's sentence) grandfatherly practice of partial estheticism
and narrow-minded authoritarianism on what is "right" and what
To my understanding it seems that the Iranian society and its people,
generation after generation have failed to raise reasonable, and open-minded
people in Iran. It appears that our young men and women do not understand
the concept of a healthy critique, and it comes from lacking maturity as
a nation (recently a statistical research showed that Iranians are not mature
more than the age of a five year old while British are 13 years old -- this
research was to show how old, each nations maturity is, compared to children's
age) Azam Nematis and Hamed Vahidis seem to still live in their tribes where
the head man (in this case Hafiz, Iraj Mirza, etc.) say something and every
one has to live by the same rules year after year and generations after
So when a Leila Farjami arrives with her style of poetry, Nematis and
Vahidis do not see the need to re-evaluate their prehistoric thinking and
ideas and when Sheema Kalbasi arrives with a poetry style that presents
both classic and modern poetry, Vahidis still cannot accept that although
Hafez, Molawi, and Bahar or Nima Youshij are long gone, Kalbasi does present
our new poets, generation, with softer and even more delicacy compared to
a (n) Etesami.
I think a mere acknowledgement of our generations, poets would do a lot
to win optimism, something we really do not have and are not familiar with
as a nation!
I hope instead of articles and letters of shallowness by Hamidis and
Nematis we read intelligent arguments from some people who do not bring
their BA in Persian literature (Azam Nemati) or so called compared poems
to Tagore and Hafiz (Hamed Vahidi) as examples.
I am sure Partow Nooriala can bring all the books her poems have been
published in, Laleh Khalili her PhD, Forugh Farokhzad her movies, books,
Sheema Kalbasi her poems taught in universities and her golden pen for winning
poetry, Leila Farjami her book of poetry, her interviews, and the invitations
to read her poetry with her beautiful angle voice.
Mohammad Ashkan
* Shrug off personal attacks
I enjoyed reading your poem "Grave"
and I find it creative and well written. I am sorry to hear/read that the
abusive language of some e-mails has victimized you.
In your last letter to The Iranian, you quote a part from a Mr. or Ms.
Parkhash's letter: "However, as you have mentioned in your letter,
the works of Leila Farjami, Sheema Kalbasi, etc. are far from being
qualified as poetry as they are often un- linked pieces of prose that
have been chopped off into single or double lines. I hope I have not given
you a headache but I thought to share my views."
Dear Hamed, regarding this person and his/her note, I would dismiss his/her
letter at once. After all, how could one take this person seriously when
he/she does not even sign a name at the end of the letter he/she
sends you and has such poor spelling yet permits him/herself to construct
others' literary works!! I for one find this person "far from
being qualified" to judge any body's works!
In your other letter to The Iranian, what I liked most was where you'd
written: "First and above all, have faith in your work. If there
is a severe flaw in your work, the ultimate judge would be world literary
community", not just Iranian.com. Second, do not be afraid of criticisms.
Many years ago, my father told me similar words. He also advised me
not to take others' praise or critique too seriously because I'd never know
what their real intentions, thoughts or knowledge of poetry and my literary
works are. I have been both praised and criticized for my writings.
Of course every single one of them is entitled to their opinion. While
I am encouraged by kind words, I try to take constructive criticism into
account and shrug off personal attacks (as examples of these personal
attacks I use two of your own sentences where you address Mr. Khalili and
Ms.Farjami and write: "I did not drop from an apple tree yesterday,
but I guess you did.
And "These sumgs certainly have more class than you have.)
and dear Hamed Vahidi, neither praises nor critiques affect me in doing
what I love to do and that is creating literary work. After all, positive
or negative, these are only words and as you nicely put it: "the
ultimate judge would be the world's literary community."
I wish you further success with your writings.
With Kind Regards,
Sheema Kalbasi, USA
* Khod bozorg bini
This letter "A
good poem resembles a melody" and the opinion article "Crimes
of poetry" wrapped in eloquently formed, and mostly borrowed,
words and phrases is nothing but another attempt to convey the "naneh-man-gharibam"
mentality of some, yes, self called critiques.
It seems odd that putting all the poets of past and present decades and
all their poetry do not satisfy the taste of Mr.Vahidi.
