Letters January 2006 Separatism should be respectedOn Amir Nasiri's "Iran is not Yugoslavia": On your letter dated January 27, 2006 on iranian.com, "Iran is not Yugoslavia" you had made some revelations that were very interesting or perhaps shocking. "the Azeri separatists are operating within the country of Azerbaijan and are funded through CIA as well as the state of Israel." Please when you make such revelations, indicate the sources you have or what evidence you have as far as CIA or state of Israel, being with involved Azeris separatists. Otherwise please do not make such accusations. Until Iran respects all points of views, as well as separatists, it will not be an Iran that we would want to live in. Separatism should be respected as well as any other form of political views or opinion. Time for bullying or intimidating others are over with. Azeris, Khuzestanis, or Kurds should only be a part of Iran if they (not others) choose to. If any members of those ethnic group feels that his or her ethnicity is better off being independent or a part of another country, who are you to make him or her a bad person, or an agent of Israel or CIA or whatever. Until people like you are mature enough to deal with different points of view, the democratic process in Iran or anywhere will not move forward. How fucking dumbOn Iran and possible World Cup ban poll: Why the fuck do you even starting about shit like that and give ideas to others? How fucking dumb are you guys? Am Mo Stirred up emotions usually tucked away insideOn Kodi Khadivar's "Unforgettable": As an American-Iranian my daily life is distant from life and culture in Iran. I am probably not alone in saying that your photo essay stirred up emotions usually tucked away inside. I bonded with your story and photos as if I had traveled to Iran myself on an imaginary journey. Thank you for sharing this story and especially the photos. Music fan in AfghanistanOn Iranian music: At first I want forward my best regards to Iranian singers, and wish is that to be accepted. I am from Afghanistan and writing for Iranian singers because of that I like all Persian songs. And hearing them always. So I am great full of all Iranian singers. Listened to it a hundred times alreadyOn music clip "First Iranian National Anthem". See news item: Thanks for the putting the old Iranian National Anthem, I think I have listened to it a hundred times already.... First national anthem?On music clip "First Iranian National Anthem". See news item: All I have to say is that if you listen to it carefully the first 12 seconds it is basically stolen from George Bizet’s work called Carmen Opera and played in a different octave. Needless to say Bizet was French and incidentally the French called this opera “vulgar and boring” and never liked the original version of Carmen until Bizet died! So the sleazy French composer who was assigned to produce a national anthem for Iran most likely wanted to stick it to his majesty Mozzafareddin Shah who spent most of his life in Tabriz waiting to become a king, a lard ass who would be a king. I assume that the French composer’s intention must have been to make Iran to play for the rest of its history a national anthem that is a reflection of a French music, yet a stolen version! This I think is a prime example of how the French and the British always tried to leave their footprints in our history. I think for the Islamic Republic to allow this piece of crap to be played shows their lack of creativity and nothing more is expected. Avaareh dar TorkiyehFrom an Iranian refugee in Turkey: Salam hamvatan, Man yek zane javane bardar (Hamele)gorixteh az jahaname jomhuriye eslami hastam ke aknun dar keshvare Turkiye be onvane yek panahjoo dar sharayete besiyar saxt va taghatfarsayi zendegi mikonam va hichgune poshto panahi nadaram va montazere javab hastam , nemidanam ke chekar bayad bekonam va be pishnehade yek hamvatan tasmim gereftam ke be shoma nameyi benevisam va az shoma darxaste komak konam. ba tavajo be inke man aknoon dar sharayete besiyar saxti dar hale zendegi hastam va bardar mibasham va ba naresayayihaye ziyadi dar in havaye sard ruberu hastam az shoma darxast mikonam ke agar az dastetan bar miayad be man yari beresanid. In a word...On Nikahang Kowsar's cartoons, "Seriously funny" : Brilliant! Abdollah "Ettelaa'ati"On Amanpour from "prominent Bahai family": The point is that Abdollah Shahbazi the "well known historian and researcher " is also an "Ettelaa'ati". Q: What is the opposite of Fidel? To be good or to be godly, that is the questionOn Sarah's "Good is not good enough": I was reading "Good is not good enough" and feeling... well, bad. It seems like the ground zero of this morality discussion was the conduct of women of Iranian descent. Their alledged goodness deficit is linked to a similar deficit for Iranians worldwide. And, finally, in Sarah's article, we have the added assertion that the Iranian goodness deficit is the absence of God in our lives. To all this, I offer the observation that Iranians have been publically worrying about corruption "fesaad" in the pages of the press for over a century. Sometimes the culprit has been an absence of religion, sometimes