Dutch government's concession on Iranian asylum-seekers
The following received from Committee for Humanitarian Assistance to Iranian Refugees (CHAIR)
International Federation of Iranian Refugees and Immigrants Councils (IFIRIC)
Press Release
October 30, 1997
Dutch Government Backs Down!
For more information contact: Maryam Namazie, The Netherlands 31-064-637-380
Today, the Deputy Minister of Justice apologized for the misinformation provided to parliament regarding the fate of Iranian asylum seekers forcibly returned to Iran. Though the report on Iran stated that "monitoring" had shown that "none of the expelled Iranians experienced any difficulties," it was recently revealed that no such monitoring had occurred. The Islamic Republic had prohibited such monitoring from occurring calling it an interference in Iran's domestic affairs. This revelation forced the Ministry to call for an end to deportations until further investigations are made into the situation in Iran.
IFIRIC's intensive international campaign, its branch's two month sit-in in Rotterdam, its participation in the parliamentary commission and demonstration on October 20 and its leadership role in the refugee rights struggle, helped bring about that government's retreat. IFIRIC congratulates Iranian asylum seekers in Holland and all those who supported their struggle. Clearly, the struggle does not end here. IFIRIC calls upon all individuals and groups to continue their protests and actions until the following demands are met:
- a permanent cancellation of deportations to Iran
- the review of all casefiles
- the recognition of the right to asylum
Related links
* Iran News
* Complete list of Iranian
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