He asks readers, is it the job of a poet to stack a number of bricks
and create a dry, rigid and senseless form that he/she alone knows its hidden
meaning OR to design a beautiful structure that is meaningful and appeals
to all sorts of mentalities? And he answers to his question by saying: yes,
"Before I get to the meat of the issue, let me just say that I am not
a novice in the art of poetry and every one hear-hear, here are my two incredible
poems, "Grave and "Beloved. What our dear Vahidi forgets to write
for his readers, is the fact that he is not only not familiar with the concept
of poetry but he has Never written a Persian poem in his entire life, which
makes him all the more un-knowledgeable.
Professor Safa, a great personality in the Persian literature, new all
the facts and bases of poetry, he even published a book of his Persian poetry.
One day he simply put a stop to writing poetry. He was asked why and he
answered because "I do not have the talent and creativity to write
poetry, I know the rules and regulations, and of cores I can write poems
but they will never be as great as those poets works that have the artistic
soul of a poet.
One cannot expect the world of poetry to be 100% correct and it is so
typical of how we Iranians have many grandiose claims yet fail miserably
when it comes to execution. Unfortunately many so-called cultural elites
have spent such a long time away from genuine Farsi language that just because
they use Persian words they think they can be good judges to the poetry
works of our dear and respectful poets like Farjami, Kalbasi, and Khalili
or past decades poet Nooriala, Farrokhzad, etc.
People like Mr.Vahidi whom seem to suffer from "Oghdaye Khod Bozorg
Bini" and extremism have abused us, politically, economically, and
emotionally, etc. as a nation and throughout our history. Considering the
past, and how poets have been treated or mistreated, we should try a gradual
change, otherwise we destroy, and hurt and all that on baseless and novice
reasons. The one thing that we Iranians have plenty of and are proud of
them too is our poetry. If Mr.Vahidi wants to attribute a statement why
is it that he is passing judgment on others poetry and their personal and
poetic characters and doesn't come out with examples from his own?
Siamak Sadri
* You need to be updated
I like to make a comment about some people who call themselves 'poetry
critiques'. ["Crimes
of poetry" ]
A Mr.Vahidi makes generalizations, which may not be true in the experience
of other people but he still finds it lawful to write about our beloved
literary writers and poets.
On behalf of all Iranians with reasonable taste, I would like to express
my utmost gratitude to Nooriala, Kalbasi, Shamlou, Khalili, Farrokhzad,
and Farjami. Unlike Mr.Vahidi I find reading Shakespeare, Pushkin, Iraj
Mirza, and Etesami boring, distasteful and harsh.
Vahidi writes, "A good poem creates a sense of weightlessness in
the reader. The reader experiences a sense of physical and spiritual freedom.
Of course, sometimes you have to sacrifice rhythm and melody for meaning."
As a person who has studied in Iran and have my BA in the Persian Literature,
I find Kalbasi, Khalili, and Farrokhzad poetry soft and beautiful and in
touch with reality of a woman's nature. Their poetry - especially Leila
Farjami's - is extremely refreshing and in touch with today's problems and
new concepts.
Mr. Vahidi you write that a good poem has superior meaning and great
style and it does not need to have rhythm and rhyme to appeal to human spirit
or sound like a beautiful melody so why don't you check Kalbasi's Man o
To or Yad
Kon. Why do you write to her to quit sending me (I guess you mean
Iranian.com and not you as a person) your classical poems just to prove
I am wrong, when you Mr.Vahidi, know that her poems are taught in universities
of India, and she is a well-established poet?
I am sure a poet as talented as Ms. Kalbasi does not need to prove anything
about her creativity to some one like you whom lacks not only knowledge
but also true documentation for what he writes. I am not sure if you understood
the essence of Ms.Farjami's poetry or otherwise you have not had written
that she has been dropped from an apple tree yesterday.
You write about all the healthy correspondences that you have had or
still have with a number of scientists, philosophers and skeptics and that
you have been published in highly regarded skeptical journals. I guess you
do not know that Ms. Farjami has already published her book of poetry and
have been interviewed by a very famous radio station, etc. and Ms. Nooriala
was known long before you even could spell your name. I do not need to write
about Foroogh Farrokhzad since she is a known case but if you need to be
updated, let me know!
Despite the fact that you know your comments discriminate against the
poets of OUR time, you like to view yourself and your so called comments
the wise and the superior!
Zendeh baad Iran!
Mahsa Edraki
* Saram raa sar sari matraash
Dear Mr.Parkhash,
In your letter to Iranian.com ,you suggest that Mr.Vahidi's argument
is not against modern poetry as such but against, using Mr.Khalili's term,
the "trash" modern poetry and say that Hafez suggests: "Nah har
keh sar betaraashad..." In response to your letter I like to
say: "saram raa sar sari matraash aay ostaade salmaani keh har sar
dar saraaye khod sari daraad o saamaani" meaning you might not enjoy
the past and present decades poets' and their works and argue that their
works are bad, but your judgment is limited to your knowledge and perhaps
it is old fashioned or illiterate.
