Asserting principles
U.S. gave impression that fanatics would be spared no matter
By Omid Parsi
October 12, 2001
The Iranian
"Why do they hate us so much?" This is an incessantly asked
question baffling all ordinary people and sending assorted liberal historians
and dim excuse artists to dig decades deep into the history of US foreign
policy for minor infractions and misdemeanors against our haters and present
them as a logical answer.
If there was no present context to this question, one would think that
"They" would refer to the Vietnamese or the Japanese that have
tasted direct senseless violence of hellish magnitude from America. Unfortunately
they are not the ones who hate us! Few people have thought that they hate
us because we have allowed them to. In that respect we only have ourselves
and our own ignorance (or naivete if you want to call it) to blame.
We created an Islamic Jurrassic park in Afghanistan by arming illiterate
Islamic militants against the Soviet Union, a modern superpower that could
have developed Afghanistan out of its sheperding economy. We gloriously
succeeded then but now we have to go get the dinosaurs. We created an Islamic
Disneyworld in the oil rich Middle East because we decided that it would
be fair to buy the oil rather than just take it.
At our own expense, we made low class trust fund kids out of savage Bedouin
tribesmen. Now we have to watch the whole lousy bunch so that their persistent
inferiority complex, cultural illiteracy, existential futility and general
lack of self-esteem does not lead them to spend their gratuitous fortune
and idle lives scheming to blow us up.
We are guilty of weakness. We are weak because instead of asserting our
principles, we have them up for "discussion". We appear weak because
we seem to be all "reason" and no "faith" or "instinct".
We favor "dialogue" after we have been kicked in the nuts.
When Khomeini condemned Salman Rushdie to death for his writing, the
British chose to "protect" him by putting him under house arrest
in his own country where thousands of Islamic zealots, our beloved imported
fellow citizens living prosperous and free lives in "Great" Britain,
vowed to carry out their holy duty! That was an instance where our principle
of freedom of speech was "discussed" instead of "asserted".
The world would have a much different perception of us if the British
would have made Knomeini's right to exist conditional upon his retraction
of his senseless "fatwa". (Khomeini, long considered to be an
uncompromising man of "faith", unequivocally decalred his cowardly
capability to eat his own words and "drink the cup of poison",
unfortunately only figuratively, at the culmination of the Iran-Iraq war.)
Trying hard to avoid "confrontation", our civilization has
presented itself as a bunch of spineless cowards. We gave a message to all
the savages of the backward world that they actually have more power than
we do, because we do not look like we have the guts to use our superior
power. We are a paper tiger incapable of "wrath".
We left Saddam Hossein off the hook, because we thought we would look
bad getting rid of a diminished blood-thirsty despot, thus we gave the likes
of the Taliban the impression that they would be spared no matter what.
We are guilty of not being able to show that we can literally unleash more
destructive power than god. Maybe if we did the Islamic bushmen would see
a real life miracle and bow to us, as the hand of god.