a lack of education, sometimes extremism in religion and sometimes the infiltration of foreign elements into formely pristine Iranian culture (There are many alledged culprits here: Arabs, Mongols, Turks, Jews, British, Russians, Americans and Afghans -- though, oddly enough, no one blames Poland. At least not yet.). Often, the specific examples of the effects of social corruption have focused on the conduct of Iranian women: as if they are the best barometer for Iran's moral health. They wear veils or they don't. They are too shy to interact properly with men or they are too seductive. Through all this, I have to wonder about the assertion that Iranians, in fact, are less spiritual and godly than ever. Pilgrims braving the political uncertainties of Iraq to visit Shi'ite holy sites, the persistence of certain religious minorities despite the fact that Iran is and has been an overwhelmingly Islamic culture, and even the reported exploration of alternative forms of religious experience by Iranians (like sufism or non-Abrahamic faith systems) suggest that -- one way or another -- God is on the mind of many. Plus, I must say, it is very difficult to stomach complaints about the politicization of religion in Iran (true though it is) while suffering through a political moment in America dominated by right wing Christianity. "No salvation without Jesus" and "No God but God" can be affirmation of one's spiritual path, or, a smug assertion that others are damned or, at the very least, morally suspect. Sarah and Alireza [Where are our good girls?] have built from three baseless assertions (Iranians are godless, the godless are immoral and the behavior of Iranian women is both bad and the best evidence of the previous two assertions) a platfrom from which to look down on others. Well, down here there are may good people who make mistakes, many religious people who have their doubts and many freethinkers who lead exemplary lives. I guess we'll leave the final judgement of how "truly morally good" we all are to you. Assuming, of course, God doesn't mind the power you have arrogated to yourselves. Just a way of lifeOn Alireza M's "Where are our good girls?": Dear Alireza, I can only agree with you in that we have lost our identity and the problem is compounded when we move to various countries around the world. You make it seem as though if we were to become good moral faithful Muslims suddenly all our problems would disappear. You make it as though the faithful have an easy time meeting each other, marrying, having kids and living happily ever after. Islam is neither the beginning of everything nor the end. It's just a way of life. It is possible to be a good human and hate Islam. It is possible to be a monster and perform all your religious duties. It is possible to be a monster and hate Islam. It is possible to be a good human and love Islam to its deepest cores. So, the question is why nobody is allowed to criticize religion? The moment the first word is uttered, you can expect to hear things like "You've lost your way". Women and men are having problems and it's not because of just Islam. It's a combination of many different things. I am not going to argue that Islam is a terrible religion. But I will argue that the version we have concocted in Iran has many many faults. By version, I am not talking about Shia or Sunni. I can surely say that founders of Islam would be shocked at what has become of this religion. Nose job would also helpOn swim suit fashion photos of Sanaz "Swimming in freedom": The photo essay of Model Sanaz by Mehran A. was a great piece of work. Unfortunately, there was no biography of Ms. Sanaz included with the photo essay. Also, there is something wrong with Ms. Sanaz's belly button, and a nose job would also help her career. Hating ShiasOn Farid Parsa's "Ahrimanic impulses": It is ironic that you claim Shiism "thrives on vengeance and hatred." I would ask you to hold a mirror to yourself and ask yourself those is thriving on vengeance and hatred right now? You are the one hating on the religion of over 250 million people around the world, including over 65 million subscribers in Iran alone (if they are not all religious, which no one claims they are, they still subscribe to Shi'a Islam, and the love of Imam Ali can be found even amongst the rich elite of North Tehran). It is not we who hate, but you are amongst the ones who hate us. Imagine if a Muslim were to write something similar to what you wrote about Zoroaster or Zoroastrianism. You would quickly condemn him as a hater and a fanatic, and yet you easily do this about Islam and Shi'ism without even thinking of what is in your own heart. Again, 250 million Shias aren't the ones hating you, but you are definately sitting here with your vengance hating on them. Proper upbringing does not mean religion upbringingOn Alireza M's "Where are our good girls?": As the rest of you, I have read Alireza's article. I agree with some of what he said in the article but not everything. I grew up in an Iranian-American household and I understand a lot of where he was coming from. I am not by far a very religious person but I do believe in God. I believe good