To presume that poets should not express their art and all these because
you and Mr.Vahidi are the two pro-claimed critiques of our time? And if
"art is not democratic" than you should be stopped to write or
create?! What comes next? Poetry Gestapo?
Babak Tayebi
* Most irritating
With all due respect for the useful information I get out of Hamed Vahidi's
; some articles are simply pointless!!! I guess that is the price of a truly
free site where everyone can contribute. I also guess that is invitation
for all the rest to respond.
In particular, I found his recent letter "As
soon as someone opens his mouth" most irritating and pointless.
Mr. Hamed Vahidi gives the concept of constructive criticism a bad name.
His piece, his two poems and his letters on the Iranian.com, don't give
any meaningful critique on the character of Farjami, Nooriala, Kalbasi,
Shamlou, Khalili, Farrokhzad's poetry.
If each and every one of us were to report the quantity and quality of
our last food intake (Hamed Vahidi keeps writing about his correspondence
with scientists and how his two poems have been compared to Tagore and Hafez
and his being published in journals, etc.) in THE IRANIAN, then we know
what comes next .....
* Bad language against Jews
It is amusing, if not disturbing, that two of the three replies to a
letter on monarchy ("Moft-khor
tourist attractions" by Yehuda Goldberg) stressed the author's
name, religion, and nationality ("If you are not Persian" by H.
Hakimi and "Listen
to his words" by Rashid Sardar).
In fact, of twelve paragraphs in the letter by Mr. Hakimi, six involved
Mr. Goldberg's nationality (and his right to take part in the debate) and
his religion (and the manner in which he may do so).
I find the latter (discussion of religion) particularly odious where
Mr. Hakimi states that "it is customary that the members of the Persian
Jewish community use more polite language." I wonder if, in his zeal
to correct our collective manners at iranian.com, he has also replied to
any of dozens of letters that have included numerous curses and put-downs
and generally bad language, most much worse than that used by Mr. Goldberg,
and many indeed written by avid monarchists? Or perhaps it is the Persian
Jewish community alone that is to be held to such high standards?
Further, just to make sure that the Persian Jewish community does not
take the right to participate (see above) for granted and becomes too uppity,
Mr. Hakimi hastens to add that Jews "are the last person[s] who morally
& historically can allow yourself to criticize Persian Monarchs, considering
the FREEDOM & the security the Jewish community in Iran have enjoyed
during 2,500 years of Monarchy." (This sentiment is echoed by Mr.
Sardar.) May I suggest two readings that might enlighten our readers on
the great "freedom" and "security" that my Persian Jewish
ancestors have "enjoyed?"
First the well-referenced book by Bernard Lewis (The Jews of Islam; Publisher:
Princeton) and second a rather detailed and well-documented history, in
Persian and English editions, by Habib Levy (Comprehensive History of The
Jews of Iran - The Outset of the Diaspora; Publisher: Mazda).
It is quite proven at this point that the record of Persia in the treatments
of its minorities (especially Jews) is at best spotty, particularly during
the past 400 years. But more importantly, in light of the historical discrimination
and severe limitations placed on them, my Jewish Iranian ancestors have
more than paid any "debt" they might have owed through their contributions
to sciences, medicine, industry, arts, and literature.
(As an aside, I wonder if we should then open ledgers for all those who
have come to Iran over that past several thousand years, group by group,
including the famous "Aryans," and demand that they too account
for their debt before they are granted the right to be undiplomatic or critical?)
Incidentally, I notice that many writers to the Letters Section use pseudonyms
or names that on first pass might appear unreal or not necessarily Iranian.
I wonder how often responses to these letters have included presumptions
and dismissive prejudices simply based on the authors’ names?
Or are Persian Jews the only ones chosen for such treatment?
It concerns me that some of our monarchist friends might not have fully
understood the meaning of equality, non-discrimination, and democracy.
I can only hope that there are more of them, the silent ones, that have.
Should Iran ever revert to monarchy, they then surely would not expect
"their" minorities to stand in front of them, hat in hand, polite
and with due reverence.
The saddest thing is that Mr. Hakimi and Mr. Sardar do make several valid
points on modern monarchy which are obscured and diminished by their unnecessary
and unhelpful comments on Mr. Goldberg's nationality and Persian Jews in
general. Too bad they could not avoid the temptation to put Mr. Goldberg
in his place.
