Ready... set... go
Presidential candidates line-up for a race nobody cares
May 23, 2005
iranian.com TEHRAN -- “Nokareh
Mellat-e Iran” (Servant of the
Iranian people) stares back at me with that big, bulky frame and
insane looking slogan around his neck. Insane or not, his face
is everywhere: from a huge cut out in this morning’s Shargh newspaper,
to CNN, the BBC, and Reuters. What other publicity stunt could
get his face across every part of the globe like this? Just one
more person in the lunatic line up of president wannabes.
There is an eerie quiet and
frustration while people wait to see what may be lurking
ahead. There are mixed feelings towards Khatami. Most utter his
name with bitterness. “Oon ham keh hey qol daad o hich kaari
nakard” (This
guy just made promises he never kept). Nevertheless, we all know
that we won't get the chance to criticize the next guy as much.
When the Guardian Council declared the names of the
six notorious candidates, the silence was deafening. Even the taxi
drivers were
too bitter to mention it. Students just walked around shaking
their heads.
The news was not shocking -- we all knew it was coming. We
even knew of the letter that would follow asking the Guardian
Council to reconsider their vote. But none of that really matters
Eight years ago a small minority both inside and
outside the country ripped out their throats trying to criticize
this same selection
process. But when Khatami was making election
speeches, all that mattered
finally there was somebody
who seemed to be running against the unpopular status quo. Now
experience should tell us that one man cannot change anything.
With so many centers
of power and invisible hands at
work, what can one person accomplish?
Besides, Khatami is
one of Them. He stood silent and watched the
Zahra Kazemis and Dariush Foroohars wither away into a blur of
As a 20-year born after a chaotic
and raised during a bloody war, I am just weary of more bloodshed.
Democracy will not knock on our door tomorrow. Nor next year.
My classmates
can't even handle exchanging opposing points of view and are
they are incapable of cooperating as a group. Fathers and
are unable to listen to each other. Our neighborhood grocer sleeps
until late afternoon because he knows there isn't another
store for miles and we are desperate for supplies.
Khatami rose at a time people were going through
a cultural shift. I witnessed newspapers
flourish and then wither away. I was there to watch Bahram Beyzai’s “Arash” and
Davood Mirbagheri’s “Dandoon Tala”. Never before
had Tehran theaters staged art of such caliber. If anything, Khatami
gave us hope. And disappointed us greatly later.
I watched Culture Minister Mohajerni
entangled in a Monica Lewinsky-like scandal
with his sigheh. He did much
to compensate, but a good name only stays around once. Of course,
there is a long list of people who hide much darker
scandals without having even done a single
useful deed. Everybody knows they will not be made to answer any
time soon.
Before me I have the names and faces of
the six people I will see a lot of in the next few weeks. The
presidential race has started. But it doesn’t feel like
much of a race at all.