morals and positive ideas can be instilled in a person without religion. You do not have to be a devoutly religious person to know these things. Neither of my parents were religious but they both knew the difference between good morals and bad morals. They instilled this in me and my brother from a very young age. Now my brother did not marry an Iranian; he married an American. Does that mean he couldn't find an Iranian mate? Does this mean there were no moral Iranian women around? No, it just means that he found someone more compatible with him. I on the other hand married Iranian. Does that mean I could not find an American man? Does this mean there were no moral American men around? No, it means again I found a man that was more compatible with me. Does any of this mean that the respective cultures are more moral then the other? No, it just means that you found people who were more compatible with what you believe. All this aside, I do believe as children grow up they do have to be taught right from wrong. That means everything from sex, to stealing, to how to treat one another among other things as well. Some think you have to have religion to do this. I don't. I was not raised in a religious house but I was raised to the point to make good judgments because my parents taught me what was right and wrong. If you teach your kids right from wrong and build a solid foundation for them they will make the right choices. The youth in any country must be taught properly. This does not mean religion. I do agree religion does have a lot of strong values in them but if you do not have those values at home how can you expect the children to have those values. Children do mock their parents. Meaning what you do your children will do as well. I am scared to death at times as I raise my two small children because I look at myself and wonder what they will pick up from me. Then I think, my parents raised me with morals and positive values; so now all I have to do is raise my children with those same values. Questions that need urgent answersOn Iran nuclear crisis: The most appalling hypocrisy is now so routinely practiced by the West that it is never commented upon anywhere in the media. Both Britain and America have breached the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty by upgrading their nuclear weapons and are now preparing for Star Wars in space. Why have they not been referred to the UN? There are several questions that need urgent answers: - 1. By what right is the USA claiming ownership of space? They have stated categorically that they will "fight in and from space", so... 2) can vast stocks of nuclear weapons possibly be considered safe in their hands? 3) Both Israel and the USA have considered attacking Iran - which particular ethical and moral principle can be invoked to justify countries with stocks of nuclear weapons attacking another country to prevent their example being followed? 4) It is completely at variance with any logic that countries with stocks of nuclear weapons should be the ones to decide which countries can be trusted with them. Only one ethical principle can be justified - either all countries are entitled to them or no country should carry nuclear stocks. Do I trust the intelligence, integrity and morality of the leadership of the US? - Absolutely not, any more than I trust the leadership of Iran or Israel. Eileen Noakes Justifying Iran's nuclear programOn Shirin Ebadi and Muhammad Sahimi's commentary in the Los Angeles Times "Defusing Iran With Democracy":
She then proceeds to justify the Iranian nuclear program and suggested a slap on the wrist for IRI. In conclusion she writes: ”Lastly, the U.S. and Iran should enter direct negotiations. It is simply absurd for the U.S. and the most important nation in the Middle East not to communicate directly. The Bush administration should not be seduced by exile groups with no support in Iran. Developing democracy is an internal affair.” As you are aware when the puppet masters gave her the Nobel Peace prize, on her ceremonial speech instead of addressing Iranian human rights violations, she criticized US and the Guantanamo Bay situation. Instead of defending human rights and campaigning to stop child execution in Iran, this so-called lawyer defends the IRI terrorist regime’s quest for obtaining weapons of mass destruction. The joke's on you!On Sarah's "Good is not good enough": I wish to inform you that I have not abandoned religion because of the IRI in general or dogmatic teachers in particular. I have abandoned it because it is clear to me that concepts of religion, ethics, and morality are but man made ideas created in order to deal with the problems of survival. What pushes many Iranians out of religion is the same realization, that through the hollow teachings of Islam you find out that the whole thing is but a facade to hide our confusion. I have realized that the more orthodox the teachings of a religion, the easier for more people to see thought it all. And a question for you, how do you measure what god has the best moral doctrines? What is the tool that you employ to discern the differences? Is polygamy, for example, acceptable, or is to