I. I. Rahmim
* Don't need Pahlavi's instructions on democracy
Comparing the Pahlavis to the constitutional monarchies of Europe is
quite ridiculous self-delusion ["Pahlavi's
message is clear"]. Those are long-established and well-respected
dynasties lasting several hundred years, while the Pahlavis were installed
into power by foreigners and overthrown by the people in 2 generations.
Also, the fact remains that the European constitutional monarchies are historical
None of the European constitutional monarchies do anything constructive
except to waste tax-payer money and act as tourist attractions. Iran has
enough tourist attractions without the Pahlavis. As for corruption in Republics
- you speak as if there aren't any corrupt politicians in England or Norway
etc. What about all the scandals in British politics, some of which include
the Royals themselves? Republicanism is no guarantee agaisnt corruption
and neither is a genuine constitutional monarchy.
As for what Reza Pahlavi is saying - so what? He's not saying anything
that everyone doesn't already know. Nobody needs Mr. Reza Pahlavi come instruct
us about democracy, thank you very much.
So the question remains: what do the Shah supporters expect to gain from
their "constitutional" monarchy that they're pushing so hard?
A pointless, powerless, tax-wasting tourist attraction job for Mr. Reza
Pahlavi (which is what real constitutional monarchs do) Or do they have
more nefarious intentions merely covered up by their sudden concerns for
a "constitution"?
J Mohammadi
* Repeating the same tune
Dear supposedly, Real Mr. John Mohammadi,
I had promised myself never to reply to your letters. But this time for
the sake of records, as well as making you known to others who may fall
into your trap, & for the last time I should say that you are all the
time biting around the bush. Like any devote agent should, you never touch
any substance .
You keep repeating the same tune (DELBARE JANANE MAN, BORDEH DEL O JANE
MAN), since there is nothing else you are permitted to say. You are only
good for throwing mud around, the first duty of any IRI agent. You are paid
to create differences not solidarity. That is why you refrain from touching
any tangible substance, any meaning full argument that may make us unify
against IRI. Our unity is against the wish of your masters.
You have proved this statement of mine very many times. Even at this
last incident, did you clarify, that, how did you get hold of my letter
addressed to Mr. YAHUDA GOLDBERG? And indeed are you YAHUDA GOLDBERG ["Moft-khor
tourist attractions"] or John Mohammadi? If you are not YAHUDA
GOLDBER & indeed you are real John Mohammadi, what compels you to reply
to my letter to YAHUDA GOLDBERG? Save as an agent you are not suposed to
mkeep quiet, is not it?
For once, Mr. reall John Mohammadi, can you come out with a clear cut
You do not answer any questions put forward to you, as if there were
no questions asked.
And above all you act as a WOLF in the skin of a LAMB. You abuse the
lax attitude of our editor Mr. J.J. to take the gratis podium of Iranian.com
to carry out your subversive activities.
Let me assure you Mr. GOLDBERG or Mohammadi, that your effort is just
in vain, The true Iranian Patriots will get what they deserve sooner or
latter & the chaps such as yourself will have to find an empty cave
in BORA GORA to hide. For the time being enjoy your salary!!!!!
You say that I react to criticism? Did you criticize any thing? I wished
you did, you just came out with your emotions, if you are mr. YAHUDA GOLDBERG
at all.
H. Hakimi
* Winds of change
Book review: Winds
of Change: The Future of Democracy of Iran by Reza Pahlavi.
The majority of the political groups who came forward to contest the
leadership of the Islamic Republic were the same people who had their hands
in creating the mass hysteria which led to the current Mullah Republic.
As a result, not many people found these groups or personalities credible
enough to be followed.
Many Iranians rally around Reza Pahlavi as an Iranian Shahanshah because
traditionally he symbolizes Iranian national culture and Iranians have rallied
behind their kings after each and every national defeat. For such Iranians,
Reza Pahlavi in exile represents their national culture being dislocated
by lies, deceit, betrayal and malevolent intention of those Iranians greedy
for power and those foreigners greedy for the natural resources of our country.
This book redirects the reader from such thought to think about what
the author believes to be a more important issue, namely the step by step
process for the average Iranian to achieve a Secular Democracy, as opposed
who has the social credibility to be the leader.
It is for those who believe that the majority of Iranians are honest,
decent and kind. That they are simple people who were cheated. Their anxiety's
with regards to modernization were misled into a mass hysteria. They expressed
regret about what happened. They are being pressurized through terror and
they should have a way out.
