Letters March2006 Like we need more bad publicityOn Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar's "Crazy call" minutes after hitting several students with a Jeep on University of North Carolina's Chapel Hill campus: Hating any creature with a penisOn Jahanshah Javid's Women's Day photo essay, "No means no": I think every once in a while, hardcore feminists should be reminded that had it not been for a man's sperm, they would not have been conceived in the first place, let alone become a feminist and blame all their miseries on men. As Epicurus put it "Moderation in all things, excess in nothing", there is a limit to everything, yes men do have their faults, but so do women. So when are we going to draw a line and say enough is enough, when are we going to stop and think 'hey what are we really gaining by hating on any creature with a penis?' Ok so that was my 2 cents. Happy belated women's day. Nebulous punctuationOn Dottie Ferris Arfaa's letter, "Personal attacks ": Woe upon you, the people of Iran, when the so-called educated and above average citizens of the country who's hell bent on subjecting you to its notorious civilizing treatment -aren't makeovers all the rage on TV these days? - refer to your country as that "nebulous and distant eastern nation." Apparently 25 years of chummy relationship during the reign of the late Shah and close to 30 years of tension-filled fencing between Iran and the United States, not to mention the presence of a rather large immigrant Iranian population spread all over the US, has failed to make Iran and Iranians any less nebulous than the Klingan empire in that faraway galaxy, so the Americans like Ms. Arfaa desperately need Dr. Yelda's book to enlighten them to the ways of the little devils. Since I haven't read Dr. yelda's book I can't comment on fairness of Ms. Ghahremani's review, but I suspect she may have been ticked off by the same kind of malodorous condescending attitude that wafts off of the respected lady lawyer's letter. Or is she a surgeon? The punctuation in the sentence is frankly, well, a little nebulous. IsmsOn Leila Farjami's letter, "Merely a slogan": How true is Ms Farjami in suggesting to Ms Namazie: 'I think the point should be to stand against all "isms" ...' ... including, one might add, feminism, poetism, self-aggrandism, egotism, communism, Marxism, Maoism, anarchism, and the field in which both ladies are specialist: Nonsensism! Doggie styleOn Leila Farjami's letter, "Merely a slogan": Mr. Parkhash: alhagh! your name befits you. What brand did you use today? Bad Doggie's Puree? Tell your owner to purchase a better brand to avoid your getting off the leash now and then. What do u do in life any way? Wait for people to say something you don't like and twist their words and pretend to have discovered something contradictory??? Ms. Namazie exactly knows what kinds of "isms" I am referring to. She is much more intelligent and insightful than you. Good Doggie, sit... sit... Targeting MKO and MonarchistsOn NIAC's action alert "Should the US fund Iranian TV and opposition groups?": NIAC's new poll asking Iranian-Americans whether they support the $75 initiatied by the State Department is another attempt by the organization to stifle legitimate efforts by the U.S. government to promote democracy in Iran. It seems to me that the members of the NIAC are pushing shadow political agenda - mainly restoration of ties with the Iranian dictatorship. They seem to politically bias information to Iranian-Americans who are largely apolitical to sway them to their own viewpoint without being honest with themselves nor the Iranian-American community. First, earlier the NIAC claimed that Senator Brownback proposed funding to MEK/MKO which he did not do. He proposed funding to legitimate pro-Democracy Iranian opposition groups both inside and outside of the country. MKO/MEK a State Department terror organization is not considered a legitimate pro-Democracy organization and would not receive the funds. Second, on their new poll they claim: "Proposed funding for Iranian opposition groups coincides with intensified efforts by the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MKO) to be taken off the State Department's terrorist list, in order to be eligible to receive a portion of these funds." What the NIAC doesn't state is that the MKO/MEK will receive none of the funding because they are and will continue to be on the State Departments list of terrorist organization so they're not a group that will receive any of the funding. The real question one needs to ask is why is a 'supposed' non-political, non-affiliated organization running initiatives on their website against the MEK/MKO and sometimes against Monarchists? Afterall if they're non-political and unaffiliated why target a political organization? Also, aren't members of the MEK/MKO and Monarchists Iranian-Americans? I'm not a MEK/MKO member nor a Monarchist and i'm certainly not claiming the NIAC is affiliated with the Islamic dictatorhip, but I find the NIAC's consistent tactics inappropriate and dishonest. If they want to take sides on political issues then they should come out and take sides instead of hiding behind a facade of neutrality.
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