be condemned? Or you just "know"? How do you account for worldwide differences then? Believe me, the joke's on you! Society without moral values is dead societyOn Sarah's "Good is not good enough": I enjoyed reading your article, and i agree w/you 100%. i am also one of those who came here 30 years ago as a moslem, and after losing a beloved brother in the revolution, I finally turnend around around by 1982 when I saw all the government atrocities against people even those who revolted. However, i always say that islam is the best religion that i know after studying and participating in a number of religions. I am sometimes sad that I lost it, and I hate the fact these guys took my religion away. But, the foundation is there, and I know the importance of having a religion. That's why I allowed my American wife raise my children as Christians, since the alternative would not be good for future of my children (not having any religion). Attack on Iran? Highly unlikelyOn Bang Man's "Facing a predator": It is highly unlikely that Israel or the United States will attack Iran. Economics, Iranian nationalism and Iranian Xenophobia are the main reasons. Xenophobia is the hatred of foreigners. Iranians in the past 400 years have blamed foreigners for the problems of Iran. It was either the British or the Russians for some time. During the Shah's era the clergy was deemed spies of the British. In the 1950s and afterwards it was time to blame the U.S. There was a television series in Iran that made fun of this sort of Xenophobia called "Uncle Napolean", Daeejoon Napelon. It has become common in Iran to call a person who blames foreigners for Iran internal problems as being an "Uncle Napolean". The economic part of the equation deals with Iranian Oil. Iran is the 2nd largest Oil producing country in OPEC. The U.S doesn't buy Iranian Oil but others do. If there is a total oil embargo of sales of Iranian Oil, the supply of oil will go down in the world and the demand will remain the same. As a result Oil prices will increase. Gasoline, an oil by product will also increase in price. If we are paying about $3 a gallon now, we will pay $10 a gallon if there is an embargo and then an attack on Iran. This is something that the American public will not tolerate. During the Oil crisis of the 1970s people in New York were getting shot at the gas pump for the high prices of gasoline. Nationalism is another problem in attacking Iran. More than 60% of Iranians voted for President Ahmadinejad in the last election. The majority of Iranians accept Ahmadinejad's view of Israel, nuclear energy, and making Iran the guardian of the Muslim world. Let us not forget that over 98% of Iran are muslims. Even a hunger strike by former Iranian Prince Ray Pahlavi did not prevent the majority of Iranians from voting for Ahmadinejad. Iranians view nuclear technology as an Iranian right just as they did the nationalization of oil in the 1950s. With the United States being in Afghanistan and Iraq there are no more troops to send to Iran. The Europeans are economically attached to the Iranians. And the Chinese and the Russians have been bought by the government in Tehran. Iran will gain nuclear technology and maybe even nuclear arms. So what? Any attack on Israel is illogical. 20% of Israelis are "Israeli Arabs" who are mostly muslims. The Iranian government would not attack innocent muslims. We must conclude Iran won't attack Israel; Israel won't attack Iran, the US won't attack Iran, Iran will gain nuclear capabilities, and the world shall go on. The next step is to prepare for the muslim messiah, Mohammad Al-Mahdi. Well thought, well reasonedOn Siavash Roshandel's paintings, "First impressions": Thank you for introducing us to Mr. Roshandel's art. I am delighted by his range of creativity; his color pencils and other drawings on the Kargah website depict different sides to the artist as much as his skill with other media. But I must say among my most favorites are his quick ink portraits, specifically his first 4 portraits which you had presented. Looking at these images, felt as if I was put in touch with my long lost friends. His deep familiarity with his models along with his seemingly hasty impressions of them give the work it's communicative quality. Looking at these women and the gentleman in quick ink, is as if Roshandel had just a few minutes to capture his memories and impressions of these wellstudied people on paper before they left him for good. Well thought, well reasonedI thought you might like to know that your little 32 page comic book "Rostam Tales From The Shahnameh" has just been added to the Fine Arts Library, Harvard University! Thanks to all who have helped us with this tiny project. I am also pleased to announce that I just finished the story for the second issue "Search for the King" and it is in the hands of the artists now, and we hope to have it available in April. Bruce Bahmani Well thought, well reasonedOn interview with anti-war campaigner Abbas Edalat, "Iran, war & sanctions": Perhaps Professor Edalat's mathematical skills has enabled us to use Khayyam's principals to explain things in a simple way but in "NASR". Must support anti-war