Amir-Khosrow Sheibany
* What makes him qualified?
I have noticed many articles and comments regarding Reza Pahlavi lately.
I have some questions to those who count themselves among his supporters.
Before I begin, I would like to have it known that I respect your right
to your opinions and mean no disrespect with the following questions. I'm
just want to understand how many of you think.
First, what makes you think that he is qualified to be the future king
or president or prime minister of Iran when he has had no executive experience
and no expertise in any kind of jurisprudence? I understand that he has
a bachelor's degree in political science. That's great, but I know a lot
of people who have that same degree from UCLA and some of them have gone
on to the top law schools in the country. Those are some pretty good qualifications.
On to my second question (actually more of a statement), what does it
tell you about a dynasty whose founder, Reza Shah, was put into power by
a foriegn government; whose second king, Mohammad Reza Shah, was put into
power twice by foriegn governments; and whose successor, Reza Pahlavi, is
now seeking to be put into power by a foriegn government?
I may be wrong, but that kind of "following in your father's footsteps"
is one that I don't particularly care for. For all I know, Mr. Pahlavi may
indeed be a man of solid character, fierce intelligence, and strength but
he has not done anything to prove it. In his years in America, what did
he do? Did he start a charitable organization of any sort? Was he the executive
of some corporation? Was he at least the president of his class in his days
in college?
Now, I may be in the dark in this, and if I am, then please inform me
and your fellow readers of his qualifications to be a or the leader of Iran.
In my opinion, there are plenty of Iranians who not only possess all the
great attributes of a leader, but have shown those attributes through their
achievements. Many of them are in Iran right now. Sincerely and respectfully,
Mazda Aghamohammadi
* Got what he deserved
It is amazing to me ,that with so many intelligent,honest,decent people
available to the shah , they could not changed this man's behavior. To him
some brainless people like Alam, Zahedi, Fardust or Nassiri were more important
to him than Mossaddegh, Hoveyda or others. He got what he deserved.
* Very proud of my country
Dear readers, Assalamualaikum and Hello.
I am a Half-Persian, Half-European Muslim, I live in Great Britain.
I have followed numerous posts on discussion forumns and numerous letters
on netzines, on the topic on the future of Iran; a country, that I myself
am proud to have links to, and that I one day, hope to visit. But, it seems
a country with so much turmoil in its' past, and so much uncertainty in
its' future.
On reading many of your comments on outside interference, I agree. The
future of our (if I may refer to it as "our", I do not wish to
insinuate that I have an in depth understanding of Iran, or that I have
experience of living there, but I do wish to identify myself with the country)
country should be the choice of those who wish to live within it, and those
who live within it now; it is all very well and good foreign politicians
and exiled opposition leaders telling us to "rise up"; but it
is not they that will have to live in the ashes of a revolution.
It is to this end that I voice my agreement with the notion that reform
must come from within: Iran has faced so many difficulties in the past-
Western, then CIA and MI5 involvement caused the political turmoil and infighting
that resulted in the Islamic revolution. And then further interference that
resulted in the massacre that was the Iran-Iraq war.
I think that, when people criticise the development of our governmental
system, they fail to realise that our democratic system, has only been in
place for less than half a century. Western democracies took centuries to
develop. And, I think, that perhaps they expect the same from Iran in a
much shorter time frame.
It upsets me, when I hear people speaking badly about Iran, I'm very
proud of my country, and I only want the best for it in the future; I may
not necessarily know what is best for it. But i don't want that to stop
me from trying to find out, and supporting, what is.
I look forward to discussing, debating and contributing to this, and
other topics with all of you. Inshallah.
Peace, and Allah be with you.
Iskander Khaleeli
* Magnificent
Thank you for posting these magnificent photographs of Persepolis.
Would that more people knew and appreciated the beauty and meaning of these
glorious treasures of ancient Iran!
Gene Paul Strayer, Ph.D.
* Looking for a good job
I had a question be glad if you answer me. I am a software engineer student
of Sharif University I'm finishing my education and looking for a good job
and prefer work in Canada or USA if you can help me or know somewhere that
can help me?
Thanks a lot,
* Want to know
My name is Fatema a 4th year student majoring in Information systems.
I want to know about shah Reza... could you please help me to find informantion
about him? About his childhood. his wives and why the Iranian nation doesn't
like him. What did he do exactly? Furthermore I want to know how he died.
Thank you for your help.
Fatema Al Khory