campaignOn interview with anti-war campaigner Abbas Edalat, "Iran, war & sanctions": I found the interview to be very informative, sincere and impartial in its content, with one single objective and that was to voice an opposition against destruction of innocent lives of ordinary Iranians - a nation whose only aim is to break out and break herself free from centuries of repressive treatment in the hands of those countries in the West. A nation that is trying hard to be in charge of its own political, economical, and industrial fortune but her enemies cannot accept this aim. Iranians have suffered for centuries because of frequent acts of treachery by some of the past Iranian/ Persian leaders like the Shahs who sold the nation to the foreign powers for their own personal gains. It is the duty of every person with a drop of Iranian/ Persian blood in his or her body to help the current campaign of Professor Abbas Edalat by joining his campaign and helping it to a successful outcome with cash donations, efforts in canvassing support, publicizing its aims and letting people know the truth about the real intention of USA current Administration for its aggressive intent against Iran. Professor Edalat in his interview with Foaad Khoshmood clearly crystallized the facts for all of us for which we all owe him a debt of gratitude for his time and his efforts in this regard and wish him luck. Got anything in mind?On Omid Parsi's "The calm before the storm": Hello Omid. I just finished reading your article on Iranian.com. I must say that it is well written, and presents a very well thought argument about our ailment. I should also say that the article's hopelessness for the future was overwhelming. I would like to have more hope in the future of our homeland, but like you, I'm afraid that I may be overly optimistic. Iran government, Iranian people or Palestinians?On Bang Man's "Facing a predator": Mr. Bang Man, Israel or any other country should and will get ready for possible war if there are some nuts out there threaten to destroy her. I don’t know why this is a surprise to you. But remember that Israel was not the one who started this nonsense of “wiping out of map” of any other country. Bold & right onOn Sarvenaz's "Napoleon mon amour": Sarvenaz is smart, sweet, and right on. It's a pleasure to read such bold and refreshing material. More about NapoleonOn Sarvenaz's "Napoleon mon amour": I just wanted to say how much I enjoy reading your story. I don't know if it's the story itself that I like more or perhaps the way you describe it makes it all more exciting... thanks again for sharing your experiences... I check almost every day to see if you've written anything new... I think you should write more often! I also think you should write about Napoleon's characteristics more... I feel like I really know since I've been reading your writings... A.M. Cheshmet koorOn Sarvenaz's "Napoleon mon amour"? Cheshmam roshan A.M Holding back?On Goli Mahallati's paintings "Pure passion"? I enjoyed this collection of Goli Mahallati's paintings, but more so, I enjoyed your eloquent article and was pleased to share some of the same impression. However, she seems to be holding back enough to make the viewer wonder. Is she afraid of censorship? Is she walking a fine line between art and porn? Is she emotionally balanced? Or is her primary concern simply the viewers' judgment -- in particular, family and those who know her socially? Looking forward to more, Licked & cleanedOn swimming suit fashion photos of Sanaz "Swimming in freedom"? This kind of "photoshop licked and cleaned" images are cold, empty and soulness. They don't produce any kind of emotion and "sentimento". They are not even erotic. So they failed to their intent! Sorry, I didn't like them at all. You need genuine and talented photographer as Jeanloup Sieff or Helmut Newton but unfortunatly they both are dead! A Model-Photographer combination is a very serious matter dear Sanaz khaanoom! Dariush, Rome. Teaching Amanpour a lessonOn Amanpour from "prominent Bahai family": Amanpour shouldn't have trusted the bloody bastards in the first place. She shouldn't have covered Khatami so much. Teaches her a lesson for trusting the IRI. I feel sorry for her to be subject to such stupid calumnies. I don't see what is wrong with being a Bahai to begin with but the IRI has been fooling the west for decades. Why trust their regime so much and praise their so called diologue of civilization? Looking for IropolyI'm looking for an old Iropoly set (from the 1950's I think) and your website is one of three sites on the internet that have ever referenced such a game... the board was made of wood, or something like it. I was smiling when I read your 2003 quiz that mentioned the game. I've never met anyone who remembered this game. Sincerely, BP cares about Iran?During the past month I have been eager to catch a copy of the recently released book about the Persian Empire published by The British Museum in London. The book "Forgotten Empire" is truly one the best books written about Persia and contains wonderful pictures that's just breathtaking indeed.
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